Monday, February 16, 2009

Home At Last!

After 33 days in the ACH NICU (+1 day at Willow Creek's NICU) we are HOME!

All dressed up and ready to go...

Saying goodbye to his girlfriend...I mean, his favorite nurse!

Loaded up...

Byebye ACH! Thank you for everything!

We got home around 3:45pm. Brayden is doing so well. I think he's happy to finally be home! We weren't sure this morning if we were going to get discharged because we had a new doctor again today. Thankfully, she said he was well and that there was no reason to keep him! I think ACH broke a record when discharging us. We were out of there around noon....I've seen other parents leave as late as 9:30pm!
The last couple of hours have been spent attempting to organize the chaos that is left over from being gone for over a month. When we came home we had two big banners on our house welcoming Brayden home! I'll have to get the pics from my parents.
Well, I am already exhausted so I need to get off of here but THANK YOU sooooo much for praying for our family! We couldn't have gotten through this without your prayers!


Stephanie said...


PRAISE GOD for this great miracle with Baby Brayden... I have prayed and prayed and left many praying, encouraging and faith building posts for you. I am so glad brayden is home today.

Thank you lord for this huge miracle. Once again you show us that you never leave us nor forsake us.


Stephanie in Mo.

May god continue to watch over baby Veiyah.

Michelle said...

I just want you to know I have been following Brayden's journey. I am so glad that he is home! We live in LR and I think of you when I pass the hospital. We will continue to pray that Brayden continues to do well, we serve a mighty God!

Cameron and Rachel said...

YAY!! I am so happy to see you made it home....There is no place like home probably has a whole new meaning to you now. I hope he continues to improve. He is a very handsome little fellow. Good Luck and I will continue to follow you both.

Roxanne said...

What a wonderful, wonderful day for all of you. Be kind to yourself as you all reaclimate to being home. . .you haven't even REALLY gotten to have any time to recover yet, so take the help of anyone and everyone, and just spend time cuddling with you boys.

HJW said...

Welcome Home, Sweet Brayden!

To God Be The Glory...

Jessica said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy this first night at home.

Anonymous said...

Amen! What a joy that you are home together at last! You'll continue to be in our prayers here in (cold, cold, cold) Wisconsin!


P.S. - Thanks to all who are praying for Baby Veiyah & her family ( They've been having lots of scares these last two days and need all of God's peace that we can pray upon them.

Kelly said...

Welcome Home Brayden! I have been praying for your family, and am so happy this day has come. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and can't wait to read all about Brayden's life at home. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to say bye because you guys left so soon!!! Hope everything goes well! Call if you need anything!

Melissa said...

Congrats on bringing your sweet baby boy home!!! Praise God he is well and may the rest of his life be oh so healthy and wonderful. God is GOOD!!!

P.S. Congrats on your sweet boy too, I learned about him on Kelly's Blog with I accidently stumbled upon.

EC said...

Welcome Home!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a miracle! Yeahhhhhhh so happy to hear ya'll are home!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you all. How great it will be for you to sleep in your own beds tonight. Hopefully Brayden will cooperate and sleep also.

Keeping you in our prayers,

Junior said...

Congratulations, such wonderful news. So glad that Brayden is home.
God bless, Heidi & Junior

Nikki said...

I am so happy Brayden is home. I actually thought of you guys many times today; hoping you would be home when I checked in.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news ! I have been anxiously checking your blog all day for updates. Enjoy your precious little one ! Give him lots of cuddling, rocking and love. Children go up very fast. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us. May God continue to bless all of you.

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh, yay!!! I hope he continues to do great at home! Welcome home!

Ann said...

Praise the Lord! Best news I've heard all day!

Laura said...

Welcome home...I'm sure tonight will be a night like no other.

Hailey said...

Yay!!! Have fun at home.
Continued prayers in NC.

Valerie said...

