Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My first day without Brayden

Today I really felt sick and my cough was worse, so I've stayed at the hotel. That was such a hard decision to make but I had to do what was best for Brayden and all of the other babies.

Friday, Brayden will be having his swallow test. We get to go with him to radiology to have the test done (it takes about 30 mins I think). We would really appreciate your prayers that they can figure out why he isn't taking his bottle.

After that I don't really know what happens. If they don't find anything wrong, which they don't think they will, then I truly don't understand what they will do. We love all of the doctors here at ACH, yet sometimes it's hard because you constantly have a new doctor and their plans for Brayden can be different than the last doctors plan. I haven't seen Dr. Arrington in awhile, and I am curious to know what he would think, so I might look for him on Friday.

Thanks for continuing to pray for Brayden. We love reading your comments and it really encourages us to know people are still praying!


Brooke said...

I will continue to pray regarding the feeding/eating issue. Sorry you had to have your first day away from him. Hopefully the rest will help your body to gain its strength back to fight off your sickness so you can get back to loving on the baby boy! God bless.

Brooke said...

We are still and will continue to pray until he is safe at home. And even then we will keep you guys in our prayers if needed :) Get some rest and drink lots of fluids so you can be with your little guy again soon!

Meredith said...

Sorry you are still not feeling well. As I was washing the floors today I said another quick prayer for Brayden, Harper and a few other babies. I am so impressed with your strength.

Unknown said...

I will be praying for Brayden (this is my hubby's middle name..don't hear it often!)....and will continue to keep you and your family in prayer....find strength & rest in the Lord!

Anonymous said...

We'll be keeping you in our prayers! For both the swallow test and your own health.
Drink lots of airborne!!!

Junior said...

Keeping Brayden in our prayers. God bless

Rhonda said...

Praying that you start feeling well soon.A swallow test is easy and fast....

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I have not left you a note these last few days, our computer has been giving me trouble.. I have continued to PRAY FAITHFULLY!!! I am sorry you are sick. It must be horrible to be stuck at the hotel and not be able to see your sweet boy. I will pray for an extra amount of God's sweet grace to rain down on you. Hopefully I will be able to drop you a line tomorrow.. but rest assured.. I will be praying!
Your Sister In Christ, Bryant AR

Sara said...


Still praying for your little mister. Who is adorable btw. Rest rest rest, get to feeling better, what your going through is some hard hard work and your body is still recovering from your delivery. Take care of you today! I'll be praying your MUCH better by Friday.

Valerie said...

I don't always comment but I always pray! I eagerly await your updates every evening.

Hugs n' prayers

Courtney said...

Hi Jenna! A friend of mine from church found your blog right after Brayden was born. We have a stay-at-home mom Bible study every Tuesday morning. I just want you to know the women of FBC Jacksonville, Alabama's "Word to the Mother" are on our knees for your precious baby! I pray you are feeling better soon, so you can go see Brayden!

"My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

Guy and Julie said...

Jenna, I am an SLP, and I work with infants in therapy with oral feeding issues. If you have any questions, need clarification, or need to vent, you know you can call me. I'm still praying for you, girl. Rest up and feel better!

Barb said...

Take care of yourself,Brayden's going to be fine I have a friend that her baby had to have a swallow test and it was because of the reflux.Stay strong God is taking care of your little man.Blessings....Barb

creative gal said...

Praying. Just a thought. . Why don't you ask if you can see that particular doctor? Sometimes asking will cause them to stop by. . . And, most healthcare providers would not be offended or upset if you asked for someone else's opinion.

Candace said...

I understand your feelings about a different Dr every few days. WE had a similar situation with our daughter when she was first born. We will be praying for you, precious Brayden, and of course all the Dr's that are taking care of him, that their decisions will be the right ones for him. :)

The Milams said...

I have read your blog occasionally...coming over from Kelly's Korner. I just found out that a friend of mine from high school is a nurse in the NICU at ACH. Her name is Dana Taylor. Thought you may run into's such a small world.

Praying for good things for your family

Lisa said...

I am so sorry that you are not feeling good. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as well as your sweet boy.


Pascha said...

we are praying for you here in oklahoma; specifically for brayden's eating issues!
the Lord is good SO good, He will provide for you!

Tara said...

