Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 Months Old

Today is Brayden's 4 Month Birthday!

I took this pic before heading out to his doctor appt and before he got his shots. Poor baby had to get shots on his birthday!

This was last months pic!

He did really great at his appointment. He saw the nurse practitioner for the first time. She didn't know that he had been in ACH for 5 weeks with PPHN and was shocked when I told her because of how great he is now. I don't think she was happy that he is on rice and applesauce but that's okay because his doctor is fine with it and he is tolerating it very well.
She tested his development and he was ahead on most things and on par with everything else...except he isn't rolling over. I've read that most babies don't roll over until they are 4-6 months old. She thinks that part of it is because I still have him in a sleep positioner, so tonight we are stopping that. Also, I need to give him more tummy time. He HATES tummy time and screams during it but she told me to just let him scream. We will see about that one...ugh.


Amy said...

He is precious! Just adorable!

Rebecka said...

He adorable. Such a little cutie pie!

Kodi said...

He is so cute! He has come such a long way. What a miracle!

Valerie said...

They just don't come any cuter. :)

Don't worry about him not rolling over yet. I have 3 kids and they all rolled over at different times. My oldest was NOT a fan of tummy time so I didn't force the issue. My thoughts were "if he screams during tummy time HOW will that teach him to like it?" What did work for me was to lay him (all of mine actually) on his belly on the boppy with a favorite toy to look at. It usually bought me a few minutes. Just try to turn tummy time into a game. Roll him over and make him laugh. Then roll him over again. He'll get it. If he screams his sweet little head off move on to something else. I am so not a fan of letting them cry things out. (I realize that is a popular method, and I don't mean to step on any toes. You just have to do what works best for you. Whatever method that might be)

Anyway, lengthy comment. Sorry.

Happy 4 months!

Ginger said...

I honestly have never given any advice to someone I do not know, but I have a 5 month old and 2 older children. The point is my 5 month old barely rolls over, she does sometimes but just seems to prefer watching her older siblings. In no time he will be rolling and doing tummy time with out crying. Do what you feel is right.

Sorry for being so bold, I only commented b/c I felt you may think you are doing something not right. He is so precious and perfect. Just enjoy him!!

Really I am a normal person so I do not mean to be so bold and presumptious. (sp)

Christy said...

Jenna I kept my son in the sleep positioner too and once I took him out he began rolling like crazy. I'd go to get him and he'd even be upside down. LOL! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Was there a huge difference in length? Reason I ask is b/c I was looking at his 3 month pic and his 4 month and he looks longer. He is so cute! I am glad you are all doing well. I've really enjoyed reading!! We don't live far from each other. My cousin is Robin Harper!! :)

Unknown said...

HI! I have been reading your blog for a while and enjoy keeping up with your sweet boy!
I have a one year old and he has been pretty slow on all of his motor skill developments. He hated tummy time too and I just let him do it on his own time and now he is crawling all over the place and doing just fine! They will get it whether it is what the doctors say is "on time" or if it is a little bit later:)
Good luck and God bless!

Kristi said...

He is so cute, and getting so big. I have twin 11 month old daughters and they still sleep or at least start out in sleep positioners and they are definetly rolling over and have been since 5 months. One of mine hated tummy time as well, but we would do it in short intervals and she learned to like it. I would also do tummy time with her laying on my belly so she could see me while she was doing it. That helped some. Do what you have to do and feel is best. He is not behind, everyone goes at their own pace, and I have heard boys take a little longer plus he had a rough start which was the same with my girls. They were 11 weeks premature and spent 6 weeks in the NICU so we are still behind some, only crawling no walkin and they will be one on June 2nd. Anyways do what you want and feel is best. But you are doing great.

HeatherOz said...

Oh Jenna! NONE of my 4 kids ever liked tummy time and I never participated in making them have tummy time. They all turned out fine (ahem...perfect). Laying on someones chest can be considered tummy time. Does Brayden like that? Try not to worry about it too much! He looks perfect!!

