We probably won't be going until May/June but where should we go?
Maybe Jackson Hole? Love it...
Or perhaps Tahoe? It's my favorite place on earth...

I'd say Disneyland but I think he's a little young for that. But we will be going. I can't wait to take him to Disneyland and California Adventure. Too awesome. No Disneyworld for us - the rides aren't the same, and they don't have a lot of my favorite rides.
Brayden went to the doctor today and weighs a whopping 11 pounds 2 ounces! He's growing like a weed! Soon he will be double what he was when he was born but we aren't going to talk about that because it makes me sad!
Tomorrow Chris' mom is going to drive up and her, B and I will spend the day together. We're still finalizing Easter plans (it can be difficult because Chris' parents are divorced).
Sunday was Brayden's second church service. He did even better than he did the first time! My mom held him throughout the service and he did so great. Brayden is in love with my brother Jeff, and he just stared at him and smiled and laughed. He loves to laugh! I'll say "ah-boo" to him and he just cracks up at me like I'm looney! Everyday when Daddy comes home he is greeted with a giant smile and a few little laughs and then he chews him out for being gone all day!
Oh and off topic but I am pictureless because our camera broke and we are waiting for the replacement to arrive (my little camera is still good but I have no idea where Chris has moved the battery charger to). Hopefully I'll have new pics soon!
My husband, 8 month old son and my parents are going to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole in May. It's been 13 years since I visited Jackson Hole and I am looking forward in re-visiting. We also have a picture of us in front of the antler arch.
Yay for disneyland! I drive by it all the time on my way to work :) Brayden will love it when he's big enough. Love the pics on your vacations too. :)
Oh you will have fun but man it is a lot of work. We took BG to California when she was one I needed a vacation from my vacation, lol!
I like your new background/layout! super cute and springy!
You definitely deserve a fun and exciting vacation! I'm sure Brayden will love it! My husband and I are going to Jamaica in 3 wks, can't wait!
Vacations are fun with little ones! Just be prepared for anything! Lack of sleep, crying, fits in the car - they can all happen! But then there are the moments that you will treasure for a lifetime included in all of the chaos...
My husband and I are going to Eureka Springs in June for our anniversary, but I'm guessing that's a little too close to home for you to consider it a vacation. :)
My family and I travel to Destin, FL every year. My daughter's first trip was when she was 3 months old and she did so great. We are from Ok and we drive, she did so well! It is so much fun down there and so beautiful!
Jackson Hole and Tahoe are two of my husband's favorite places in the world! He's already pegged them as two of the first places we take Aaron. Our first big trip with Aaron, though, is in August to Boulder to meet some of his relatives!
I have been reading your blog ever since Kelly at Kelly's Korner let all of us know about the complications with Brayden. Prais the Lord that he is the healthy boy he is today!!! I can't remember if I have commented before, but I wanted to tell you that I think your family is so cute! Y'all are going to have a great time on vacation where ever you decide to go.
I love a good vacation!!! I think Brayden would enjoy Tahoe...I love it too!
Hi Jenna...I am a blog stalker and just want to tell you I have been following for a while and am amazed at Brayden's progress!! God is so good!
I have a vacation suggestion for you...Breckenridge, CO! My husband and I went there 3 years ago this June and fell in love with it! It is beautiful, laid back, quiet, and there a quite a few neat little towns in very close driving range. The weather there in June was fabulous..70's during the day (and locals told us that was darn near hot for them, lol) and 40's or so at night. Good luck with your decision!
ahhh.. I cant wait for picture updates.. I bet b is getting cuter bye the day.. if that is possible:) because he is already the cutest:) yeah for a trip too:) so fun a lil trip for your family fo three:) hooray:)
Ohhhh I LOVE vacations!!! I can't wait to see where you guys end up going!
If you end up in Portland, Oregon, give me a call and we can meet for coffee! HA! =)
I am so with you on DisneyWorld...NOT the same!
YAY for vacations!!!!!! :o)
Tahoe is so gorgeous! But the other places sound fun, too.
And I'm getting the travel bug, too. Luckily we have a couple upcoming weddings out of state, so that should be fun.
I can't wait to hear where you decide to go :)!
Please pray for this young Christian single mother and her unborn baby girl. She is facing a very painful journey. We prayed for Brayden, so happy he is healed now. god bless.
What about Monteray, CA. Its gorgeous and you can view the ocean, visit the aquarium, really good food, shop, walk along the ocean.
My husbands and I favorite places are Napa and Carmel but those are more for along romantic trips.
Hope you 3 are doing well.. u hadnt blogged in a while so I was worried about you guys!!
I'm so glad that you and your family are doing so well. It's great that you guys can finally get a change of scenery after all you have endured. My Aunt-Carmen Adkins goes to church with you and Kelly and sent me the links to your blog and I've been following everyday since January. I have also started my own blog. I dont have much to blog about compared to you guys but its been fun.Here is my link---sign up to follow me:)
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