Miracle Blanket - First, thanks to all of you who offered to send me one! Thats very sweet of you. I just checked out their site and I found that the blanket I have that velcros is almost identical to the Miracle Blanket. It goes on the exact same way, the only difference is that it velcros so the loose end doesn't just hang there.
Crying It Out - I just want to clarify that I'm not a fan of this. I am however doing what my doctor recommended and letting him fuss for 5-10 min's before picking him up in order to avoid a pattern of behavior that could continue on into toddlerhood. I think what I wrote could have been misconstrude to read that I let him cry and cry and I just want to clarify that I don't!
Going Out - After Brayden's doctor appointment we learned that it is okay to start taking Brayden out but there are certain places he isn't allowed to go yet, because my doctor doesn't want anyone touching him. So yes, it's okay that we went out! I definitly wouldn't take him out if my doctor would have said not to. Right now we do not have the green light to go to church but once we do we will be there!
Last night actually was an improvement. He slept a little better in his pack and play. I slept on the couch and just got up to feed him, change him, burp him and comfort him when he got too upset.
Adrienne gave me a blog award! Thanks so much Adrienne!!!
The Lemonade Award:
Bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude. What you have to do...upon receiving The Lemonade Award, you pass it on to other bloggers who you think show great attitude and gratitude.

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate 8 other blogs which show great attitude and or gratititude.
3. Link to the nominees.
4. Let them know by leaving them a comment.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your reward.
I nominate:
Emily N