Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Appointment Cancelled

When we got home from ACH our appointment cards from ACH mysteriously disappeared. Now, one person in our household keeps track of the mail, bills etc, and that person is not me. Not that I'm pointing fingers...

So yesterday I called the newborn clinic at the hospital and left a message. I wanted to move our appt back a little (it was at 10am and it's a lonnnng drive) and was waiting for them to call me back. The phone rang this afternoon and it was Dr. Prince, the doctor that discharged Brayden! I was so excited to talk to her! She asked me a few questions about him, how he eats, what he weighs etc and decided that we didn't have to come!

So I'm sad that we wont be seeing our favorite people down there at ACH but glad that my boy is healthy enough that he doesn't have to go!


Kelly said...

Yeay for Brayden!!!
We didn't go to our follow up either - Dr. Foster didn't see any reason.
I am so thankful we have two healthy babies. January/February were rough months but I'm pretty sure we are EXTRA thankful this mother's day, huh???
I can't WAIT to see Brayden in person on Sunday FINALLY!!!!!!

Kelly said...

P.S. I was sort of sad not to go to Tulsa either because as crazy as it sounds - I miss the people there. It was a hard time being in the hospital but also a wonderful time! I know you felt the same way about all your nurses/doctors.

Guy and Julie said...

That's fantastic!

Stephanie said...

Yeah for Brayden!! What a wonderful call from the doctor!!

Katie Spinks said...

Hey there - figured I would come out of "lurking" started following your blog just before Brayden was born I really enjoy reading your blogs. way to go Brayden on being healthy enough not to need your appointment!! so glad for you after your journey to get pregnant and then when he was born - Im so happy he is healthy and super duper cutie.... you deserve to be blessed!!

Kendra said...

That is a HUGE praise!!!!!! God has really worked a miracle in that sweet baby boy of yours!!

mrsrubly said...

what a praise report. go brayden!

Lianna Knight said...

GREAT news :) So thankful Brayden is doing well!

Amanda Ledford said...

Yay for Brayden!!!! That is awesome news! He is such a little miracle!!!! :-)

Wunderwoman said...

I've left something for you over on my blog if you would like to hop over and check it out.

Meg said...

How wonderful that he is healthy enough not to need to see a physician!

Cathy said...

What a wonderful early Mother's Day present to know after a rocky start that Brayden is a normal and healthly in every sense of the word!

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled accross your blog and both of our boys had the same issues at birth :0(

Unfortunately, I didn't start my blog until recently, so I don't have as much info about his fight....

I went through a picture perfect pregnancy, had Avery via c-section, 36 hours later I was pretty much signing his life away.....Him being put on ECMO was literally moments away, until he miraculously turned a corner and started to get better,...It was the most heart breaking journey I ever had to go through....

Avery still has some issues related to his PPHN.....he doesn't eat well....He'll be a year old on June 6th and is only 17.4 pounds, He stil breathes SUPER HEAVY at times,....When he gets sick....His pulse ox levels go down to about 94/95, when they should be at like 98/99....Thankfully and well hopefully he should grow out fo all of this soon...

Really other than that he is SUPER AWESOME!!! he he he.... Just like Brayden :0)....

I am glad to see that he is doing so well!!

Please feel free to check out my blog :0)


Jill said...

Ah, Dr. Prince took care of my nephew when he was there, years ago.

So happy to hear that Brayden is a healthy baby boy!

Pam said...

Great news! I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day on Sunday! He is precious!

Lauren said...

YAY for a healthy lil man!!!!!!! :O)

You're too sweet, just wanted you to know that!!!!

Lauren said...

YAY for a healthy lil man!!!!!!! :O)

You're too sweet, just wanted you to know that!!!!

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