WELCOME HOME!!! Oh, I am so excited for you. I'm sure it feels amazing to be in your own home again... to be able to hold your baby without a crowd of people watching over you (ok, maybe thats just how I felt when my babies were in the hospital?), to stay in your pj's all day long. :)

Your family will continue to be in my prayers as you adjust to life at home, and just life with a baby in general.
Blessings to you!

Newlywed Next Door said...

YAY! Congrats! It must be so AWESOME to be HOME!

Cathy said...

Welcome home baby! We love you!

Heather said...

WOO HOO!!! Welcome home! Enjoy it and just take it easy and enjoy your little miracle being in his own home and own bed!!!

vaneblu said...

I never commented before, but I really need to say how happy I am he is home :) Praise God!!

Judy said...

Hip-Hip-Hooray!! Isn't God GOOD!! Praise you Jesus for hearing our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Yay yay yay! I am so happy to see your family is HOME together at last!!! Congratulations!!!

God is so good!!

Heather said...

Praise God!!! I am so incredibly thrilled to hear that sweet Brayden is home!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Lord for holding Brayden in your ever loving hands! Such a sweet sweet boy I am so happy for you guys to have your boy home with you!!! Congrats!!! YAY!!!!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront

tara said...

Congratulations!! Our family is so happy for baby Brayden and your sweet family. There is no place like home, may God continue to bless you guys and keep everyone healthy! Enjoy these special days ahead, lots of snuggle time!

His Doorkeeper said...

Oh Jenna!!!! How happy I am for you and your whole family! Brayden is home! We are just thanking the Lord for His goodness!

Enjoy the next few days like never before with the freedom you have in being in your own house and holding that precious son!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home baby Brayden! I am so happy that you were discharged from the hospital today. Praying that you continue to do well.
Annapolis, MD

Rachel said...

Such wonderful news!!! Enjoy him at home!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! That is great news!
Enjoy ever moment!

Mandy said...

Welcome home!! I am so happy for you guys!

Brian and Whitney said...

I have been following your blog for about a month now. We have been praying for Brayden everyday and are praising God that Brayden is finally home!!

In Christ,
Whitney and Brian Dunn

Katy said...

Welcome home and continued prayers!


Alicia said...

Praise God! I am so glad to hear that Brayden is finally home. I know that you are feeling much better about having him home!

Alicia in AL

Tami said...

Wow! I've been following your story with little Brayden for a few weeks now and I am SO GLAD you've finally got him home!

Betsy McK said...

What a huge praise that you're home with Brayden! Hope you all have a smooth first night home!

Jill said...

PRAISE THE LORD!! He is truly a miracle from God.

Enjoy every minute with your little bundle of joy.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a gift.We are so happy you can be home and enjoy your little one all to yourselves!God bless.

Kate said...

Congratulations on being home! God is so good! Praying the coming days go well as you adjust to this new chaos. :)

Tracy said...

Welcome home! Hopefully you get some rest tonight! Sleep tight Brayden!

Stacey said...

Yeah!! God is SOOOOO GOOD! Congratulations! Of course now that we are all so in love with are gonna keep us updated regularly right? God bless each of you! What a light you have been to others through all of this...

Pam said...

Praise the Lord! I know you all are going to sleep better at home. You have been such a blessing through all this, showing so much strength and faith! Glad to know that you are home. Sleep tight little Brayden!

Jessica said...

Praise the Lord!!! I am so happy for you. I just love Brayden like he is my own! : ) Harbor and Brayden need to meet up soon. : )

Amanda @ Bibs and Cribs said...

Congratulations! I know you are so happy to be home! I am so happy that Brayden is doing so well! =)

Lynn said...

As the song goes, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"!! What wonderful news to hear Brayden (all of you) are finally home!!
I know you're exhausted but relieved and ecstatic--congratulations!!

Blessings to you & family,
Lynn in TX

Kendra said...

Oh God is so, so good!! What a blessing, what a miracle!!!!
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

We've Got Scents said...

