I don't mean to be a bad poster - but the last two days have been really hectic. I went to the doctor and have a really bad sinus infection. He put me on a super antibiotic that will kill anything I've got but I've felt super lousy the last few days. Thankfully my mom has come over to help Chris and I out.
Yesterday mom took
Brayden to see his room:
And Daddy figured out that
Brayden LOVES his chest carrier:
And today
Brayden had a bath...you can see how much he enjoyed that:
Getting dry:
All snuggled up in his swing:
We are still attempting to convince
Brayden that this is actually his home. He is so used to the
NICU and all the noises from it that it's been a fairly hard adjustment. The first night was really hard, the second night was better but then last night was brutal. Thankfully mom came over early to watch him why we caught a little sleep. It's really hard to adjust a baby that has been in the
NICU for so long. Today he seemed a little more content with his surroundings (thankfully).
Hopefully now that I'm feeling better I will be a better updater!
Thanks for the update. I hope you feel better soon and that the coming days will be easier!
Our daughter spent only one week in the NICU, but the first night we had her home, she woke up and SCREAMED. . .not in a newborn-I'm-awake-now way, but in an I-am-scared-out-of-my-mind kind of way.
It was so dark and so quiet in our house, that we truly think she was scared silly.
So glad that you are home and beginning to enjoy Brayden without all the wires and lines. Drink plenty of water--and rest when you can. Blessings on all of you.
Thanks for updating, and don't feel bad for not blogging....you are busy with your little man and need to take it easy!!!
We have two baby girls that spent 89 days in the NICU and the noise was a factor for us too.
They preferred sleeping with their bedroom light on and the nurses suggested turning on a TV or radio and medium sound. We definitely found the slept better with noise.
Best of luck to you!!
Glad ya'll are able to be home. Hope Brayden gets fully adjusted to the home life soon! I'm sure it is difficult when the NICU is pretty much all he's known for the past month! Goodluck...I'm continuing to pray! Hope you get to feeling better, too! I look forward to your updates!
2 of my 3 spend time in NICU and I learned after the first one to not try to be quite once I got them home. I ran the vacuum and did all kinds of noisy things. That is what they are used to. Hang in there - it will get better! He will get used to his home after a while and you will adjust to a schedule. Glad you finally made it home - he is a cutie.
My son spent 3 weeks in NICU 20 some yrs ago and I remember those first days home being so hard on him with the adjustments.
I am so glad that your little man is home with you and all and that you are starting to feel better.
I have added you all to my prayer list. It has been a blessing to read your blog.
I'm hope you're feeling better and I hope he gets adjusted soon!
Glad to know all is going well. I have been thinking about you and hubby and little Brayden hoping the going home transition was going smoothly. It sounds like it has went pretty well.
Things will get better and easier with each day.
Oh, I hope you are feeling better. I love Brayden's room... it looks cute!! I hope he starts getting use to being home... I am sure that is hard on all of you.
Take Care,
I love seeing him at home! My son was only in the NICU for 17 days but our biggest problem was that he LOVED to sleep on his tummy which he of course couldn't do at home since there were no monitors! I ended up sleeping sitting up on the couch with him on my chest every night for about 6 weeks! But it was worth it just to have him home :D So glad to hear that he is doing well and I will keep praying for him and for you to get better soon so you can enjoy your little boy!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
You have good reason to be slow with posts! I love the pictures especially the bath one (his facial expression is priceless) and the swing one. He looks so cozy! Hope the transition gets better for you.
Oh my goodness! That bath picture just made me giggle. Too cute!
Oh I hope you start feeling better soon and Brayden is able to adjust quickly. It'll come but I'm sure it will feel like an eternity when you aren't getting alot of sleep. Keeping you all in my prayers!
Thanks so much for the update! Braydon is such a cutie and I love the pics of him in the bath. It reminds me of my little boy's first bath home- was only 7 months ago, but feels like so long ago as he is growing so fast! He will adjust to home soon and it will get easier- you are such loving parents.
ps- LOVE his nursery...great decorating! :)
Best of luck as you all adjust!!! I'm so happy things have turned out so well for you all.
If you have a second, would you mind sharing where you got his bedding from?
Glad that you guys are home! I know it feels great. My son spent two weeks in the NICU and we found that he would sleep much more soundly during the day when the TV was going and we were doing daily chores, etc. At night I would have the TV on (my husband worked at night so I kept it on for me mainly!) and he would sleep more soundly. Nights without the TV seemed worse. I mentioned it to a friend who's nephew was at ACH for over a month and they said he did the same thing. They are just used to having noise. So I kept the volume low and Friends DVD's ran all night at our house for about 2 months! Amy
I hope you are feeling better soon and that Brayden adjusts to home quickly. He's had a tough few weeks poor little guy.
