I told Brayden we were going to be leaving and he looked at me like "No! Not another doctor appointment!" Poor thing, that is probably all he thinks there is to life.
He actually did really well. We went to Abuelo's, my favorite place (you know it's bad when all of the waiters ask where you've been for the last 6 weeks...) and he slept for awhile and then decided that he wanted to be held. Chris cut up my food and I held him and ate. It worked out pretty well. I was very apprehensive about going so I am glad it turned out okay.
Last night Chris stayed up with Brayden. I don't think I could have done one more night in a row of staying up all day and night. I slept like a log. I never heard a thing. Chris had to wake me up and I don't even remember that!
I got a lot of great suggestions from a lot of bloggers on our sleep situation so I thought I'd let you know what we've tried thus far.
-Swaddling with a blanket
-Swaddling with this sleep sack thing that velcros around him
-Sleeping on several inclines (he can't lie flat because of his reflux)
-Sleeping with noise and light
-Holding him on the couch (usually the only way I can get him to sleep)
-Co-sleeping (he really hates it)
-Rocking him
I know there's more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
(Edited to add...I forgot to mention that he hates the bouncy seat, the carseat and both swings (he has a regular swing and the side to side swing that graco makes for colicy babies).
Oh and off topic but several of you asked where I got his bedding - we got it at Babies R Us (it's by Amy Coe).
My mom was over again today (yay!!!) and I was able to leave for about an hour and run some errands. Wow, that did me so much good. Seriously, that little break really recharged me. I'm soooo thankful that she lives here and doesn't mind helping out so much!
A quick update on baby B - he is off his vent, off ECMO and his mommy finally got to hold him! Thank you for praying for them!
Try a Miracle Blanket. It's made especially for swaddling but with no velcro. Google it and you should find the company. MckMama swears by it. (www.mycharmingkids.net)
I am a mom of three. Two of the three were NICU babies. Time is the only thing that will help him sleep. Trust me when I say this, it will one day stop, he will just go to sleep at night, and then when morning comes you will FREAK out thinking something is wrong because he didn't wake up 1 zillion times! Then after you realize he just got the hang of bed time you will praise the Lord! There are things that help this baby and that baby and you will find the one thing for you baby when it's right for him. It really makes it worse when its the 1st baby. My 1st and 3rd were NICU babies, I totally understand what your going through. The ONLY thing that would calm my oldest daughter for about the 1st few weeks home was to be put in her car seat and rocked back and forth, not the swing, OH NO, she didn't even want to see it. So hang in there before you know it he will be 17mo old like my 3rd baby and you will still be holding him while you eat, just like me, hehehehe. Good luck and God bless!
My son had severe reflux and we tried all the treatments and the long nights were unbearable I finally resorted to putting him in his carseat next to our bed and propping his car seat back so he wasn't so upright! It got both of us through the nights. I could then just reach down and touch him if he needed it and I did buckle it so he couldnt squirm out. We did that for at least 2 months. He is now 10 and very active, athletic and a straight A student so sleeping in his car seat didn't affect him :) Best of luck!
Hearts and Hugs
Oh it helps so much to get out even just for an hour.
Ya'll are brave to go out to eat. I think I'll be terrified to try it!!
Awe, you guys are so cute! I have been praying for you guys and will continue to pray that Brayden sleeps good.
Oh my goodness (about the sleep thing)...I'm so sorry. This takes me back to the days of our first. I remember praying that God would just give me one three hour stretch...just one. The only thing we found to work was the hairdryer. I know, sounds weird, but I would hold her and put the hairdryer right up next to her back (obviously not facing towards her). But the sound, the vibration and me rocking her would put her to sleep fairly quick. I could lay her down but had to keep the hairdryer on or she would wake. We went through 5 hairdryers before her colic finally settled down!!!! I thought we were so "unique" using this, but over the years, I've ran into so many people that say they used the hairdryer, too! We will be praying for you.
The miracle blanket was a life saver for us. This also looks interesting, although we've never tried it http://www.napnanny.com/
Hope you find something that works soon.
I've recently come to your blog from Kayleigh Freeman's blog. I have a suggestion for your little guy and the crying all night! I use a MOBY Wrap. I have a 9 week old who refuses to sleep at night unless she's being held, so a friend told me about the MOBY. I bought one, strapped her on (it's a large piece of fabric that you pretty much "tie" the baby on with!) and I tell ya, she goes to sleep immediately and I'm hands free. I sleep with it on and everything. It's the only thing that would help her stop crying, we tried everything else like you did!
Good for you guys getting out!!!
Know that 99% of mommies of a newborns--NICU time or not--have been DESPERATE for sleep and have tried every trick in the book to GET their baby to sleep. Both of my kids were different.
Our daughter slept on a knitted afghan (tucked onto the mattress like a sheet) for MONTHS. I thought maybe the cold sheets were waking her up, so I tried it one night, and it worked and that's what we did until she was over a year old.
