Friday, January 7, 2011

Fun and not so fun...

Today started out not so fun because I had to take:

to the doctor. He's been having lots of spit-ups and you can tell he was in pain. Dr. H seems to think he has acid reflux - a different kind of reflux than Brayden had. Thankfully he thinks that taking Zantac will help. I went and filled his prescription and gave him his first dose. He's been an angel since then so either it's working or it is a strange coincidence!

After that, B1, B2 and I met up with Whitney for lunch. The original plan was to head to a favorite local place but with how my last few days have gone with Brody (lots of crying!) I didn't really want to risk it.
So instead, she hopped in the car with me and we drove over to (where else?!) Chickfila! We had fun eating in the car and driving around town!

I've got a new giveaway going on over on my giveaway page! Check it out!
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