Friday night I think my mom and dad are going to take him for the night. I say I think because I haven't quite decided if I can handle being away from him!
I have a big huge praise. My brother, who for over a decade now has been involved in a lot of things he shouldn't have been has done a miraculous about face. He came to church with us on Sunday for the first time in years and years. He is rededicating his life and totally straightening out so to speak. It is the biggest miracle (well, next to Brayden!). We have been praying for this for years. Praise God!
About leaving your sweet baby boy! It is such a hard thing to do more so the first time, but it makes you a better mother is what they kept telling me. I left my baby boy the first time on New Years a year ago he was 6 months old at the time. Stetson spent 7 weeks in the NICU in Springdale so once we were home I couldn't and didn't want to even think about leaving him. My mom came to my house at his bed time to pick him up and I was knocking on their door the next morning before they were even awake lol!!! The only person I have ever left Stetson with is mom for over night stays. I thought oh yes I will get to sleep a little that was not the case, I could not wait to get my little boy that next morning. I justed wanted to share my story on that 1st time leaving for the night. My blog is not very pretty but I have a problem with reading blogs I am addicted to them.
Huntsville, Arkansas
I totally get you on leaving your baby over night!! I had to do it for the first time when my sweetie was 3 months old because I had to go out of town from work! It was pure agony! Of course she didn't notice the difference, but it was still hard! Good luck with making your decision. If you go for it, you'll at least (hopefully) get some great rest!!
Hi Jenna,
I don't know you or your brother but I read your blog all the time. My brother has been in a "situation" or "phase" for years. I pray for him daily and it makes me feel good to know that things can change and turn around. I pray that my brother will also recommit his life as yours has. I wish him the best. I know you must feel so thankful and relieved.
I am also a c-section mommy and had my first c-section due to a similar situation to yours with Brayden. I just didn't progress after 12 hours on pitocin. My daughter was fine and I had my second daughter on Jan 27th (she and your son are so close in age) via c-section too. You did the right thing! People can be so critical, but it is totally common these days!
I enjoy reading your blog and think your little boy is adorable.
I am so glad that Chris is better! That is great news about your brother too.
That picture of Brayden is just ADORABLE!!!!!
Oh he is just soo cute! I love that big grin on his sweet face! I know Chris will continue to feel better soon! And that is wonderful about your brother, too! So great!
PRAISE GOD indeed!! Jenna that's GREAT news!! And I needed that reminder that things (and people) CAN change, even if it's been years...there are people in my life I pray for and sometimes forget to believe it CAN happen!!
Love that toothless grin =)
So glad Chris is feeling better! And I love that sweet toothless grin! That is wonderful news about your brother! Praise the Lord!
Glad your hubby is feeling better and poor Brayden. Allergies are no fun.
All great news!! And that smile on Brayden's face is PRICELESS!!!
Glad to hear that Chris is feeling better...food poisoning is brutal. The picture of sweet Brayden is simply adorable! Hope your parents get to watch Brayden Friday night. I know it will be very difficult to be away from Brayden, but it is important to have alone time once in a while. And I know your parents will enjoy spoiling your little sweetheart:)
Annapolis, MD
Praise God!! Will be praying that your brother continues to pursue God with his whole heart!
You are having a great week--all kinds of praises! I'm glad Chris is better, Brayden is well (except for yucky allergies), and especially for your brother. That's fantastic. I'm very excited about Mimi's tomorrow--I've been day dreaming about a muffin all day :)
That is awesome about your brother! God is good!
Glad to read that Chris is feeling better. The pictures of your little one are priceless. I will continue to pray for your family including your brother.
Lisa :)
I'm not sure how I came acrossed your blog but I think I check it nearly everyday. I pray for you and your family. I guess I see you and your faith in God and why wouldn't I want to follow a positive, faithful person like yourself. I too was induced but could FINALLY deliver after 19 hours. So, I'm not sure how long you were there but at 15 hours I wanted to have a c-section! Anyway, I love following your blog because you are so positive and such a good Mommy! Keep being positive and great work on everything! I'm praying for Chris!
It is SO wonderful knowing that loved ones, whom we have prayed for have accepted Christ as their Saviour.