My son had lots of coughing issues--so we would put him in his car seat and rock it with our foot to get him to sleep, then I'd put the car seat in his bed and put the side up--which was sort of silly--but I didn't want him on the floor while I was asleep. He was rocked, cradled, and inclined all at once.
There were so many times I would wake up in the nursery with a baby asleep in my arms--boob exposed from nursing--milk running out of their mouths, and I wouldn't know how or when I'd gotten there or how long I'd been there.
I think God assigns angels to new mommies so we don't do too much damage. There were nights I would PRAY that God would let them sleep just a little. And, eventually, they did. You will work it out--until then, SLEEP WHEN THE BABY SLEEPS.
Try this: http://www.napnanny.com/ It's amazing.
Hi Glad you could get out. I love Abuelos to. Brayden is such a little cutie!
Whenever I look at pictures of Brayden I always notice how bright his eyes are. It really looks like he's very alert, taking it all in! I think he's going to be a smart little cookie! Sounds like he already knows how to work the system so he can be held all the time ((wink))! Hang in there, sleep will come one of these days! Oh how I can relate!
I swear by the Miracle Blanket. www.miracleblanket.com Both of my kids loved it; and so did I! I think they even have a money back offer if you arne't happy with it.
Jenna... I'm just a lurker from Kelly's blog..but I have something that will not only change your life but your sons reflux. My nephew had really bad reflux/gerd and we ordered this for him..and it worked... like instantly!
If you could please email me at woodcockfamily6@bellsouth.net so I can give you the info. There is just to much I would like to share about this product it would be better to just email me. Looking forward to hearing from you..and your son is precious!
Sorry to hear that Brayden is still not sleeping well. So nice that your mom lives close by and is able to give you a break. And its always nice to go out for dinner as a family. Hopfully, this new dining experience wore Brayden out and he will sleep more tonight! He is soooo cute!
Annapolis, MD
Cute pictures! Be patient - routine will eventually come to some extent!
A couple things....none of my kids would sleep on their backs, all slept on side or tummy - shhh, don't turn me into DHS. It is what it is.
Another trick we used was a heating pad to warm the surface we were about to set them on or lay them on.
I'm sure you'll all fall in a groove soon.
Continued prayers!
Jenna, Brayden looks just darling and i know it is hard these next few weeks of trying to get him to sleep but only time can help some things.
Trust me, you will look back and remember this time as wonderful! I think back(35 yrs ago) about all the hours we rocked and rocked and rode Kelly around town to get her to sleep! And then along came her little brother and all we did was lay him down and he slept! Different as daylight and dark!
Take an hour here and there and get yourself out and it helps greatly! Plus gives Brayden one-on-one time with the grandparents!
Thinking of all of you!
Brayden looks so content - like he hasn't been through anything at all. :) I'm glad you got to go out and that life is getting back to normal for you.
Oh, and I've heard wonderful things about the Miracle Blankets. I would definitely try one.
I LOVE Abuelo's. We moved a year ago and don't have one now. Very sad. I'm so sorry about the sleep issue. It will get better! We pray for you and Brayden and are just so thrilled he is home with you!
This is my little secret. You can't tell anyone ok? Put Brayden in his bouncy chair, carseat, whatever... we always used the carseat. Place your vacuum cleaner about 2-3 feet away from him, turn it on, TA-DA... worked every time for us. It pretty muched saved our lives. Haha! You carpet will stay clean too. Just move his seat to a ddifferent spot everyday.
It will get easier. Promise.
Miracle Blanket actually just sent me a free green blanket...I would love tosend it to you if you want it. Email me with an address to send it to if you would like it. KristenLJackson at msn dot com
Hi, just wanted to stop by and say hello! Your little man is sooo cute, what a journey you've been on, but God is sooooo good :o)
jenna...if you want to try the miracle blanket i bought two of them for my little boy...he didn't like it at all...i would be glad to send you one if you want to try it out first before spending any money on it. email me at kristin@allthingswilson.com
as for sleepless nights both my boys took forever to sleep..i personally think it just takes time! cameron, my 2 year old started sleeping through the night at 4 months and conner, my 4 month old is down to getting up once a night! best of luck and let me know if you want me to send you one of the miracle blankets.
hi, i've been following your blog and praying for you guys! i highly, highly recommend 'the happiest baby on the block' by harvey karp. it helped us tremendously! it talks about swaddling, rocking, white noise, etc. but it is very specific in how to go about it. he says in the book if it doesn't work for your baby, then you are doing it wrong- that's how much it's guaranteed to work! i had 10 people tell me to get it before i finally did and now i swear by it...i promise it will help you if you read it!!!
You look beautiful Jenna! Sooo pretty! so FUN that you were able to get out of the house.. run errands and go to dinner... I know I will soon appreciate all those things that I am sure I take for granted now... Glad also you got a good night rest!
Try the Miracle Blanket. www.miracleblanket.com. It works wonders. My daughter was in the hospital for a week at 4 weeks old and completely threw off her schedule. We started using the Miracle Blanket when we got home and 3 days later she was sleeping through the night. 10pm-6am. She's now 10 months old and has since been a wonderful sleeper!!
