Obviously, not getting to hold him for 9 days, and having him be in the hospital for 5 long weeks was not my plan.
But I thought that certain things would be easy for me to control. One such thing? Monkeys.
I know this sounds ridiculous. I cannot stand monkeys. Hate is a strong word...but I can almost use it when talking about monkeys. YUCK. ICK. GROSS. I think they are dirty nasty little creatures (and I realize I'm offending monkey lovers everywhere, so if you are a monkey lover, sorry).
When B was in the hospital he could only have hard plastic toys...so I got him this:

Brayden Hearts Monkeys.
I could rebel. I could purge my house of all monkey related articles. But I won't. One look at that sweet little smiling face and I can almost like the monkeys. Almost.
That is too funny! That's how I feel about superheros but having a boy, I'm sure that's the direction I'm headed. If only I can get him to stick with John Deere.... Hmmm....
And, for whatever it's worth, I call both of my kids 'Monkey'. LOL
You are so funny. My Tyler sleeps with "Monkey" every night. It is funny though when your kids start liking things you don't at all like. My oldest loves Cherries. All things Cherry. He will choose Cherry flavored anything over any other choice. I HATE Cherries. I won't take Cherry flavored medicine, eat Cherry flavored candy, drink anything with Cherries. He also likes mustard and I think it's really gross. This past Sunday he asked me what mushrooms were when I ordered my meal without them. Our friend at the table gave him a taste of his when our food came and he loved them. He ate all of the mushrooms off my husbands plate and some more off other peoples plates. I never discourage him from trying something I don't like, but inside I'm cringing a little. LOL
I know how you feel Ive had a very strong fear of cows since i was 5. Infact I belive it got to the point that it was more of a pobia (sp?) i would hear a cow and sream i could not look at the things with out my heart speddin up. When my oldest was born my mother thoght it would be funny to buy him a stuffed cow that mooed. I had nightmares over that thing for weeks and still freak out if it goes of when im not expecting it. But I can not bring myself to get rid of it becuz of the love my lil man has for it.
ok that is hilarious!!! Ohhh the monkeys! =)thanks for sharing!!!
You are too funny!
Now that is funny! I am sure there will be many more things you won't like that he will LOVE! HA!
yep. i know the feeling. i now have a love/hate relationship with ketchup. my kids L.O.V.E. it. me? i'm on the hate end. but my house barely functions without it. ahh, parenthood!
Funny how we give in to things! I swore my children would never wear anything "character." But one pair of Spiderman shoes later as a birthday gift later and my 3 year old was never happier. How do I say no to that grin?
This is too funny and oh so sweet! It is just one of the many things you will do for your little guy :)!
That is hilarious! Now you know what to get him for his first birthday- a pet monkey! Yeah right! :-)
Soooo cute! Maybe they'll start to grow on you :)
I dont blame you. When I was 10-11yrs old, my dad was bit by one of his good friends pet spider monkey. Ever sense then...YUCK YUCK AND MORE YUCK to any monkey. I hate them.
My dad lost a huge section of his lower leg from this monkey.
Keep the monkey's away!! LOL.
You know you will probably have to get him a Curious George cake for his first birthday!!
He is so cute! Glad to see him doing so well. I can totally relate to not holding your baby (I had to wait 5 weeks) and she was in the NICU for almost 6 months.
Take care
lol but they're so cute!
I have been following your blog since the birth of your son. You are doing a great job... Keep it up...
This was a very funny post! I was laughing out loud. I loved it. Isn't it amazing what we do for our kids???
Too cute!
LOL!! That is too funny cause I'm in LOVE with the monkey stuff and realized I'm over doing it on the bibs, outfits, etc..I think its time to STOP! hehehe
He and my Bitty would get along great! She is a monkey lover. Although, they didn't have this line when she was born. She would have loved it. Oh, the things we love for our children.
How funny! I felt the same way- monkeys were gross! My little boy is 10 months and in that time, I am actually thinking they are cute...the stuffed ones, the ones on clothes, etc...NOT real monkeys. My baby's favorite stuffed animal is a monkey - loves em!
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