And my good sport of a husband let me take a thousand pictures while he installed it!
(Oh, this is way off topic, but I am not a fan of wearing navy and black together but I didn't say a word since Dallas was playing and I knew there was no way I was going to get him to switch hats for my pictures...)

Brayden's diaper bag is packed - with the exception of his coming home outfit which I am going to (hopefully) wash tonight. My bag has one item in it...I really need to work on that. Oh, and please tell me I am not the only one to take an actual rollerboard suitcase to the hossy! Chris looked at me like I had lost it when I asked him to bring it downstairs, but he seriously doesn't understand my need for makeup and hair products. I have my whole excel spreadsheet checklist typed out so I know what all I need but I just haven't shoved it in the suitcase yet.
Tonight I hope to finally take pics of my house decorations. We'll see. We both hate fluffing the tree and we keep waiting for the other one to do it so I am going to see if I can get him to just help me and then it will go twice as fast.
OK, last thing - I am still undecided on making my blog private. I think I am going to leave it public because I didn't realize you could only add 100 readers if it were private (thanks for the tip Kelly).
Oh and how could I forget....Only 28 days until my induction! WOOHOO!
okay - I am soooooo behind. I am taking our car seat to the police station sometime this week to get it installed and I have yet to pack ANYTHING. I HAVE to get that going....... although I am pretty sure I have at least 4 more weeks.
How exciting ;)! I promise you will feel so much better having everything packed and ready to go!
Have fun fluffing!
Oh, how exciting! No you aren't the only one to bring your rolling suitcase! My poor husband had to make 2 trips to the car to get all the stuff. Bless his heart! Ha! When you have a baby, you deserve ALL the things that make you feel BEAUTIFUL!
Is it not the weirdest feeling to look in your car and see a carseat??!! I have that mirror and I really love it!
Jenna, you don't know me but I found your blog through Jennifer Francis', we grew up together. Anyhow, about the bringing the huge suitcase to the hospital, I did the same thing and my husband thought I was crazy! ( we just had our little girl almost weeks ago... wow how its flown already!!) Of course I hardly used most of the things in there but I always liked to be prepared! Also, I saw on your profile information you have Goldens!! We have one, about a year and a half years old and let me tell you they are great with babies. She gets so worried every time Perri (my daughter) cries and runs to me to let me know. Once i was upstairs in my bathroom and Perri was downstairs with my mom. She started crying and Emma (our dog) ran up to me and got so frantic and I said "It's okay Emma, I hear her" and she took off back down the stairs to check on Perri again, as if to tell me she just wanted me to know she was crying. She does this all the time and likes to stay close and is very protective of her.
Cute car seat!! You are on the ball!
ahhhh.. the car seat is in:) How exciting:) Gosh it is getting so close for you! I am so excited for you! All your prayers are all almost answered! God is great:)
Wow you are getting so close! I bet you are so anxious!
O-my gosh, there is a hospital checklist?? What kid of stuff do you have to take there?? I will need to have this list! I have only 34 weeks to prepare! (ha)
Girl I had a huge rolling suitcase, a hangup bag, a get ready bag, PLUS I brought my own pillowS and blanket among other random things I NEEDED!! My husband asked me where the hotel cart was to carry it all up to my room!!! Don't feel bad at all girl!! I needed ALL of that. I may not have used it all but I promise I needed it!!
You're packing just like I am!
I would so bring a rolling suitcase too! What preggo woman (or woman with a newborn) wants to be trucking around with a duffel bag?!?
Glad you are thinking of staying public, I enjoy reading! =-)
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