As you all know, Brayden was on a special pre-digested formula called Neocate because he had been soooo sick and had such a hard time eating. Well, Sunday I started giving him rice. He didn't seem to have any issue with it. I went to get my new RX of Neocate and the pharmacy told me that they couldn't fill it anymore because the insurance wouldn't pay them enough to cover their cost. What?! Oh and did I mention that when the insurance was supposed to send a THREE month supply they sent me 8 tiny cans? I'll go through that in 10 days!
So I called my doctor's office and Chris ended up speaking to our pediatrician (whom we adore!). We asked if we could try out Soy formula (B's lactose intolerant). Then Chris tattled on me and told him that I've been giving B rice. He was thrilled! He said it was so great that B was handling it and that was a good sign that he would be able to tolerate soy formula.
So we got this:

And B is a happy camper! So now he's on Big Boy Formula and Big Boy Cereal!
For those that asked about my shoes, I took a pic but haven't uploaded it yet, so I'll leave you with a hint...they have bright red soles. That should be a big ol' clue for you avid shoe fans!
How great that he's on regular formula now! Girl, did you get some Christian Louboutin's!?? Can't wait to see the shoes. :)
Wow! Brayden is getting so big and healthy! Great news! I can't believe you got Louboutin's, you are a lucky girl! David Yurman and Louboutins! New things really are nice to get!
aw that is soo good to hear!!!!!
YEAH for Brayden! That is great that he is feeling and healing well enough to move up on the food department.
yeah:) yahooo:) What great news and cant wait for the shoes post:)
Yeay for Brayden!!!!!
I told Scott that I felt like I had a full time job just constantly following up with our insurance and hospitals to make sure everything got covered correctly. Thank goodness we have good insurance but you have to stay after it! It's my first time ever dealing with any kind of medical claims so it's been fun!! :-)
Way to go B!!!! I am so happy that he is doing so well on the formula ;)!
So glad he's eating well and doing great!!! What a blessing you have Jenna :)
glad he is tolerating the rice cereal! soles can only mean one thing! I'm jealous!
Hi - I found your blog through Kelly's awhile back (prob around when your son was born). I am so happy to see that he is so healthy now - I can't even imagine what y'all went through at the beginning. He is too sweet! Hopefully he continues to do well with that soy formula - that is the same one I switched my daughter to and it was like night and day for her. It was WONDERFUL!
Feel free to stop by my blog sometime if you feel like it - that way you can see my family as well and know that I'm not some crazy woman :)
I've been reading your blog for awhile now, but I have never commented. Today, I cannot keep quiet.
LOUBOUTIN's!?!?!? Green with envy over here. :)
That's so great!!! Insurance companies can be a nightmere...I hate that they rule so much of the world!!!
Yeah!!! Frustrations are blessings in disquise! Similac is awesome! Glad he is doing better! yeah B!!
What a big boy he is! That is FANTASTIC news! And the shoes?? SOO jealous. In a good way, of course! :)
That's great that he'll take a "regular" formula now! At least you can get it in any store rather than battling the awful medical insurance companies.
My DD was on Neocate for 8 months! We totally understand the insurance pains :-( We had to get a signed note from her Ped. that she needed Neocate to grow & thrive. It was very stressful when you can't just run to the store to get more formula!! She is now on soy milk at age 2 and doing great!! Glad to hear the new formula is working well.
Did u get some Betsy Jonhson shoes?
OK, please share your secrets on spending $$$ on those AWESOME shoes and not getting murdered by your hubby! lol! Cause, I sure would be if I bought some CL's!
So jealous of them and your DY bracelet!
Glad to see your little one is doing so well!
I have a question about the formula. I was told with my little guy NOT to use powder because it is less sterile. We had to buy the premade kind at first. Did your pedi mention anything about this? Are you using powder with your LO? Just wondering since premade formula is sooooo much more expensive.
HI, this is the first time I have visited your blog. Congrats on your baby boy! The reason I am writing is because the last time I heard about a similar situation such as your brothers it was mold. The guy lost tons of weight and had every specialist at Vanderbilt look at him and nothing. Until a friend of mine's dad (an ENT), but very up to date on environmental sickness diagnosed him. Just thought this might help if you guys are beyond what to do.
Great news on the formula!!
Great news on the shoes =)!!
So glad Brayden is getting so healthy, Jenna. He's just too precious!! Hope you are doing well, my friend :)
jimmy choo's!
oh oops you started talking shows and i forgot about the rest of the post. Wonderful they brayden is off the expenessive formula and doing so well. will keep your brother in my prayers.
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