I pray God gives you a peace and comfort. You are a wonderful mom! I will pray for wisdom from the Dr.s! Blessings and feel better!

Rachel Spence said...

Oh sweet little Brayden. I hope that you guys can figure out why he won't take the bottles. I will pray for some kind of result or answer or at least a plan that you guys are ok with. Stay strong that little boy is gonna be just fine!

The Coach's Wife said...

Thinking and praying for you and your little guy!

Anonymous said...

Jenna~ We go to you FBC Bentonville and I have a Brayden. My Brayden (5 yr old) just said his prayers and asked if he still needs to be praying for the "new Brayden" It was very cute! He is really wanting to meet the "new Brayden". We are praying for Brayden and Harper daily! I know being away from him today was a difficult decision and I will pray that you feel at your best so you can be back with him! ~Cissie Kilgo & Brayden

Liz said...

praying for you and for your sweet Brayden..I've been reading for awhile, but never commented. Rest and get better so you can be with him soon!

Bethany said...

I'm so sorry you couldn't be with him today. I'm sure that was such a hard thing to do. :(

One thought off the top of my head ... have they checked to see if he might be toungue tied? You know, where too much of the underside of the tongue is attached, making it really hard to suck. Just a thought. I hope he starts eating soon!

Kim Hancock said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. I will continue to pray for you, Brayden, and your family. I pray everything goes well with the swallow test on Friday!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please know there are still tons of prayer warriors out there holding Brayden up in prayer! He's looking great, Jenna, so much healthier than when he first came in, it's amazing! I would also be frustrated as you sound, that there doesn't seem to be a consensus with the doctors' opinions of the swallowing/feeding issue. Keep on them, or have hubby do it since you are feeling icky.

Feel better, hun!

Still praying in Virginia...

Rhonda Rae said...

just wanted to let you know I'm still prayin and I live in the area so if you guys needed anything at all let me know

Heather said...

Oh I'm so sorry you're sick and unable to be with your baby boy :( I'm praying that you get well so you can get back to your boy and that the feeding issues will get resolved so he can finally go home where he belongs!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefron

Unknown said...

Don't let the frustration of the doctors changing get to you. Frustration is something you can't do anything about so be sure to lift it to God. I know you guys have been doing this be cont. doing it. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.

When our Morgan was in the NICU we all took our turns being sick. Even our 2 older kiddos got super sick with that bug that usually works its way through cruises (can't think of the name right now). Anyway, I wasn't sick but my husband & kids were so on Christmas day I was the only one to go see her. The following day I was super sick & ended up staying at my sister's apartment instead of going to the NICU. I just felt awful not just being sick but not being with her & we were supposed to have CPR training so that we could take her home & I just couldn't make it to the class. It was pushed back a day which bothered me but in the end it worked out just fine. YOu are doing what is best for Brayden & the other babies & that is what a fantastic mother does. She makes sacrifices no matter how big or small when it is for the best.

I'll be praying about the test on Friday. And also for Brayden to get the hang of the bottle & do great so you guys can get on home.

Heather said...

I hope your day of rest helps you feel better....and I will continue to pray for Brayden.

Kara Oosterhous said...

Praying for Brayden and his precious family. Asking God to give you patience, good health, peace, encouragement and to wrap his arms around your little family and squeeze tight.

Jenn said...

We are still praying for your sweet boy and for you to feel better also. Always remember that God is in control and He will give you the strength that you need.

Blessings to you all!!!

Laurie said...

I am so sorry you are sick. I will be praying for a fast recovery. I am praying Braden will be home soon. I think about ya'll all the time. I know you are a light there at ACH.

Lisa Mae said...

I have never commented here but I have been following your blog and praying for your sweet little one. Found it through Harper's blog. Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that yes I'm STILL praying. Praying specifically for those things you are requesting. He has come so far and I know God will continue to be faithful and bring you guys home very soon. Hang in there sister!
Lisa (a praying sister in TX)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are sick and unable to be with your sweet baby.
I will pray for you to feel better and for him to thrive and be able to go home soon!

Anonymous said...

It has become so natural to say a prayer for your baby boy every day. The prayers are always the same: that he will continue to improve, and that you will get to take your healthy little boy home soon. Extra prayers are added for you to get better so you can hold him again. Blessings be yours today and always!

Kendra said...

Proud member of Team Brayden here!! PRAYING!!!!