Praising HIM for so many answered prayers on behalf of your family.
Continue to "rest in HIM". Blessings to your family always,
Matthew 21:22

Christy said...

Oh so glad to hear the good news of your family's homecoming! I know you're all ready to settle in. He is absolutely adorable!

pinkmommy said...

Praise the LORD! I am so happy for you to finally be home!

mommyto3 said...

Praise God!! What a blessing to be taking a healthy baby home! Brayden is absolutely ADORABLE! Enjoy every moment!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for ya'll that Brayden finally got to go home. Thank God for healing Brayden & Harper. I hope ya'll can get unpacked and settled in at home & enjoy your sweet boy!

Mama J said...

YaaayyyY!!! So happy for you guys! Get some rest and enjoy that baby...everything else can wait. You have something wayyyy more important to take care of now! :)))

Kristin said...

Praise Him for your little miracle. I'm so happy for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news!! Congrats on going HOME. I have been praying for Brayden and your family, and will continue to do so! Welcome Home.

Melody said...

Congratulations!! I have been following Brayden's journey since he was born and I am praising God that you guys are home now!!

God bless you!!

Ruth said...

I'm so happy and excited for you. This is a miracle and God is so good!!! Enjoy your baby and your home and family.

MtnGirl said...

YEA! I am so happy for Brayden and ya'll!

Shannon said...

I'm so excited that you are now home! I have been following your blog since you were pregnant, but this is the first time I've posted a comment. I'm SO glad Brayden is home. My little girl was born on the same day as Brayden at Willow Creek. I can't imagine what you've gone through.

Christy said...

Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear the news and can't wait to see pics along the way... God bless you and your family.

Liege said...

I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations. Let the sleepless nights begin :)

JanMarie said...

God is so good!!!! I'm so happy for you all to be at home as a family. Enjoy these next years and make lots of wonderful memories as the time goes by so so quickly!
Many blessings!

creative gal said...


Sherrie said...

Praise God your sweet baby boy is home!

Lisa said...

CONGRATULATIONS on being home. What a blessing that little Brayden is doing so well. I have definitely been praying for that little guy.

Enjoy being home!!


Melissa said...

I'm so happy you guys got to go home!

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! That prayed for day finally arrived! Hopefully, everyone can finally get the rest they need and you'll settle in to just being a normal little family--like you were praying for in the first place. You'll continue to be in heartfelt prayers for health and happiness with your baby boy. Welcome Home, little Brayden!
Susan in Missouri

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! Praise God!!!

Jen in Indiana

Candace said...

Praise God your little one is finally home! I am very happy and have been praying for both him and little Harper! Blessings!

CAMoore said...

I cant wait to see how he adjusts to his home! So happy for you all -

Megan L Hutchings said...


ilovepink said...

Yeah! So happy you are home!

EnigLdy said...

What a beautiful baby! Hugs to all of you.

Amy Lynn said...

Welcome Home, Brayden!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been following Brayden's journey since he was a few days old. We have a Brayden so I have had a special place in my heart for your Brayden.I have been praying for him and your family and it is so nice to hear he is finally home. Enjoy your bundle of joy! God Bless,


Brooke said...

Yeah!! That is so exciting to actually FINALLY be home. Now you can get into a more normal routine with your little guy. Congrats!

Shannon said...

Praise the Lord! He is so Good! Welcome home!

AnneGirl said...

Thinking of you guys & thrilled that this time the thoughts are of you at home!!! Way to go Brayden. Pretty soon you're going to be so big and strong nobody will believe you were ever sick! Sending you hugs to HOME!!

~Annette & William :)

Mel said...

How wonderful! The day so many have prayed for. May everyday be a blessing to you and your family.

Laurie said...

I am so thrilled for you all. I look forward to meeting Brayden.

Rebekah said...

