Monday, November 16, 2009

Baby Shower!

Yesterday I hosted a baby shower for a friend from church. Julie is expecting her little miracle baby boy in December!

I got the cake from my favorite cake shop. They did the cake for my wedding and one of my baby showers. I called way ahead of time and gave really specific instructions. Julie's colors are silvery blue, silver, black and white. So that is how the cake was supposed to look. Well, they got most of the look right, but totally messed up the colors!

All I can say as at least it wasn't pink! And, they did do a few things to try to fix it like switch out the monogram to a silver one, add a silver bow and add some silver dots. Oh, and the all-important filling was correct! Chocolate on chocolate - Julie and my personal fave!
A girl that goes to church with us, Robin, makes the gorgeous cookies from scratch! Aren't they beautiful? And they taste as good as they look!

Another friend from church made this adorable diaper cake!

The table:

Julie opening gifts!

The shower was so much fun! Unfortunately, as people were arriving we had a sudden downpour of rain and several people got soaked! We went from sunny 70-75 degree temps last week to a possibility of snow tonight and tomorrow! Crazy Arkansas weather!


Mandy said...

Even though they messed up the cake it looks very pretty. And those cookies! Oh my...what a lot of work...but they are adorable.

Crystal said...

I love baby showers! The table looks great and so does your new hutch!

beckylbranch said...

Wow! what a beautiful shower and the cake still look so yummy!

Sonya said...

Glad the cake still looked nice even though the color was wrong. As long as it tasted good no one will remember the colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shower for a beautiful mom-to-be! I'm so happy for her!

Lauren said...

Soooooo cute!!!!!!! :) :)

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a beautiful cake even if it wasn't the right colors.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I love the cake even though it was not right! I am hosting a baby shower this Sunday and I am making a diaper cake!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for hosting! i think everyone had a great time! hopefully my game wasn't too lame! ha!
jess n

How "Sweet" it is... said...

Wow, it looks like I missed a beautiful shower...I hope Julie got lots of great stuff!

Lianna Knight said...

Everything looks great!! And the hutch looks perfect too :)

Erin said...

those cookies are AMAZING!!! i love them and wish i had someone like that close by!

Heather said...

Bummer the cake didn't come out the way you had hoped but it still is super cute! And I just LOVE those cookies, I know u have posted pics before of those beautiful cookies and they are just too cute to eat!
Heather~ On the Homefront

Jennifer said...

super cute..loved the cookie and the cakes but your hair is far my fav;) LOVE IT!!

Guy and Julie said...

The shower was just gorgeous--I am so honored by everyone's hard work and generosity. I had the best time--it was a very special day.

The cake was so pretty and yummy--I actually just finished eating a piece :)

Thank you so much for hosting it and for putting so much time into planning it. I really really appreciate it more than I could ever say.

The Proctors said...

It was so nice to finally meet you at the shower! Thank you so much for hosting it. Your home is so beautiful! The cake was delicious too! I know Julie was very pleased with everything!

Kim said...

Such a cute baby shower! The cake did turn out adorable but it's so frustrating when they don't follow what you want!

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