Monday, September 29, 2008


I hope to return to my regular blog posts soon, but right now life is crazy. My brother has a HD motorcycle and was hit yesterday. He was going through a 4 way stop (it was his turn) and a guy ran the sign and hit him directly on the side. He somehow managed to jerk his leg up in time or is would have been totally smashed. Jeff went over the top of the car that hit him and his bike slid 25 feet. Amazingly, he seems okay. He woke up today in a ton of pain and my mom and I are forcing him to go to the doctor and get checked out. He refused to go yesterday because our home team (SF 49'ers) were playing. I'm sure you can picture me rolling my eyes here. Anyway, I don't think he was thinking clearly.

So between my surgery-recovering hubby and my brother, I'm still out of commission. I hope to be back in a day or two!


Kelly said...

Oh gosh Jenna - I'm so sorry. I hope he's okay.

Rebekah said...

I hope your brother is okay! It sounds like he is really lucky.

Mary Kate said...

Praying for a quick recovery for you brother & hubby!!

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I hope he is ok! Boys and the Doctor!! :)

Amanda Ledford said...

I am definitely praying for all of you! Again, let me know if you need any advice from a nurse! Ha!

Lianna Knight said...

OH MY goodness. I am so glad he was okay. Please keep us posted on his recovery!!!


Jennifer said...

Bless your heart! You have had a busy few days. Thinking about and praying for you, Chris and your brother!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so glad he didn't get seriously injured. How scary! Keep us posted!

Adrienne said...

Thank goodness he will be ok! Scary! I hope your hubby gets better soon!

MMM said...

Hi Jenna, I've been follwing your blog via Kelly's other pregnant friends (I'm due in Feb). Just wanted to say I was thinking about your family.

Megan L Hutchings said...

Wow! You have been through a ton!!! I hope that all of your loved ones are okay :)!

The Allens said...

Bless your heart - I am so sorry to hear that!

tootie said...

Oh my goodness! I will definitely pray for you and your family.

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