Today is Brayden's 2nd birthday! I can't believe he is 2 years old! The time has just FLOWN by!
Chris was working from home today so we both were able to go up and get Brayden when he woke up (ignore the Christmas PJ's)!
Kisses from Mommy:

Some 2 year facts about B!
- You have very advanced verbal skills! Your pediatrician and Brody's ENT both were shocked at how well you communicate!
- You are still a FANTASTIC sleeper!
- You no longer get a paci - actually since about 18 months, you haven't gotten one. You don't seem to mind!
- You love to hold the refrigerated section doors at the grocery store open for me. You get upset if I don't let you! You're such a gentleman!
- You love to tell Daddy and I that you love us "thiiiiiiis much!" and hold your arms out wide!
- You're getting to be a slightly better eater. At least you now like some vegetables!
- You have started (lightly) potty training. You are so ready - you really want to, I just struggle to find the time to fit everything in!
You are the sweetest, kindest, most loving child. You make every single day a great day and we love you SO much!