Praying for you! I sure am enjoying the pictures!
hi jenna! so glad to hear you posting from home now! yeah! brayden's bedding looks so adorable. hoping you feel 100% very soon mama. ;)
still keeping you guys in our prayers everyday.
tara from maryland
Honey, I think your friend Kelly went through the same thing with Harper...it will get better! Hang in there! So happy he's home!
Oh he'll adjust just fine and soon!
enjoy ur son!
Oh please dont' worry about updating. Take care of yourself and Brayden first. Yes, we had one in the NICU for a while too and it took him a bit to adjust to home. It will get better! I continue to pray for Brayden and you!
Hope you feel better soon,bringing a baby home is always such an adjustment and after everything you guys have through makes it harder,thank goodness your mom is there to help.My daughter lives close so when she came home with my grandson the first few weeks were hard and she was thankful I was there.Brayden is such a cutie and you guys are still in my prayers....Barb
Oh he is just adorable! There is just something about sweet baby boys that melts my heart. My Brady is 7 months now but it seems like just yesterday he was itty bitty. I hope you're able to get some good sleep tonight. Enjoy that sweet boy!
Hang in there! He'll figure it all out soon enough. Feel better soon!!
Your rest is far more important than updating us but thank you! Two of my boys were in the NICU and bringing them home was sooooooo difficult. With my first one, I wasn't sure what I was going to do and it was even harder because the dad left a week after he was born. I figured out I was more tired than depressed, so keep well rested and everytime you stare into Brayden's eyes, look past the exhaustion and embrace his sole dependence on you. He truly is a blessing Jenna, you are so very blessed.
So glad you are home! And that you have meds to help make you feel better. And Grandma's who can jump in and help out.
When my daughter came home after 87 days in the NICU my mom warned us not to tiptoe around her. My mom is wise after raising 5 daughters. We didn't listen to her. Unfortunately our baby went from being able to sleep through ANYTHING to waking up at the slightest tinitest noise. It's not fun. Like the previous comments said, keep the lights on a little, have a TV or radio as background noise, run the vacuum, just go about your day as if he wasn't sleeping. You'll thank yourself later when your son can continue to sleep anywhere through anything.
So happy you are home!!!
I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like your mom is quite a blessing. Hope your little guy adjusts to his new surroundings.
I am so glad you guys are home!!!
Oh, I am just so happy to read this post! I've been out of the blogging loop for a few days and missed Brayden's coming home day. He will adjust and things will get better. Rest up as much as possible and get yourself feeling better! (:
Thank goodness for MOM's to come help us out!!! They are wonderful! So glad that you are getting a little bit of rest. Can Brayden get any cuter? Love the picture of him in the swing. It's so nice to see him there and not in the hospital. Praise the Lord!
-Jen in Indiana
My son spent 99 days in the NICU so I know all to well what you mean! My sons nurses listened to a certain radio station so we bought a tiny radio and put it in our room with him and it worked big time. Just anything to break the quite up.
Hope he adjusts quickly!!
I am so happy to see you home and enjoying your new family! Although times seem rough now, believe me, this will pass and you will look back and laugh at certain things....will continue to keep you in prayer....happy homecoming!
My first baby spent time in the NICU and also had a very hard time adjusting to the relative quiet of her actual home. The first night was brutal but it did get better. Hang in there and enjoy having him home!!
I am sure that once Brayden adjusts to his new surroundings and new routines, everything will run much smoother. It is important that you take care of yourself and get as much rest as possible. Loved all the pictures...Brayden is a beautiful little boy who is gonna break a lot of hearts!
Annapolis, MD
i pray that you, mommy, feel better. take care of yourself..thankfully you have support! being @ home w/ a newborn is not the easiest thing to do~~i wish you well @ GODSPEED,
as for little Brayden has a better time adjusting to all the new surroundings. i hope that he starts feeling more comfy in ya'lls enviroment! go brayden~i am so happy that ya'll are home~
We ALL understand if you you can't post! Don't worry about it! You just take care of that precious baby and yourself!
And speaking from experience, your sweet baby WILL adjust to being home. (My son was in the NICU too.) Relax... sleep when he sleeps and worry about a normal routine LATER.
When my kids were babies, I always put a wind up clock in their crib/swing/bassinet (wherever they were sleeping) to give them some noise. It really did work wonders.
The only thing...be careful not to set the alarm. Did that a few times. It wasn't pretty...LOL
Praying for you all.
I was so glad to see the update. He is just precious. Email me your address sometime because I saw something at the store and thought of you. I actually bought it about a week after he was in the NICU but have been waiting on you to come home to mail it. :)
Hope Brayden continues to adjust:) I also hope you continue to feel better!! So glad you guys are home:) Home sweet home!