...and that we will rejoice along side them forever in heaven! what a praise indeed! thank-you for sharing! -tara
You sure have a handsome little boy! What a beatiful smile :) Glad to hear that he's sharing smiles & growing out of his crying times. Happy to hear that Chris is feeling better. Try not to let what a rare few people write get you down, there is always people who don't know the full story & share their opinions, whether you want them or not. You are obviously a great Mommy~ Brayden is lucky to have you!
It's hard to leave your baby for the night, but it sounds like you have excellent babysitters, who'll probably spoil him rotten when you're out :) Have a great time!!
That is awesome about your brother :) My son is 2 and I still have not ever left him over night all my friends say I am crazy, they are probably right lol! I am so super clingy to him and still cant imagine what I would do if I woke up and didnt have him there. I am due in May with my 2nd and I am worry more about being without my two year old overnight while I am in the hospital than I do about the labor :)I love your blog your son is super cute!
Ahh I love this picture of brayden.. soo stinking cute:) and soo happy to hear about your brother.. it really is soo amazing how prayer is soo very powerful.. soo powerful! God is good...
glad to hear Chris is getting back to normal. I'll continue to pray for healing in this body. Poor Brayden w/allergies. No fun! it's the worst seeing someone uncomfortable and not being able to do anything about it! ugh!
that is a HUGE praise about your brother!!! God is SO faithful!!! YAY! I'll continue to pray as you guys I'm sure are a huge Light in his life!
Blessings from Seattle!
Glad your hubby is doing better. I am sure that was scary. That is also wonderful about your brother. It really gives you hope and shows that faith and prayers work!
Just read your last blog to "anonymous"......I am soooo tired of people writing critical things and then hiding behind "anonymous"!!! If it makes you feel any better, I've had this happen to me too. Your were kind to even dignify them with a response (which was very gracious!).
Hrmph. Don't let anonymous commentors get you down. Every situation is unique and no one has any right to second guess you or your doctors.
Glad you hubby is better and - such a cute little boy!
What a wonderful post full of good news :)!
I absolutely LOVE the picture of Brayden smiling!! He has come so far. It will be tough leaving your little guy, but try to remember that the times apart making you better parents and keeps your marriage strong :)!
What GREAT news about your brother! I have always believed that people can change...we just have to have hope :)!
Praise the Lord for your brother turning around. That is a wonderful feeling when someone you love is safe in God's arms!
Brayden is so so cute with his little smile.
Oh my! Brayden's sweet smile, melts my heart!
I hope Chris feels much much better. And hopefully it is ONLY food poisoning. I've had it before and it's horrible!
I have three boys, and I'm constantly asking for a break. But the moment i get that break, all I can think about are my children. Funny how this mother thing works huh? But really I hope you take your mom up on the offer and re-energized and just relax.
Big HUGS and Tons of KISSES for Brayden!
Praying for your husband to get well soon and will be praying for your brother. I'm so thankful for your family's answered prayers!
Little Brayden is absolutely precious. Blessings to you and your family always,
Matthew 21:22
I read the anonymous post and then the comments from everyone else. I do not think the anonymous poster meant to be rude or accusatory. It sounded like she was trying to provide you with helpful information just in case you felt as though there had been a wrong decision made by your doctor regarding Brayden's birth. You did well in your response to her, too, and it did not sound like you thought she was being rude either. You both were very tactful about the situation.
You are a good mommy to Brayden, and I wish you the best. Your blog is full of good news lately...huge praises for that!
Happy Friday, Jenna!
That is wonderful news about your brother!! Glad Chris will be okay, after some meds.
Have a great weekend!
Love that pic!!! Glad hubby is feeling better..hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Glad Chis is better.
I know you don't want advice from filks you don't know, but I also have an "allergic baby". He was about Brayden's age when we had to start him on daily doses of Singulair and Zyrtec. He's almost 15 months now and still has some wheezing and runny nose off and on but it is much better. I hate giving him meds of any kind, but if it works, it works.
His dr said we could take him off after this summer. Something about just treating thru a full round of seasons lessens their reaction to "irritants". Actually over the past 6 weeks - when the pollen has been really bad - he has not gottent he first sniffle )Knock on wood.)
Stacey in Missippi
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