Monday, December 8, 2008

All About Brayden

So todays post is entirely dedicated to Brayden...including some random facts:

-He apparently loves chocolate (like his momma). He goes nuts every time I eat it...Chris says he's either loving it or having an allergic reaction...I'll go with loving it!

- Every single night, at 9pm we have a kick fest, aka let's try to break out of here party. This lasts exactly one hour and then he goes back to sleep. I could seriously set my clock by it.

- He either loooooves his daddy or he's scared to death of him. Every time Chris goes to feel him move (usually during aforementioned kick fest) he freezes. The moment he takes his hand away kicking resumes. He does this only with Chris. Chris likes to say that he has the "calming touch," something I plan on using to my advantage during 3am feedings...

Anyway, over the last week or so Brayden has dropped and now when I sit I have to lift him up so that I can cross my legs. Very attractive. Oh and if he's continued to grow at the rate he was growing during those three ultrasounds I had over a three week period he is now well over 5lbs..probably towards the 5.5 lb mark. That's bigger than my brother was when he was born and almost as big as I was! Um, Wow!

My next doctor appt is this Weds and I am going to see about moving my induction date. Long story short, Chris knows that I've always wished that I didn't have to share my birthday with my brother (we're not twins, we were born on the same day 7 years apart) and our induction date is the day of his dad's birthday. Well, I didn't want to say anything but Chris asked me last night if I would want to talk to Dr. Smith about changing it so that we don't run the risk of having Brayden on his dad's birthday. I thought it was so sweet of him to think of that - because again, I wouldn't have said anything because I wouldn't want him or his dad to take it the wrong way.
So we might have a new due date!

But if not...We only have 35 days to go!

I think I mentioned the other day that it had been a few weeks since I'd gotten sick...apparently I should have kept that to myself. We went to see the Youth at our church do a Christmas production and I had to leave half way through (and of course I wasn't carrying any of my Zofran with me). As I was leaving two sweet girls (one that I used to teach) came running up the aisle to see where I was going! I felt so bad leaving! I can't believe the girls I taught are graduating this year! Wow, I feel old sometimes!

Back to Brayden...I washed his first load of laundry last night! I washed everything in Dreft which smells like babies to me, ha! I think he will be able to wear a new outfit everyday until he's 6 months old...spoiled doesn't even begin to cover it!


Lianna Knight said...

Your hubby is so sweet...isn't it so amazing to have someone in your life that loves you so much and puts you and your feelings first...priceless!

I sent you a small little gift for Brayden today...can't wait till you get it :)

Robyn Beele said...

I am glad everything is going well. I hate that you got sick! Andrew does the same thing when my husband puts his hand on my stomach. Completely stops moving! So weird!

Anonymous said...

That was so neat to hear about Brayden! Can't wait to see his cute little face.

Shannon said...

Sorry you got sick! I loved reading all about Brayden today. :)

Kelly said...

I haven't crossed my legs in probably 2-3 months. :-)
Can't believe we are so close!!!!

Pam said...

Coco was due on my birthday and I didn't want that either! She came early so I didn't have to worry but that is the one day that is just your own. It is getting so close! Just imagine all the stories you will tell once he is here!:)

Jennifer said...

What a fun post! You are getting soooo close!

Emily said...

what a precious post! I love that the post was all about Brayden:) Bye the way.. I think his name is adorable.. dont know if i have ever mentioned that before. I can't believe he is already 5.5.. he is really ready to meet him mom and dad!

Heather said...

I am so sorry you are still getting sick....that is the PITS! I am excited that you are getting so close!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Your hubby is definitely a keeper ;)! I love that he is always so understanding about your needs!!!

Only 35 more days...WOWZA!

Jennifer said...

Yes, I froze meals and the cowboy chili was one of the things we made and froze! It still tasted so good even though it had been frozen! You should give it a try!

Jen said...

Girl, be glad you can even CROSS your legs! :) I got so fat that I couldn't do that! You look great pregnant...wish I hadn't endulged quite so much! Oh, and thanks for the heads-up on the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate a few weeks ago...I had one on Black Friday and it was WONDERFUL!

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