I dressed both of my boys alike:
I thought I already got my mothers day gift from Chris (my bracelet). But today he SHOCKED me with this:

And this:
Long story short, when we were in Dallas I noticed on the Kate Spade store window they were going to be having a signing with Tim Gunn (whom I LOVE!) and we were going to miss it by a few days. I was so sad! Chris knows how much I love him and he called the store after we came home. The manager called him back and asked why this was so special so he told her about our struggle to get pregnant and then what we went through with Brayden being sick. She apparently told Tim and he sent me a signed picture and a signed book (totally FREE!)!!!! 
And because this day is really all about my little man, here he is for the first time in his walker!!! He didn't walk but he played with the animals!
And this:
I would attach the picture of me opening my gift but it would scare you. My eyes literally popped out of my head. I looked like Ramona from Real Housewives of NYC.
Can I just say I LOVE MY HUSBAND?!?!
And because this day is really all about my little man, here he is for the first time in his walker!!! He didn't walk but he played with the animals!
Awe, what a great husband!
So funny about your mother's day gift!!!
And the reference to Ramona.....ha!
So excited to meet Brayden today - he is even cuter in person!!! It's hard to believe how things were almost 4 months ago!
Happy Mother's day!!!!
Happy Mother's Day, Jenna!
Happy 1st Mother's Day! It is mine too, and it really is a special day. Your little man is way too cute. I love his little grin.
OK, Chris gets some MAJOR points! I almost screamed for you, but Brody is alseep right down the hall from me, and well, you know I can't wake him up. But tomorrow morning after he wakes up, I will scream for you! :)
Happy First Mother's Day! Glad you had a wonderful day!
The picture of your husband and the baby dressed alike is SO cute. I wish my husband would do that. I can occasionally get him to wear similar colors.
Congratulations on your first (second) Mothers Day.
What a great guy you have there! So very awesome & I totally wanna see the pics of you opeing your fab gift! lol
Lil man sure is getting big! Handsome lil man he is.
I'm sad we missed baby dedication - we were in the nursery. But I'm so happy for y'all and LOVE that Tim Gunn said "making it work". How fun. Way to go, Chris!
Awww, precious. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day :)
Your husband is awesome!
What a great gift and a wonderful husband. HAPPY 1st MOTHER'S DAY!!
Ramona's eyes. Ha ha ha. Glad you had a good day!
I hope you had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day! It sure sounds like you did! :)
I can totally picture your face since you referenced it to Ramona! :) HA!
What a guy!!!
So glad you had a good mother's day. :)
I love that picture of Brayden & Chris :)!
I am so glad that your mother's day was worth the wait. You deserved a special day!!!
Your husband is fabulous!!! What a great first mothers day!
what an amazing hubby you have!what a great mothers day!! I am taking a pampered day very soon:) I need a massage and pedi:) love all the pictures:)
so awesome!!! I saw pictures of you & Kelly @ church! I was like hey wait... that couple looks familiar! Ah! It's Jenna & Brayden! Oh...and Chris too =)
So fun that you guys were there together! God is so awesome!
I'm glad to hear your 1st Mother's Day was blessed!
Brayden is quite the cute little man! =)
That is INCREDIBLE!!!!! What a great hubby you've got!! =)
And an ADORABLE little boy too! He looks just so cute!!!
Happy Mother's day!
What a thoughtful Mother's Day gift!
And Happy Mother's Day!!
That is so funny about you opening your gift! I am glad this first Mother's Day was the best ever!
WOW!! What a special gift! So glad you had a great Mother's Day, Jenna!
I love your boys in their matching shirts!
Happy Mother's Day! You deserve all the best in the world.
So you like Real Housewives.....interested to see about the divorce in the preview for the reunion....ummm
Your little boy is adorable and only a few days older then mine. Happy first mothers day! I am glad I found your blog so I can compare my son with an adjusted baby, hard to explain, hope you know what I mean.
Umm...that gift is AMAZING! I love TG too! Way to go for your hubby!!!
Hey Jenna... I have been having some major lower back issues and I am thinking about going to a chiropactor.. I remember you mentioning you went several times during your pregnancy with Brayden and was wondering if you would recommend going to see one? My sister has a mother of one of her students in her class.. whose husband owns his own chiropactor biz and so I have been complitating contacting him.. should I?? If you could email me that would be great:) Emily.altendorf@gmail.com
thanks friend!
I LOVE the matching!
Oh your little man is just too cute!
Jealous! I heart Tim Gunn!!!
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