Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Third Times A Charm?

Today was attempt #2 at the 4D ultrasound...and once again, no luck. We did find out that since my u/s last week, Brayden has gained 10 ounces! Can you believe that? For those keeping track, Brayden now weighs in at 2lb 13oz. He's also head down now. Also, when they measured my stomach I was measuring at 31 weeks. We are going to give the ultrasound one more attempt on Monday...please pray we can get at least one good picture of him! Also, we made some very important decisions with my doctor today about the birth and it's not something I want to share yet, but I'm very excited!

I was so sad that when we went to lunch I actually cried! Pathetic, I know....and really, I'm just so glad he is healthy and doing well and that is all that matters. But for some reason, I keep getting my hopes up about this picture and I feel like I'm letting everyone down when I come home empty handed. I've never heard of anyone else having this problem and I feel like it's my fault.

OK, enough of my pity party. For those who've registered or been shopping at Babies R Us I wanted to share a little nugget of information with you that I learned yesterday. Ever since BRU deleted my registry, I've been checking it everyday just to make sure it's there. Well, yesterday while I waited for it to load (btw, is that not the slowest site ever?!) I saw an advertisement for their Rewards Club. It's free to join and you can earn Reward Bucks and special coupons. I was bummed out because we've already made several purchases there and then I noticed that you put in for Retro Credit requests. It let me use about $700 worth of receipts! You get $5 reward bucks for every $150 you spend (not a lot, but still...). I thought I'd share this with you all because when I registered no one mentioned it to me.

In other news, a huge congrats to my best friend Amy on the birth of her son today! Landon was born around 10am and weighs 5lbs 6oz. I'm going to go see them tomorrow and hopefully I will remember my camera! Please keep Amy in your prayers as they are keeping her until Friday so they can try and get her blood pressure under control. My mom had the same problem with my brother and I and I know how hard that must be!

Shower #2 is this weekend and you know me, I'm so nervous about it. My grandmother is coming in tomorrow from back home (Northern California) for the shower and is staying through Thanksgiving. I really wish I had family here. It's just the four of parents and brother and I...and sometimes I really miss having family around. My cousin is also due in January and it would be so nice to go through this with her.

Well, that's it for now. Sorry I don't have any pics to share. =(

Edited to Add:
Please go check out Lianna's blog for a GREAT giveaway! Also, be sure sure to check out her Etsy Shop - the link is in my Favorite Sites List.

Edited again: If you watch 17 and Counting (the Duggars show), you saw my Dr's office and my wonderful ultrasound tech Teena!


Robin Lynn said...

Don't feel guilty. We tried three times with my son Cade to get a good 4d ultrasound with no luck at all. I did get several shots of his hand over his face and one peek of his chin!! hehhe I had to resolve myself to knowing I was cheating trying to see him early so I could deal with it!! hehe Good luck with everything!!

Kendra said...

Hi Jenna! Thank you so much for your sweet comment, and thank you even more for your prayers!!! I sooo appreciate them!
I have read some posts of yours before (I think I even commented on one about your faith during your fertility struggles -it really spoke to me) and I am so happy for you! You bring such a message of hope and faith to those of us who are still waiting!
Praying you get to see your son next ultrasound =-)

Bonnie said...

Hey Jenna -

Thanks for the nice comment! That is so thoughtful. I know we will get pregnant when its the right time. God has the right plan for us. I still have my other 2 babies! (2 brown chihuahuas) :) I have been off birth control for about 2 years & started taking Metformin & Clomid about 4-5 months ago. So, hopefully this will work!

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

That is soo exciting that you got to see him again, I can't believe that he has gained that much in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to be in your shoes. Thanks for the prayers. I was going to ask you where you go to the Dr? Sorry if that is too personal. I go to Washington regional... I know that a lot of my friends go to Parkhill.

Robyn Beele said...

I hope you have better luck next time! I am sure you are so glad he is healthy and gaining weight!! I am glad you told us about BBRU. I am going to register there this weekend. Thanks!

Watkins Wackiness said...

Don't feel bad at all... my friend Keri tried several times and couldn't get a 4-D of her little boy which is now 7 weeks old... babies are such blessings!!! I wish you the best during this happy time.

Shannon said...

I love that show! :)

Sorry you didn't get a picture today. I know the third time will be the charm. :) We will all be praying!

Elaine said...

Just came across your blog tonight. Our infertility journeys sound similar...
I've had three failed IUIs and tomorrow morning I am having surgery to see if there are any underlying issues. From there we will decided to try IUI again or go to IVF.
Whatever we decide we won't be doing any treatments until the new year...I firmly believe that if God wants us to concieve with no medical intervention, He will allow that. Your story is such an encouragment to me.
May God continue to pour out his blessings on you, Elaine Sheldon

Lianna Knight said...

thank you Jenna :)

And I'm praying for success for your third try at the pic...maybe Brayden is a little shy (like his momma)!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I watched that show for the first time the other night. How cool! I'm sorry you haven't been able to see your baby boy in 4d yet. You'll be able to see him live and in person very soon! I can't wait to hear your news.

Jennifer said...

I've decided he just wants to suprise you when he comes out and doesn't want you to see him before then! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the next visit!

Yes, please do the cakes for Brayden! It's so much fun!! Plus, who doesn't love a cake from Rick's bakery?

The Allens said...

YES, Babies R Us has the slowest website ever. I can hardly handle it. In fact, yesterday, I was going to pull up my registry and just gave up...

I understand about wishing you had more family around. I live in Texas now, but I am originally from Ohio and EVERYONE I am related to (by blood) is in Ohio. It's difficult when you are about to bring a child into the world!

Finally, I am anxious to hear about your birthing decisions. I am glad you are excited about them and have a plan you are comfortable with. We are still working on that!

Emily said...

Ill be praying for you and your next ultrasound! He is just being shy and wants to come out and say "Surprise... arent I just the cutest:)"
I know your shower this weekend will be wonderful! Cant wait to hear about it:)

Megan L Hutchings said...

Please do not feel guilty ;). Even though the 4d ultrasounds are amazing, it does not do justice to the beautiful face you will see when he is born ;)!

I hope that you have a fabulous shower and that you get a lot of wonderful gifts ;).

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