Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back From Branson

...and I'm so tired!

We were going to swing by Joplin and go buy our stroller but I was just too tired to do it! Plus some of my discounts were at home so I decided to wait. Branson was successful...we completed our Christmas shopping for Chris' dad, step-mom and brother and half of my brother and his step-sister. Woo-Hoo! I really like having things done early!

I stopped in at the Ann Taylor Loft where we were staying (Branson Landing) and got some cute PJ's...

The top:


And then we went to dinner at a fun mexican restaurant that makes the guacamole tableside, as well as the desserts:

Today before we headed out we stopped at one of my favorite spots, Big Cedar Lodge for brunch. This is one of the beautiful Christmas trees they have up:

I love Christmas and can't wait to put up my decorations. We normally put them up the day after Thanksgiving. It should be interesting this year since Chris has banned me from using the ladder...ha! He will be putting up the majority of our decorations, and I probably won't bring out everything just because it's cutting it close to Brayden's scheduled arrival time...and who knows if I will even make it til' the 12th! I need to put up a poll...I'm curious to see what you all think!


Lianna Knight said...

So fun!! I LOVE Mexican food...your post has actually made me hungry :)

Anonymous said...

Hey I was there this weekend too! Can you believe it snowed on Saturday? It was freezing up there!

CAMoore said...

Isn't Branson so much fun this time of year. I want to plan a trip soooo bad!

Youre looking good girl - just a little belly (remember me at 30 weeks???)

Emily said...

we are going to take my grandparents to branson at the begginning of the new year! i have never been and heard it was great! I have slowly started brining my christmas decorations out but not decorating quite yet! have a great week!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I love the picture of you and Chris in front of the tree ;)! Very appropriate for the holidays ;)!

Cute PJs!

Jennifer said...

Love the new pajamas! We are going to Branson this weekend with Josh's family. Was the mexican resturant in the Landing? If so we ate there last time we were in Branson.

Heather said...

Those are DARLING PJ's! You guys look so cute and happy in your pics! I can't wait to put up my Christmas stuff, either!

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