Today was a really good day for Brayden. After a bad day yesterday, today was so encouraging. We check in with our doctors and nurses every two hours (while we are there and every night after we've left) and today he didn't have a single bad report. They were able to totally take him off of two of his blood pressure meds and the last one one he has is on the least amount that they can give him. They are hoping to wean him off of that one tomorrow which would mean he is not on any more BP meds.
All of his other numbers (oxygen gasses, PH, carbon, pressure on his lungs etc) are doing good - they've either changed into a better number today or held strong at what they were. They were also able to wean him off of some of his vent settings.
Tomorrow they are hoping to begin the long process of weaning him off of his oxygen and his nitrous. If all goes well, at this point, they are thinking that he may not need the ECMO treatment afterall.
Tonight they are not going to change anymore of his settings so that he can rest and be prepared for what comes tomorrow.
Here is a pic Chris took today - our nurse turned off the billi lights so that we could have a good pic.

Again, thank you SO MUCH for your prayers. I will give another update tomorrow!
Hi Jenna! I found your blog from Kelly's and I want you to know I'm praying for your sweet little boy!! God has His hand on all of you! I pray you are able to hold and love him and take him home soon!!
God bless you,
Melody, CA
Still praying for this little guy! I'm so happy to hear there is improvement. Tomorrow will be even better!
What a wonderful report! And what a little sweetheart...
Take care, God bless you all, and know that my prayers and thoughts are with you all day (and night!) long...
So happy to hear that things are going in a positive direction for Brayden. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.
Our family is praying for your precious baby boy. He is so adorable! Glad to hear he is doing better today - praise the Lord!
I'm praying for you and your adorable bundle of joy, I hope everything will work out, just remember God is good!
Jenna- I am on my knees praying for you, Chris and your sweet Brayden! He is so precious and I know God is on the throne, and He is working and healing your baby. I am asking Him for BIG things!! So glad you had a good day today.
This is one of my favorite verses: "You are a God of miracles, you display your power among the people." (Psalm 77:14)
I am praying and claiming this for you and Kelly, Brayden and Harper. I am BELIEVING HIM for miracles!
P.S. I am just 30 min. from Children's....I would love to bring you some food, a Sonic drink, or anything you if you need ANYTHING (or just "want" anything...) will you please e-mail me at I mean it....I would love to be able to bless you and Chris by helping in this way!
Great to hear the wonderful reports for Brayden today. I hope that he does well as they wean him off of everything. And I pray that he you get to hold him soon!
prayers for your family! God is so good!
Your son is adorable and I am praying that he will have another good day tomorrow, too! He is a fighter and we are all on his team! God bless all of you....
He is beautiful, Still well mama.
What a sweetie! Is he sucking his fingers?
I've been thinking of your family for days now, and praying that everything gets better VERY soon! :)
I can't wait to see the post when you say that you got to hold your precious little boy!
I'm so glad that Brayden had a good day. I'm praying that his days keep getting better.
Get some rest and have a good day tomorrow.
Praying from Los Angeles!!!
Jenna - your family is in our prayers! I pray that little Brayden will be healed and you will get to hold your sweet angel soon! God is good! Stay strong.
Just as you appreciate our prayers...we appreciate your updates!! especially when they are good ones. But just hearing from you helps us too!!! I check the computer SO many times all day long :) Hugs from Australia xox Love the pic :)
Hey there Jenna! I found your blog through Kelly's whom I found through another blogger asking for prayer for Harper. Not only am I praying for sweet Harper but I am praying for Brayden too! What great news to hear (read) tonight that he had a good day. I know He is healing Brayden.
Much love to all of you,
Taryn (mommy to a little boy named Mitchell)
Hey there Jenna! I found your blog through Kelly's whom I found through another blogger asking for prayer for Harper. Not only am I praying for sweet Harper but I am praying for Brayden too! What great news to hear (read) tonight that he had a good day. I know He is healing Brayden.
