Saturday, January 3, 2009

9 Days Left Until Eviction Time

In a mere 9 days I am giving Brayden his eviction notice. I know he's comfy and cosy in there, but we are all very ready to meet and hold him!

Today I am 38 weeks! I know I should have a picture but I don't...maybe I will remember to take one tomorrow and I will post it.

I have been having horrible cramping and BH contractions. All I can say is this had better be doing something...I have an appt on Monday and I am going to let him do the internal this time. My wishful thinking side is dreaming that Dr S will send me straight to L&D but my practical side has a strong feeling that that is not in the cards!

Chris and I went to the Promenade today and walked...and walked...and walked some more. I think there were about 100mph winds (just kidding, but it was windy!) and we went to some of the baby stores and bought a few things for Brayden (because, you know, he doesn't have enough clothing). It doesn't help that Chris and I are both major fashion lovers and big time shoppers. Poor Brayden doesn't stand a chance.

Tonight we went and ate at the Catfish Hole. We were going to go there yesterday but ended up at Copelands instead so I made sure that we went to get my hush puppies tonight. I was having super bad contractions before we left and Chris wasn't sure we should go...but I told him that I was going to have my hush puppies tonight! I haven't really dealt with cravings most of the pregnancy (because I've been so super sick) but every once in awhile I simply must have something (usually involving chocolate).

That's my update for tonight...if I remember I will take/add a pic tomorrow and I should be on Monday to give my doctor appt update! Hope everyone's having a fantastic weekend!


Kelly said...

We ate at catfish hole Friday!!! SO YUMMY!
I'm pretty sure you'll be having Brayden before I have Harper. ha! I have a feeling we'll be going well over my due date. At least I've had plenty of time to get everything I can think of done! ha!

tootie said...

Congrats on being so close! Hang in there. I'll say a prayer that all goes smoothly!

Anonymous said...

At least you don't have too much longer to go and have an induction date scheduled. My doctor had told me she wouldn't let me go more than 2 weeks past my due date-Yikes! Fortunately Luke had other plans and surprised us by coming about 2 weeks early. I didn't have time to really think about it since I was expecting a long wait.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you will be meeting your baby boy soon! I've enjoyed following you during your pregnancy and I know that I will enjoy hearing about your life with Brayden even more!

Amanda Ledford said...

I think you need to go ahead and give him his eviction notice a little early and lets meet Brayden! :-) I think that Brayden and Harper are waiting for a second notice before they vacate!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I can't believe that the time is finally here ;)! Hang in there and know your blogging family is sending you prayers!!!

Robin Lynn said...

Congrats on making it this far along!! I am thinking of you and praying for you and can't wait for YOU to meet your little boy. Take care of yourself, get plenty of are about to have the best present ever.

Emily said...

jenna:) How exciting:) I bet you guys are sooo sooo excited! i cant wait to hear how your apt goes today:) I love the title of this post... eviction time:) darling! So happy/excited for you! keeping you in my prayers!

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