Friday, January 9, 2009

Brayden - What do you think?

So I had a thought about doing a little post asking you questions about Brayden. Here's how it works:
I'll list a few questions and you can put your replies in the comments section! Whoever gets the most right wins!

1. What day will Brayden arrive?
2. Will he born in the morning, afternoon or evening of the day you picked?
3. How much will he weigh?
4. How many inches will he be?
5. Will he have hair? How much (none, peach fuzz, full head etc)?

I'm going to guess right along with you! Good luck!

And OT, but a major shoutout to my BFF Amy for answering my bazillion annoying questions over the last nine months!!! Love you!


Jenna said...

1. Tuesday
2. Afternoon
3. 8.3lbs
4. 20.5"
5. Peach Fuzz

Mary Kate said...

1. Tuesday
2. Morning
3. 7.2lbs
4. 20"
5. Full head

How much fun is this!!!

Amanda Troyer said...

1. Tuesday
2. Early
3. 7lbs 9oz
4. 21"
5. peach fuzz

Kelly said...

1. Tuesday
2. Afternoon
3. 7 lbs 8 oz
4. 21 inches
5. Blond peach fuzz

Can't wait to see who is right!!!!!
Are you delivering at Mercy or Northwest? I'd love to come see you if I'm not in the hospital myself! Make sure Chris updates us - send me a text or something!!!

Whitney said...

1. Wednesday
2. Morning
3. 7.16
4. 20''
5. No hair

These are SUCH guesses!

Mrs.D said...

This is a cute idea so I will guess with everyone else!

1. Tuesday
2. Afternoon
3. 7 pounds 1 ounce
4. 20 inches
5. Peach fuzz

I wish you the very best of luck!

Vonda Axe said...

1. Tuesday
2. Afternoon
3. 7 lbs. 5 oz.
4. 20.5"
5. Peach Fuzz

Great idea!!! You will not have long to wait to know all of these answers. Isn't that wild.

Amanda Ledford said...

1. Tuesday
2. mid afternoon
3. 8.1 lbs
4. 21 in
5. blonde peach fuzz and very cute!

Anonymous said...

1. Tuesday
2. night
3. 7lbs. 1 oz.
4. 20"
5. peach fuzz

Jordan said...

I don't think I have commented on your blog before but I thought I would for this special occasion =]

1. Tuesday
2. Evening
3. 7.10"
4. 20"
5. Peach fuzz

Robin Lynn said...

1. Tuesday
2. Morning
3. 7.5 lbs
4. 20 inches
5. Full head


Pam said...

1. Tuesday
2. Morning
3. 8.1 lbs
4. 18.5"
5. Dark hair

4shepherds said...

5.Some Hair

Jennifer said...

7lbs 15oz
Thin brown

I'm praying for you to have a wonderful delivery! I hope you have as great an experience as I did!!

Anonymous said...

How fun!

No hair

Danielle said...

Early Evening
7.12 lbs
Little hair

Good luck...Can't wait to "meet" Brayden.

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