Much love to all of you,
Taryn (mommy to a little boy named Mitchell)
Wonderful encouraging news before I head to bed!!! Hearing that the ECMO might not be needed is the best thing I've heard all day. I am overjoyed that you have more hope from the doctors. My sister, Kendra, and I have been praying for little Brayden (and Harper). When my daughter was in the NICU, March of Dimes gave us a little digital recorder. My husband and I were able to record our voices reading Cadence stories and just our own banter back and forth. We did a few recordings where we sat on the couch in the Ronald McDonald Family Room and read stories into the recorder. But our favorite of all was the day we just turned the recorder on as we read her stories and talked to her during our visit with her one afternoon. With our banter back and forth it's like her very own personal radio show. Having the recorder that the nurses could play when we were away from the hospital made leaving just a little bit easier. And as you know, anything that makes saying "Goodnight" to your precious baby in the NICU and trying to go "home" and have any bit of normalacy is priceless. I hope that Brayden is able to hear your voice and be comforted by the familiar sound of his Mommy soon.
I hope you are able to sleep well tonight.
Hi, Jenna, I am continuing to pray for your wee family. Praise God for the good report today....may God's hand of grace be obvious to everyone around Brayden. Blessings from a Grammie in Vancouver
Hi Jenna, I found your blog from Kelly's who I found from Bring the Rain! I am praying for Brayden and your family. I was so happy to hear that Brayden had a better day today and am praying that you'll be taking him home very soon. He is a doll!
God bless you all!
Oh and at nearly 17 months old, my own miracle baby still enjoys listening to that same recording of her mommy and daddy reading to her in the NICU to this day. It's a great way to calm her down and get her to go to sleep. And my husband and I love listening to our voices filled with awe and wonder as we marvel at the rare occasions she would open her eyes. It reminds us just how far we've come in this journey.
Praise God for the wonderful news!!! That is such wonderful news. I am not going to quit praying for your sweet Brayden until he is healthy and at home in your arms! Again, I only live about 10 min. from ACH, if you and your husband need ANYTHING at all please let me know!(
Praying for rest, peace and comfort for you all tonight and for Brayden to continue with good progression. Becky Garrett
praying for your sweet family that Braden continues to improve!
i love hearing your updates and hope you are getting some rest yourself sweetie!
Praise God for the good report today! I know every little good word must make you feel better. I'll keep praying here in Southeast Texas!
Hey Jenna!! I just want to let you know I use to take care of a baby boy who went through the exact same thing Brayden is going through. Well now he is a healthy beautiful 18 month old, with NO health issues. I just wanted to let you know that babies get through this and I pray and believe with my whole heart Brayden will be just fine. I hope this brings you some comfort!!
God bless you! Me and my family are praying for your sweet boy and you! So glad to hear that he is had a good day! We are believing in a clean bill of health! I hope you don't mind but I posted a prayer request for you on my blog and put a link to your's in it. I pray the day that you get to hold your precious little one comes soon!
Praying in Texas!
As a mom who had three babies in the NICU for six weeks, I know the fear, all too well. Prayers are and will continue to be sent up for you and your beautiful baby boy.
I do hope that you feel the love coming at you from so far away!
What a great report! How very encouraging that he is only on 1 BP med (especially with PPHN!). My family will be praying for yours-
Hi Jenna...I found your blog through Kelly's as well. I have been praying for your little handsome fella. I am glad to here all the good info. It sounds like he is well on his way to his trip home to NWA. That is what I praying for! Thank you God for hearing and answering our prayers!
Cindy...Rogers, AR
I, too, found your blog from Kelly's. I am praying for baby Brayden and your family. May God bless all of you!
Praying for Brayden and your family. I found your blog through Kelly's, and found hers through a prayer request for Harper on MckMama's blog.
Love and prayers from Bethany in Ohio.
many well wishes to you and your sweet new baby. I can't even begin to imagine how rough this must be on all of you right now!!! BIG HUGS!
He is a beautiful boy! Yay for being weaned off of his pressors! That is a huge step in the right direction for him. And the vent wean already. Good for him, sounds like he's sick of PPHN--smart little guy!