I am tearing up just reading about you guys getting to go home! Praise the Lord! I am so happy for you...I know you are so ready to have your sweet little man at home. Now you get to have him to yourself!!!

Nancy L. said...

Thank GOD!!
Congrats for having a beautiful, miracle baby!
May God keep blessing you all through your life!!

Kristi said...

Praise God!!! I am so happy that you guys are home now. Congratulations!

Emily said...

ahh:) yeah yeah yeah yeah! Soo happy:) Praise the Lord:) Yea! Continuing to pray for Braydens health:) Cant wait to see pics of the lil guy all happy and healthy at home:)

Kat Drinkard said...

YEA big boy Brayden. WE are praying and cheering ya'll on from down here in Bama. I am so proud of him. Keep up the good work and God Bless. WE all knew this precious day would come. I can't wait to see how well he does at home and see all of the awesome pics.


Barb said...

Great news,I am so happy for you.I will keep you in my prayers and tell Brayden to be a good boy for mommy and daddy....Barb

Rachel Dominguez said...

PTL....I'm so happy for you guys to get to bring Brayden home!

Welcome Home!!!

Erika said...

Praise God! He is so good! I am so happy to hear this wonderful update! Enjoy that precious boy of yours!!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Yea! Glad you are home!!!

Michelle Whitlow said...

That's such wonderful news!!! Enjoy being a HOME!!!

Katie said...

YEA! My heart just swells with excitement for y'all and thankfulness for what the Lord has done! I'm so happy your little Mister Brayden is home!

Leigh Ann said...

So glad you all are home!

Tonya Ingram said...

Praise God!!! I am thrilled that you are home. I'd have to agree that he's happy because he's home. That's probably all he ever wanted!

Stephanie said...

Oh Jenna..I'm so glad he's home and you all are safe under one roof!! Praise God!!! Can't wait to see all your adventures at home as a family now! So exciting :)

Amanda said...


Now the real fun begins :)

~aj~ said...

I am so thrilled for your family. God is so good!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I join you in thanking our merciful Father for healing Brayden and bringing him and you through this challenge. May God strengthen and bless your family.

dani said...

PRAISE THE LORD! I am SO happy for you right now that I am actually crying! CONGRATS on having your sweet boy home!!

Abby said...

Yay!! I'm so happy that he is home! I've been praying for you all!

Ashlee said...

I'm so glad you three are finally home. The first few days might be stressful, but you are going to have so much fun with your little one! I'll continue to pray for you all!

Anonymous said...

I been following and praying for you guys for awhile now.

So, So glad to hear your at home. you must be so happy and so tired all at the same time!

Blessing to you...

tootie said...

I'm so happy for you! What a blessing!

Joanna said...

So glad ya'll are home! Prasies!!

Southern said...

Praise the Lord!!! I'm so excited to read that yall are home!!! I've been following your journey and it's so wonderful to see God's answer to prayer! Congratulations!!!!

mommyof2sons said...

I am so glad that Brayden is now at home. God is so good!! Brayden is adorable!!

Meredith said...

I am soo glad Brayden is home! YAY!!

Andrea @ Mommy said...

Yeah!!! Praise God!!! I'll pray for you during this transition to home. I'm sure you'll have a few challenges ahead but nothing compared to what you have been through already!!!


L2L said...

I am soo happy for you guys!!!! Can't wait to see Brayden grow up before our very eyes!!! Yes, you better get rest while you can!!!! said...

Another Brayden fan welcoming him HOME!! Been praying all the way from Germany!!

Michele, Cologne, Germany

Anonymous said...

Wondering how Brayden is doing at home. Miss the daily updates. Praying he will continue to do well.

alyssa said...

gosh, i must have missed this update! i am here in bentonville too & have been keeping up with brayden & SO GLAD to see him at home!! i had a baby at 27 weeks (7 years ago) so i KNOW that NICU stay was SO HARD!! you are so strong & he was so strong too! praise God!!

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