Friday, August 21, 2009

Future Picasso

Tonight we went to one of those restaurants that has paper on the table so that you can keep yourself entertained while you wait for your meal.

It's even more entertaining when you let a 7 month old draw...

An artist in the making? Choosing his color...

A masterpiece...

You can only see the blue scribble ahem work of art in this pic, but for awhile he was going the two fisted route and there are some purple drawings on the other side.

We all say it about our kids, but I truly think I have a genius on my hands.


The Coach's Wife said...

Love it!!!!

Lianna Knight said...

He is so cute that I can hardly stand it...those cheeks just make me melt :)

tootie said...

How cute! I hope B will remember us when he becomes a famous artist ;)

Kodi said...

My cousin works at Zio's and she can write her name upside down on the table. SO impressive! :)

B man is adorable.

Anonymous said...

That is sooooooooo cute!

What kind of paci is that? I've never seen one like it, but it looks like it stays in better than most and that's one of our problems right now!

Anonymous said...

Perfection at it's finest! You need to frame that one.....what a cutie!

Meg said...

Definitely an artist in the making, look at that smile!

Lauren said...

If you would be soooo gracious, would love to have his autograph for when Brayden becomes a famous artist someday!!! haha :)

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