Lea Liz said...

He is so cute!!
Brody just turned 4 months old last week and he is not rolling over yet either. He hates tummy time as well, my dr said he would do it when he wanted to, so we will see!
How do you do rice cereal? I tried it for the first time with Brody last night, and he hated it! It seemed so runny to me?

Alicia said...

He is adorable! Happy 4 Months Brayden! My baby didn't like tummy time one bit either. We are doing Physical therapy with him (another topic) and I noticed that he didn't mind tummy time at PT. When at PT he is on a thick mat so I decided to put him on my yoga mat for tummy time at home. For some reason he likes tummy time better when he is on the mat. Maybe it is the different textures, or it is cooler. I don't know. But it maybe worth trying. I wouldn't worry about rolling over either. Every baby is different.

Joan said...

I am a pediatric PT and get babies who hate tummy time all the time. The boppy and being on your chest work great. You could also try holding him on your hip facing outward. If he is kind of leaning forward he is using all back muscles to keep his head up and keep from falling forward all the way. The lower your arm is around his chest (or eventually at his waist) the harder he is working. It does a lot of the same things as traditional "tummy time".

Momma Bird said...

My son HATED tummy time too so I would literally start with 30 seconds (I actually watched the clock it was that bad for both of us!) then I would love him to pieces after. We did this twice a day and slowly increased the time. Now I honestly can't get him off his belly and since he can roll that is how he prefers to sleep! Just a suggestion.

Meg said...

Jenna he looks so much bigger then last month! He is adorable. I think putting him down for tummy time and letting him scream it out is fine, if he hates it so much it will get him to roll over. ;)

Erin Parker said...

He is such a cutie! Ya know, my daughter didn't roll over until she was 4 months and 12 days! She also hated tummy time, and I think it's b/c she was spitty and it upset her stomach. So, she rolled from back to front first and then later in the day rolled from front to back. Why do I tell you this? Don't worry about it! He will roll in his good ole time and then it won't stop!! :-)

Jennifer said...

He is so cute! Don't stress about the rolling! I bet he rolls in no time!

Katie Spinks said...

he is such a cutie - glad to hear he is still doing so well!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I know that good reports are like music to your ears :)!

I love a little guy in jeans!

4 Lettre Words said...

He'll roll over when he's ready...and you'll be chasing him before you know it! :o)

He's a doll!

Danielle said...

My baby (Eli - 8 mo) hated tummy time too and didn't roll over until about 5 months. I was worried if he would ever like tummy time..haha! Now he spends ALL of his time on his tummy and crawls around. Don't worry about it much...they will figure it out on their own pace. He is precious and so glad he got a great 4 mo checkup! :)

Lianna Knight said...

He is so BIG!! And I just can't get over that little grin...precious!

The Allens said...

I had the same issue with Tummy Time! Then, a NICU nurse told me to put him on my exercise ball (or birthing ball) and slowly roll the ball. It sounds wierd and when you first put him on and start rolling it looks like he's hanging on for dear life, but Aaron LOVED it. And it did work for him. Another thing that worked was me laying on the floor and putting him on his tummy on my stomach. He would try to get up to my face and that was very good Tummy Time. I have found that almost anything except that Boppy Tummy Time mat will work for Aaron. He even sees that and he goes nuts. But now we can put a blanket on the floor and as long as we are down there with him playing we can get a little Tummy Time in. A little. :)

Lauren said...

Awww, so precious. I think he gets cuter and cuter with each picture!!!!! :) So glad he's thriving!!!

Unknown said...

Happy 4 month birthday, Brayden! He'll start liking tummy time more when he realizes he can roll over and use it for "mobility" purposes. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I've been gone for a little while, but I'm back with a new blog that is private. So email me with your email address at and I'll send you an invite. Your little guy is SO cute and his smile is to die for!!


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