They are also going to add another med for Brayden's reflux. It should only be short-term because it's a med for his throat. Basically, they think his throat is raw and irritated from throwing up (which he's not really doing anymore) and that is why he doesn't want his bottle.
His hair looks red in this's not, it's actually a sandy blonde color.
I accomplished something amazing today...I changed his diaper without him screaming! I had some mom was back in the NICU with me (only 2 people can be back at a time) and she did her best to distract him while I changed him and took his temp. He did so well!
Tomorrow is his 3 week birthday, and his first day without methadone! Oh, and his first full day sans PICC line! YAY! I hope we will have him home before he's a month old, but if it's not God's timing then I don't want it. HIS timing is perfect, and that is all we can ask for!
Please continue to pray for E and B. B is new to the NICU and is on ECMO. They need our prayers! Also, Chris and I have sinus infections, and we will be picking up our RX's tomorrow. Please remember us as well - we need to be well for Brayden!
Edited to add:
Chris had a pic on his phone of me with Brayden...hope it isn't too fuzzy!

So sweet...still praying for you.
He is SO gorgeous!! Great pic of Mum & Bub :)
What precious pictures! So sweet to see all of you.. I find with our family that I end up taking most of our pictures too! I guess that is a mom's job! HA! I will continue to pray for more good news.. my heart is bless with the good report.. God is so good.. If you see anyone with those sick babies, please express to them that I am praying for them too. I will check in again tomorrow.
Love and prayers,
Your Sister In Christ, Bryant AR
He is beautiful. What a drastic change in appearance... his color looks so good. We're keeping your family in our prayers!
He is just precious! Praying he continues to improve so you guys can come home soon!!
he looks sooo good!!! and i must say, he is precious!! im soooo glad to hear more good news! all these prayers have worked =) yay!!
He is getting so big and he is adorable. Also yall look like very happy parents. I will continue to pray for Brayden and your family. So glad to hear he's doing better.
He is so adorable! What a cutie!! So glad to hear that he's doing well and that the PICC line will be coming out! I will keep praying for you guys and also for the other babies in the NICU.
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
Brayden is SO cute!!! I'm glad he is doing so well!
I am never sick and I have had some kind of stopped up nose since we have been here - hospitals are germy and dry. UGH! :-)
You look so pretty - you can't even tell you ever had a baby. GRRRRR! :-)
Keeping you guys is our prayers.
What a sweet smile he has in the picture with you! Still praying that he will continue to get better so you can be home with him soon.
Don't think I've ever commented before (actually maybe once or twice), but I've been reading and thinking of you since Brayden was born (thanks to Kelly and Harper spreading word of you guys!). I am so happy your little guy is doing so well. What an adorable boy! (I meant Brayden, but your husband is a cutie, too! AHHH! I don't believe I just typed that! :)
Such a cutie! You'll have to keep on your hubby about taking pictures of you with Brayden. Most men don't even think about it! I always have to ask mine to take pictures of me with the kids.
I am praying he surpasses all expectations! He is a doll!
And, I am always on the other side of the camera too. :)
He is such a cutie! It must be a dad thing, they never think to get the camera I have so many pictures with dad!!
He's so darling!! What a precious little face! Sounds like things are going so well now, but prayers will continue for things to keep progressing toward getting him home. Blessings and good health to all of you!
Lake Saint Louis, MO
P.S. Extra special prayers for the other babies as well...
I agree with Kelly that you look gorgeous, but she has nothing to worry about. Geez, you're both looking amazing considering what you have been through!
I'm so glad Brayden is continuing to make progress. Blessings to you, your husband & your precious son.
Brayden is so cute in those photos. You look great too! Glad things are going so well for him. God's timing is the perfect timing.
You three are all precious and I am so thankful that tomoorow Brayden will have no PICC! Great news and super deal about less and less dependency on meds. I will pray for B and E. I ahve a new found respect and prayers for NICU parents like you and Kelly and those that may not have people praying for them. Thanks Jenna for keeping blogland updated and aware of life in the NICU.
I LOVE the pic of you and Brayden at the end. Not fuzzy at all- just precious!!! He looks so big and healthy! Take care of yourself too!
He is beautiful! Praying!!
Just precious!!! He is a handsome little sweetie. Glad he is doing better with his feedings.. Still Praying!!!
Gorgeous!! I'm praying that Brayden will be home soon :)
What beautiful pictures!!!! Brayden is absolutely adorable! Yay for all the improvements that he's making.
Praying for him and a trip home as soon as possible!
The picture of you with your baby is wonderful - it warmed my heart!
Praying he continues to get stronger each day! It looks like he is in a big boy crib now....that is awesome! It takes those baby steps to get toward going home. Have a blessed day!
Jennifer Johnson
Fowler, IN
Jenna.. you loo beautiful in the picture of you and Brayden:) Soo pretty! Glowing with happiness! Definite framer! Yea for your first cry free diaper change;)
Keeping you guys in my prayers everyday!
Oh, I love all the pictures! I definitely think we need to see more of you and Brayden! He is adorable! Still praying for continued improvements and we will be praying for babies in the NICU.
I love that pic of you and Brayden! So sweet!!! Still praying for you!
Sending prayers your way from a mom with a Brayden of my own.
I love all the sweet pictures, what a precious and handsome little man you have:) Glad that you all had a picture of mommy and Braydon:) More prayers and ((hugs)) being sent you all's way. God Bless
He is just absolutely beautiful! He will be home in no time. I feel it with all the prayers I have said for him and your family!
What a beautiful son you have.
Rachel (Lee's Summit, MO)
Happy 3 week Birthday Brayden! You are such a little cutie :) Glad to hear he's able to be without the methadone, and PICC line, next it will be the NG tube and then you'll be waving goodbye to all your nice nurses! Thinking of you & the other babes in your NICU~ Annette & William
Keep kissing those cute little cheeks,you all are in my prayers....Barb
Glad that things are continuing to go well! You all are going to be wonderful parents to him--it's obvious from the adorable pictures! Keeping you guys & the other NICU babies in our thoughts & prayers!
I know this is an old post but I just had to say that the picture of you and Brayden is SO SWEET! He looks like hes smiling! = D
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