Joanna said...

I ran across your blog a few days ago and wanted to you to know that y'all are in my thoughts and prayers...I will be passing along the news.

Anonymous said...

Brayden looks so perfect and healthy. He's probably not hungry enough to tackle the work of eating. I understand it takes a lot of work and coordination to nurse or take a bottle, so it's a lot easier to let the lines do it for you.

As for you, Jenna, you might try a saline solution sprayed into your nose several times a day. I used to get sinus infections all the time and this really works well for me and many others I know.

Your family has been through fire with Brayden's illness. It's a refining process which you can use to make your marriage, your family, and your relationship with God stronger and better than ever.

God bless you all,
Lisa from Texas

sherry said...

We'll keep up praying for your sweet little guy! and you too so that you can be with him asap!

Unknown said...

I've been praying for Brayden every day. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Please take care of yourself!


Lianna Knight said...

Still praying for you and for Brayden. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to not see him today...I can see that you are already a WONDERFUL mother...putting that sweet thing first :)

Anonymous said...

It is so frustrating to feel stuck in the hospital! When Izzy had her accident I understood we had to get her stable but I just longed to get home and wanted a clear plan to get there! After about three months I literally kissed the ground when we pulled into our driveway. I know you will be so happy to be home and have this behind you. I'm praying for you to feel better and for Brayden to pass that swallow study.

The Allens said...

I am so sorry you missed seeing your baby. I hope the rest kicked that sickness out of you so you can hold him today! People ALL OVER are praying for Brayden and you and your family!

AnneGirl said...

Keeping you in my thoughts Jenna & hoping you're feeling better. It's hard to stay away even though you know it's what's best at this moment. Make sure to eat, drink & catch up on sleep while you have the chance. It will help you get better, and soon you'll have somebody waking you up in the middle of the night. Praying they figure out a plan for little Brayden & his eating. William had similiar issue with eating enough, and gaining weight once he was eating. They finally ending up giving him higher calorie milk to help him catch up. I am keeping your family in my thoughts. Your baby is precious! ~Annette & William

Angela said...

We are continuing to pray for Brayden daily. You are all in our prayers!
Angela Rye

Laura said...

Still praying for you...praying for Brayden to start eating and for you to feel better soon!

Michelle Whitlow said...

I will certainly continue to pray for you guys, especially little Brayden. I can't imagine not being able to see your little guy. But you're right, you have to do what's best for him.

Emily said...

I will continue to pray for Brayden and his eating/feeding issues. I know they will take good care of him and figure everything out. I hope you start to feeling better!brayden is very lucky to have such an amazing mom like you...

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Jenna - I have to say thank you! You have taught me a lot through all of your circumstances! I am praying for you and your family and have asked my blog readers to do the same!

If you get the chance I would love for you to come read what you and Kelly have taught me through y'alls amazing journey of FAITH!

Anonymous said...

Jenna I am praying for both you and Brayden. Hope you feel better soon. God bless all of you!

tara said...

Jenna, i too have been following Brayden's story, and praying faithfully for your family. Although this is my first post. My heart brakes that you weren't able to see your baby boy yesterday. i hope everyone is feeling alot better today and will continue to pray for any feeding issues to be resolved quikly so you guys can take that sweet baby boy home.

Gail said...

Jenna, please take this time to rest, to sleep and eat. Brayden is in safe hands let your body rest.

I pray for Bradyden each time the Lord brings him to mind, which is several times a day.

Holding you up in prayer

Erika said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. I hope you get better very quickly so you can return to your precious little boy! Praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

If you feel you need more information from a Dr. Don't hesitate. I have respect for them, they are human. We went through similar things with my daughter. One Dr. Would say one thing and another didn't have a clue about it. Go with your gut and don't be afraid to be pushy! I am praying that he will be able to have better feedings.

Rachel Dominguez said...

I'm so sorry that you are sick during this trying time.

I will not only pray for Brayden's health, but for yours as well.

The Adkins Family said...

Sending lots of warm thoughts!

Julie J. said...

Jenna, we have never met and I stumbled across your blog while surfing. My prayers are with you, your hubby, and your precious baby boy. I did my nursing clinicals at ACH and was then employed as a RN at CHOA (in Atl) on the cardiac unit. I hope you feel better soon so you can see your precious baby again soon!!

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