One, Chris just bought a new home computer. Great news...except neither of us could remember our wireless internet password, and all the pics I have on this laptop have already been moved to that computer, which means I am pictureless. The good news is that he has since remembered the password...the bad news is I don't know how to upload pics onto that computer yet.
Two...Brayden is 1000% better! Therefore we have spent many hours playing, laughing and smiling at each other! =)
Reglan appears to have been the culprit behind his unhappiness. I was worried on Friday because he wasn't eating much, but since then he is doing pretty well. He still isn't eating as much as the doctor wants, but we are slowly getting there. And my theory is that since he isn't screaming for hours on end, he won't be burning up a lot of those extra calories.
And on a sidenote, I heard on E News that Melissa (in the below post) will be on DWTS! Yahoo! Oh and she is dating a guy that she's known for 2 years. Jason was on Ellen the other was Molly. Apparently he feels that there wasn't anything wrong with him taking back the engagement on national TV. Ummm, okay.
Last but not least, I am getting one of these.

Apparently, losing weight after a c-section and after sitting in the hospital for 5 weeks isnt very easy. Bring on the Wii Workouts!
I just got the Wii Fit last night! I also had a c-section (a year ago) and it is HARD. Let's lose together!! :)
I just had a c-section two weeks ago tomorrow. I got the Wii Fit on Thursday. We shall see if it works good for me LOL Can't do much for another week or two.
So glad that Brayden is doing so great!!
i got the wii fit a few months ago...i had a baby 6 weeks ago and am ready to start doing it again. it makes working out fun! plus i have a 2 year old and he loves it also :) glad things are getting better for you!
I am SOOOO unbelievably happy to hear you have a (sort of) *NEW* baby due to taking him off reglan! I knew that was the answer to all his problems! I bet he is so thankful to have a mommy that knows when her boy is suffering! Yay Brayden! Let us know if the WII fit works, I am looking for a good, fun workout!
Yea for Brayden. Makes a world of difference when they are happy! Good luck on the Wii, I still haven't touched the Fit !!!
The WII Fit is Great! My husband bought me one for Valentines Day (I know not romantic but I wanted it. I started on the 14th of February and have already lost 10 lbs, I cut back on my calories, drink lots of water and Jog 30 minutes 2 times a day. Plus I also bought My Fitness Coach for the WII and a couple times a week replace my jogging with that. Trust me it is easier to get rid of the weight after 6 weeks than it is 3 years and 2 babies later.
I am so glad Brayden is doing better.
Yay for Brayden being happy! How wonderful that you all are playing, laughing and smiling. Praying that Brayden starts to eat more...but it sounds as if he would rather play than take time out to eat!
Annapolis, MD
I got the wii fit for Christmas and really like it!! Can't wait to see pictures and am so glad to hear he is doing better.
Welcome back Jenna. I can't wait to see new pictures of your 100% better little boy.
I have thought about getting the Wii Fit, we just bought the Wii about 2 months it! Let us all know how it goes.
I have been wanting this for such a long time! However, funds are always low since I have a daycare in my home that is struggling. Does anyone know where I can find one cheaper? Good luck!! We should start up a bloggers weight loss group.
I need to get on my wii too!
Did you watch tonight? I thought she did really good.
yeah for B feeling better!!! (On a side note, did you know that if a mommy takes reglan one of its side affects is lacation???? I just found that out, b/c I just got over a nad sinus infection and was worried to take medicine for it--since I am nursing, and the doc said if I felt like my supply was drying up he would give me Reglan!)
WOW! Good to know, but now I dont think I will use it--since you said B was very fussy b/c of it.
Anyways, yeah for Melissa!!! I loved her dance last night - she is soo good. But its obvious that she has had dance experience.
Yeah for a wii fit and for brayden feeling 100%!! yahooo! yipeee! yahoo! I love our wii fit.. but sometimes I worry myself when i pull certain muscles in my tummy.. dont want to hurt lil one! U will lvoe your wii fit.. yoga is fun! cant wait for pictures:)
I had a c-section 3 YEARS ago and yes it is very hard to loose the weight around your tummy! Your right having to sit in the hosp. with your baby doesn't help matters either. My son was in the NICU for 99 days and the heartache of watching someone you love soo much go thro. heck tends to pack on some pounds..
Heres to loosing weight!!
YAY!!! So glad the little man is doing better. You are going to LOVE the Wii Fit!!!! :o) Have fun!!!!
I have missed your sweet post Jenna but I am so glad that everything is going fabulously :)!
I can't wait to watch DWTS from last night and AI tonight :)!
Oh the wii fits are so much fun! And it's put together really nice. :)
Can't wait to see new Brayden pics--what a cutie he is! SOOO glad things are getting better! Good luck with the workouts!
I'm a regular stalker but let me tell you Reglan is a BAD med for babies. Doctors keep giving it, and it keeps making babies miserable and fussy. I'm so glad stopping it helped you guys!
Glad Brayden is feeling better! We've been fighting the Reglan battle on and off for over a year now.
18 months after my emergency c-section and I'm still not quite there yet. Yeah, sitting around the NICU for months didn't burn a lot of calories...the other 15 months, well I've just been lazy :) Take it easy with the workouts. No need to push it as the body heals. I'm still tender every now and then in the area.
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