Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bunco, Babies and BIG ULTRASOUNDS!

Today was my monthly baby checkup. The heartbeat was great at 158...hey, that rhymes! Anyway, everything seemed perfect which was wonderful. I was a little worried after that fall I took on Saturday, but all is well! Now for the big news...our BIG ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday!!! AUGH! Finally! I am so super excited!

Kelly and I had lunch today at where else than Granite City. Her little bump is so stinkin cute! Anyway, I asked her about maybe starting a bunco group as a way for me to get to know new people. Long story short I really pushed a lot of people away when Chris and I went through our 2 years of infertility. Several of our close friends have since moved, and because of our standing tradition of going out to lunch immediately after church, we don't participate in the young married Sunday School class that Kelly is in, so this seemed like a good idea. Kelly is such a go getter...I no sooner got home than I had an email from her (that she sent to a ton of people!) about starting a bunco group! Yay! Kelly, you are such a good friend! I'm so glad God brought us together!

I totally forgot my camera in my haste to get to my Dr appt so I apologize for not having pictures of us scarfing down Chicken Tortilla soup!


Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much better I feel after reading your comment. I've just been so worried! Thank you so much for sharing that! I'm just praying it goes up! I'm so glad everything was good at the dr since your fall. Can't wait to hear your big news next week!

Meredith said...

Aw! How exciting, Jenna! Our new house is in Riverwalk Farm Estates. It's close to Quailridge and Greenhouse Rd.

Megan L Hutchings said...

How exciting! I can't wait to find out what you are having ;)!

You will LOVE Bunco! Meag, La, and I look forward to it each month. It is so much fun!!!

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