Monday, March 31, 2014

Organizing my Pinterest & Group Boards

Last week I decided to try to bring a little more organization to my Pinterest boards. I had one board for recipes (only one!) and I've been meaning to break that board out into categories. I created a couple of new boards (Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Party Food, Desserts and Appetizers) and I'm slowly moving things to the appropriate boards.

How do you like to see Pinterest boards organized? Usually I find myself looking for something very specific...a cleaning tip, a certain type of craft, a particular article of clothing etc. I find it helpful to search boards that are specific like that.

At the same time, sometimes the number of boards one keeps can be overwhelming to me. If I know that so and so might have what I'm looking for, I can just search that persons name and look through their boards. But on occasion, I'll be looking through their boards and there will be like 50 of them! That's just too much for me.

So, how many Pinterest boards do you have and how do you like to organize them?

Also, I'm a fan of group boards. I've been invited to pin on several group boards and I just love it! It's a great way to see content that might not show up in your feed normally (sometimes I see the same stuff over and over). Do you participate in group boards? I'm thinking of starting one (I've never done that!).

Also, a tip that you may not have known...if you go to your main page (log in to Pinterest and then click under your picture and select your profile and pins) you can move your boards around by clicking and dragging them into place. I put my post pinned to boards at the top and then graduate them down to the least used boards.
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