Chris and I arrived in Atlanta on Friday. I've been to a LOT of airports and I have to say I think this one has the worst signage EVER!!! We had to ask three people (who all worked there) for directions to the car rental and didn't get the same answer twice!!
We finally found it...and they messed up our reservation. I was joking
on twitter that they stuck in the car from "Just Married" ... you know, the little European one. YIKES. We could barely fit our ONE suitcase, Chris' golf clubs and one duffel in it. My purse literally had to ride in my lap in order to fit. No joke.
Anyway, we had heard about this awesome outlet mall that was supposedly 30 minutes from our hotel. All I can say is that Map Quest lies. 30 minutes, haha! Try THREE HOURS!!! It took us 3 entire hours to get there. And because of it I missed dinner with Lianna and her friend Amy. Not cool.
When we finally made it back, we were starving so we ate at this little log cabin place down the road.

What they don't tell you on the front end is that the animals in the restaurant talk. So imagine us sitting here:

eating and minding our own business when a spotlight comes on over our table and the giant buffalo above our heads starts singing a song and talking. Of course everyone stared and I wanted to crawl under the table!!!
When we got back to the hotel I had a fun night of chatting with several bloggy friends (Erin from Blue Eyed Bride, Megan from Tales of Trees, Rachel (we talk on Twitter a lot) and Naturally Caffeinated Family).
That wraps up day one in Atlanta...more to come!