Hang tight, and don't forget to eat and sleep: being as refreshed as you can be is the biggest help to Brayden right now.
I just wanted to tell you I am thinking about your little boy. I hope things completely turn around and he is back home with you in your arms for good. You and your husband have an amazing strength.
I found your blog through Kelly's blog. And I found her's through one of my friend's asking for a prayer.
Preying for Bradyen...and your and your husband
Just wanted to know that I've been praying for you! Brayden looks adorable and I know God has big plans for him! I'm praying not only that God completely heals Brayden but also for you guys...that you'd have a peace that passes all understanding. Our loving God can do awesome things!
-praying for you in Indiana
Still praying for Little Brayden here...Praying you get to take him home soon.
Sending you all my prayers from Brisbane, Australia that your gorgeous little boy Brayden keeps going from strength to strength.
My son had PPHN so I can relate to what you are currently going through.
Praying for Brayden's complete healing so he can come home with you and Chris where he belongs! Thanks for another update!
He is absolutely adorable. He looks so good for how much he is struggling. I pray for his strength and yours to make it through this.
Prayers for Brayden!
What a precious boy! Praying for all of you!
I found your blog awhile ago from Kelly's and I've enjoyed tagging along through most of your pregnancy! I know that Brayden is very special and God definitely has a plan for him.. My husband and I are keeping your family in our prayers and we wish you the best during this rough time.
Thank GOD! He is following the same path as Kayelyn did!!! BOth Brayden and Harper are! This shows me they will be ok!! We are still praying in Katy, TEXAS
Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for your family. Our God is still a God of miracles! Our daughter was born with a major heart defect and about 17 other anomalies. She has has two open heart surgeries and 13 others. There is no logical reason why she is still alive but I know that I know that God is able.
Hugs to you,
Amber Schmidt
So thrilled to hear that your precious baby is doing better. I want you to know he is being prayed for in Charleston, SC. Many of our Sunday School classes remembered Brayden and all of you in our prayers yesterday. We will continue to lift you to our Lord and we pray he will soon be in his room in his home with his Mom and Dad.
He is just gorgeous. I cannot imagine the difficulty you are having not being able to hold and touch him. I am so glad that things are leveling out so that even if he does have an extended day, you can get your hands on him.
Still praying for you.
Jenna, you and your husband and your precious son are in my family's prayers. We check on his progress constantly and appreciate the time you take to update. Prayers are being answered and they will continue to be! Please try to take care of yourself, too. You are going to need to be rested and strong for your beautiful Brayden.
We are continuing to pray for your beautiful Brayden!
Hang in there!
Hi Jenna,
AWESOME news! I am so happy to hear the Braden is doing so much better. Thanks for the update. We will continue to remember you and your family in our prayers.
The Bliznik Family
Hi Jenna, I found your blog a while back about the same time I found Kelly's Korner. I am April Smith's mom and I use to browse through her blog. But now I have my own and I am praying for little Brayden. God is working!!!! He is the Great Physician so we know He can do this. Still praying until full recovery.
God Bless, Annette
He is so PRECIOUS! So thankful for the good report! We are still praying...
I am so happy to hear of Braydon's improvement. He is so precious! We have been praying for him so much. My 2.5 year old has been praying with me for Braydon and Harper and last night before going to bed he asked to pray for the babies. Please know that you are in our thoughts.
Wanted to let you know that I put Braydens name in a prayer request at our Church. Saturday was Worldwide MOthers Day of Prayer here in VB and I made sure to have all the mothers in the River Valley pray for Brayden!
Many hugs!!!!
I found your blog through Kelly's. I'm praying for you and sending lots of love and best wishes from the UK to you all.
Saskia x
Good morning! I'm glad to read Brayden had a good day today! Praise God! I came across these song lyrics today, and I just thought they were fitting for your situation.
"I promise to pray for you, to lift you up before the Lord. I promise to always speak your name before His throne. That new life in Him you'd find, that He'd give you peace of mind. I promise to pray for you, God's love to embrace you."