Good for you for going on. I am a little apprehensive about going out the first time. I am glad your experience went well!
Yep, He is a true Brayden. My Brayden will be turning 10 soon and hated all those things. He loves to sleep now. I promise it will get better.
Yep, He is a true Brayden. My Brayden will be turning 10 soon and hated all those things. He loves to sleep now. I promise it will get better.
Put Brayden in his crib, and get ready to turn the vacuum on. I, too, had a NICU baby and it worked for naps.
I must be a mean ole' mama because I put our kids down to bed at a certain time each night, asleep or not (about 10pm at Brayden's age) and let them cry for about 10 mins before "giving in". It takes a couple days but it works and when they are two...you can know that when it's bedtime, they know they go to bed - no rocking required! Even though it's kind of sad when they grow up a little and you know you never rocked 'em. --Not sad enough to keep from loving that they go to sleep on their own though!!
Good Luck!
Plus, I'm not sure I would spend money on a "miracle blanket" for a baby that has been in the NICU for 5 weeks. My NICU baby hated to be swaddled and I always figured it was because he had 14 days of freedom to stretch out.
Wow!! Is it safe to take him out amoung "People" so soon??? Makes me nervous
So sorry you are having a hard time getting Brayden to adjust to life at home without all the beeps & whistles (noises) the NICU has. We had the same kind of adjustment period. I like you tried everything that seemed to work in the NICU & Morgan didn't want anything to do with any of them. She just wanted to snuggle with MOmmy. And really, who could blame her after she was not in the NICU anymore.
I found that it worked wonders for me to sit on my exercise ball & either bounce her a little or sit & roll back & forth a little until she fell asleep. Then I'd sleep with her in my arms or on my chest as you were describing. But I did that will all 3 of my kids when they were newborns. Started with my 1st since she was premature & she loved to be warm & close to someone after having to be in a bilibed for awhile. It was warm & hummed so she was used to that.
Anyway, it's nice that your mom & Chris are there to help you out. It's good to get out now & then. A breather & then it gives you a new look at the situtation. Just wondering if there is some reason you are unable to 'sleep' holding Brayden while on the couch or in a chair. Are you nervous, uncomfortable? Not really trying to pry but rather try to help you think about different things in hopes that you may come up with an answer that would help your situation.
In time he'll adjust to his new surroundings & things will settle. Just stay calm & relaxed if possible & perhaps sing to him or have some quiet worship music playing to relax both of you. I totally love the Praise Baby gift set cds. I have been using them to calm & help my 3 to fall asleep for a few months now. Wish I would have had them awhile ago. Blessings to you on this journey of no simple answers called Motherhood. God will bless you.
I am so glad that you and your boys were able to get out for a little while :)!
I am still praying for you beautiful!
I have three boys.... one of which was colic. remember this, "This to will pass". I know it's hard, but it WILL get better. Just hang in there and know you are doing a great job.
I've been reading your blog for a while now!!
I am glad you got to go to dinner and that you have the help of your mom. I know that helps you stay sane and is a bit of normalcy!
I have to second one of the other posters about the tummy sleeping. Our daughter would NOT sleep on her back. We started her on her side (with a positioner...what a life-saver!) until about 7 weeks. By then she was too big for the positioner so we let her sleep on her tummy. She started sleeping through the night then.
Our daughter also did not like her swing. She'd nap in the bouncy but that was it. She also hated being swaddled. Only let us do that in the hospital.
Like others have said...Hang in there. Those first few weeks are so rough trying to get your routine down and get you and baby adjusted. It'll happen :o)
Your little man is just so cute!!
If you think noise will help him sleep I would suggest getting a box fan. I have to have some kind of sound in my room to go to sleep so that is what I use and my kids. I guess when they where babies and in my room they got ust to it so they have a fan in there rooms to. I don't use them for the air so I just turn them towards the wall and it works out great. This is how I get my six year old up for school I turn off his fan and he pops right out of bed.
While we've never met I truly feel your pain with the reflux. My son had a fundo (sp?) at 18 months and we fought the uphill battle of no sleep for months with him, and keeping him elevated, medicine 15 minutes before feeding,etc., etc. One thing I did learn was that my son hated the bouncy seat,and swing..the movement made him sick and he would throw up. He did learn to like the car seat and spent many nights sleeping in the car seat. Hang in there...it will get better, and while it is hard to do try to sleep when he sleeps. Take the phone of the hook and sleep....good luck!
Can sooo relate! Sounds a lot like our son. All I can say is in time it gets easier. It was not until around 3 months it got a "little" easier and by 4 months, it was "much" easier and now at 8 months, it is a piece of cake (especially compared to those beginning months). You are doing everything right! Do not get overwhelmed with trying a million things that people suggest! I thought if I heard "Have you tried the swing?" one more time I was going to strangle the person (and God would set me straight that they were just trying to help.
The best thing would be to do what you are doing and make sure to get a little bit of alone time (by yourself and with your husband). I will pray for you and your sanity!
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