Glad to hear you're starting to feel better. It's a hard transition, much less if Mommy doesn't feel good! When William came home he had a hard time sleeping too. We ran the fan night & day and he slept in a cradle in our room so he was always nearby. It will continue to improve, and pretty soon he'll be upset when you're taking him out for the night to other places, and want to be HOME!! Great pictures! Don't feel bad about posting, we know you now have numerous things to keep you busy~ baby's are alot of responsibility!! You guys are doing an awesome job. Enjoy your time at home with the little sweetheart! ~Annette & Will
Its so nice to see him at HOME!!
Sorry you aren't feeling well...nothing like being sick! YUCK!
Take care.
I LOVE the pic in his carrier! It looks like he is holding on tight to daddy!
Don't worry about us, just take care of yourself and that sweet boy! Adjusting to a new baby at home is hard anyway, so I cannot imagine what that is like after the NICU! I'll keep praying for you guys!
I have been thinking about you a lot and praying that the transition goes well :)!
What a blessing to have your mom close by to help out!!!
NO NEED to apologize! The first few months with a newborn are HARD! I joke with my friends because I stayed in my pajamas for 3 months when Connor was born! :)
Enjoy your sweet baby boy and I will pray for his adjustment to home!
Yea!!! I have been thinking about you guys... wondering the update. Welcome home, at last. What a blessing, a joy and surprise. I am so thankful for this good news today. He is filling out already and is so handsome.
God bless you and your family, and I will sneak back time to time to see how my little buddy is doing.
Enjoy this time, it goes by so fast.... I mean REALLy fast.
Happy Parenting!!
We went through the same thing when we brought our daughter home. She needed some constant noise. We left her door open and had music on in her room,a fan and a humidifier.I thought it was too loud but it did the trick:) I hope his feedings are going better too. Our daughter was on the predigested formula and it seemed to help. My prayers are still with you!
Maybe a white noise machine might help?!? Just a suggestion =)
I will be PRAYING you guys are able to get more rest! Praying Brayden adjusts quickly. And praying you heal soon Jenna!! What a rough 5 weeks your body has had!!!!!
Even though Brayden is home, I am still a member of Team Brayden!! =)
Thanks for the update and the pics. He seems so happy to be home. Even though it's a little rough for everyone at first. I remember when my now 4 year old was first home, she lived in her swing practically. Good luck and hope mom feels better. Thank heavens for Grandmoms!!!
One piece of advice getting to sleep: I don't know a/b NICU, but my daugter is 4 and still loves her Ocean Wonders Aquarium. It still lulls her to sleep every single night. They are wonderful and attach to the crib. And now they even come w/ a remote. So if/when it turns off, you can turn it back on w/o going in the room.
Glad you are feeling better. What a cute guy! That is so nice of your mother to come help out.I am sure she is really enjoying it though!
He looks so tiny on the changingn table. My son was in the NICU for 1 month exactly and had a hard time adjusting too. I think it took a little over a week and he started getting more relaxed. But then again I had one year olds running around and screaming all day so he probably enjoyed the quiet at night.
I love his bedding!
I hope you guys settle in soon!
Thank goodness for Moms!
Oh wow...your post just gave me a flashback of those early days home from the NICU with the twins. My two guys came home at 2.5 weeks and they were really confused. I lived with my mom and dad at the time, so my mom was a huge help. I hope you get some sleep and you'll feel better. It's no fun taking care of a baby when you're sick.
It's so neat to see Brayden in his own home instead of the NICU. He'll get used to the quiet and the dark after a bit. He's just already had so much to adjust to in his little life, so patience is key. Bless your mom for coming to make sure you got some sleep. Hope you're feeling better quickly! Prayers are still coming your way.
Bless his heart! He looks precious in that big ol' crib! Just like a doll baby! OH, I hope you get to feeling much better and get some good rest, and that your little man starts to adjust to life outside of the NICU. He sure is beautiful! (But I know I don't have to tell you that!)
I love his bed set!
Glad to see that you all are home, now. I hope it's going well :-)
Welcome Home Brayden!
I am so happy to hear that things are going well for you all. Even though I have not commented lately, I have been following. The twins have been keeping me very busy. I hope that you start to feeling better soon. I am sure that right now, you are more than overwhelmed both physically and mentally as I so remember when Addelynn and Alexander came home from the NICU. Just know, it does get better and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers!
My friend Vanessa pointed me to your blog...Get better soon! God bless you, sis!
I hope things are going a little more smoothly now. He is precious.
If you dont mind me asking, where did you get your cuties crib bedding?
So glad to see your little cutie is home now! He is just precious. Keep those pics coming :)
(I clicked on a link a friend had posted on her blog when Brayden was in the hospital, have been thinking and praying for his recovery!)
I have been watching the progress of your precious child since you all were in the hospital.. as well as praying. This is my first post.. I am so glad to see he is home and doing well. Brayden is an absolute cutie! Enjoy him, time flies when you're having fun!
(heart mommy)
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