I promise to pray for your sweet little boy and your family and friends. I pray that God will protect your son and heal his tiny body.
God Bless,
Pearland, Texas
Continued thoughts and prayer coming your way. I am so glad he is improving. God will watch over him and continue his healing. He is precious! Please take care of yourseoves and try and get some rest. God bless ya'll.
I'm so glad to hear the good news. We are sending prayer and happy thoughts your way.
I am keeping Brayden & your family in my thoughts & prayers. My son William was born 17months ago. He was born with meconium aspiration syndrome, and severe PPHN. We have had an experience much like what you are going thru. Will was on the oscillator/ventilator for 10 days and for Nitric still a few days after that. We got to hold him when he was 12 days old, that was priceless. Now he's a crazy toddler: crawling on things, chattering away, playing ball or cars, and he loves to give hugs or kisses. I love to share our story because I think it's made us stronger. We will never take life for granted in a way that others can't understand. I am happy to hear that Brayden is continuing to improve & hopefully won't need the ECMO. He is a beautiful baby boy! Thanks for sharing your story with us. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers.
~ Annette
Hi Jenna,
I found your blog through Kelly's and just wanted to let you know that I've been praying for your family and your sweet little son.
Mallory from PA
I am so glad Brayden is doing better. Brad and I will continue to keep you in our prayers. I know that you can't wait to hold that sweet little boy.
Still praying for your beautiful baby boy!
Kara in OK
Praying for you in Milwaukee.
I must say, he looks comfy there in his tanning booth. Our youngest was under the bili lights as well...with a reading of 23 too! He's 13 and as ornery as the rest of them now!
Your son is coming into the world with such a wave of really is amazing.
Still praying for your little boy! Hearing the improvement makes me happy for you and your family.
God bless you,
Carmen, NY
Our family is praying for your sweet little boy and your family. (We also have a Braeden.) Glad you got a good report today.
So glad to hear Brayden had a good day. Praying for Brayden's complete healing. I know God is hearing our prayers and has great things in store for your precious little boy. I pray that God will surround you with His peace and give you strength as you go through this most difficult time.
In Christ,
Amy Rincon in Houston, TX
I am SO glad things are looking up for your sweet Brayden. He is SO gorgeous Jenna :)
Hi Jenna! I am so happy to hear that Brayden is continuing to improve! I will keep praying for him!
I found your blog from Bless our Nest and I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you. I was up in the middle of night praying for you and Brayden, and now I'll remember Team Brayden. Stay strong and know that you and your fammily are being lifted up in prayer, constantly.
So happy to hear that Brayden is improving. I went to church yesterday and prayed for Brayden and Harper both. Little Brayden and Harper have been weighing on my mind so much and I haven't been able to sleep. My heart just goes out to you both. I will continue to pray each and every day and hopefully soon you can hold that precious little boy.
Lisa (Ohio) fellow IVF Mommy
What a wonderful update! I'm so glad that he's improving. Our prayers are with you.
I am so thankful for the good reports! I'm praying for all of you this morning. Father, we plead for your healing touch to reach to baby Brayden. And for your supernatural peace to surround his family. Please give them the physical and emotional strength they need to do all you have required of them, and allow them to rest.
I'm so encouraged by a full day of good reports! We are covering your baby boy (as well as you both) in prayer.
I've added the Team Brayden button to my blog!
~Love from Little Rock~
Praise the Lord for your good report. I work with Kelly's dad and heard about Brayden through Kelly's blog. I'm so sorry y'all are going through all of this. We are praying for you and your sweet baby!
Many prayers for you and your beautiful little man! I hope and pray he gets to go home with you and your husband very soon...and that you get to smother him with love and kisses! Bless you all, jen
What a beautiful baby! I found your blog through Adrianne's, and just wanted to let you know how much I am praying for you. I was in the NICU as a baby, and have heard plenty of stories about how rough it is on the parents, and your situation must be especially hard. I am lifting your precious Brayden up to the Great Physician for healing!
I stumbled on your blog through Kelly's...What a beautiful baby boy - I'll be praying for him!
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