Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Book for Brayden

Today my mom and I had lunch with a friend who had made me a GORGEOUS baby book for Brayden!

Now, these are not the best pictures I've ever taken but the camera battery was this close to being dead so I was on a time crunch!
I've got no idea why they are sideways! They weren't taken sideways, they didn't upload sideways and yet once I clicked 'done' and they copied onto this post, they are suddenly sideways. Anyways, here are a few of the many pages! (Funny sidenote....she had no idea what my colors were but she used them, how funny!)

In case you are wondering what that blue blanket is that all these pics are taken on, it is covering my new dining room table because I have yet to figure out how to break my cats from getting up on it....any suggestions? Oh, and water squirt bottles dont work - my cats like the water. Go figure.


Kelly said...

So neat!!!!
I have looked EVERYWHERE for a baby book I would like and I can find nothing so my other project this weekend is making one!

Meredith said...

Jenna, that baby book for Brayden is really cute! So neat!

Lianna Knight said...

How cute!! I love love love it :) I enjoy scrap booking too and this is just the cutest idea!


Pam said...

I love the new look to your blog. The baby book is awesome. Your friend is a talented scrapbooker.

Megan L Hutchings said...

How sweet and how creative! What a unique baby book ;)!

Rebekah said...

How special! It is beautiful! I am, too, looking for a baby book! But, I could never spend the time to make one that detailed for myself! How you just have to fill in the pages!

Amanda Ledford said...

I love how unique it is. That is very cute idea!

Anonymous said...

The baby book is SO cute and special!

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