OK, I know I'm partial, but isn't he the cutest?! I told Chris he was striking his "warrior pose" - I've been working out on the Wii Fit and on the Yoga workout there is a warrior pose, that looks similar to what he's doing.
Today we went to church for the first time with Brayden!
At lunch:
Last night Brayden slept (drumroll please...) from 11pm until 5:30am! WOOHOO! Excited doesn't describe how I feel. The last couple of nights he has been sleep for 5-6 hours at a time and so 6.5 hours is fantastic! The last couple of days he hasn't been eating quite as well, but he seems to be getting back on track.
I think we are going to go walk him around the neighborhood and then maybe go grab a salad somewhere (gotta love diets). Hope you all had great weekends too!
Glad you had a great weekend! Hope you have an equally good week and Brayden keeps sleeping well!
Hey--it was great to see YOU at church today! I know it must feel really good to get out and about--I'm feeling that too. Guy and I actually went to Tulsa back in the winter and had a negative experience. We had heard really great things about it, but it wasn't a good fit for us. We'll see how LR goes--I'm not meaning to be so picky, but I knew I'd be miserable if we went to Tulsa after our first appointment. Maybe it was just the particular doctor we met with... Anyway, it's nice to know 1 or 2 people who have a clue what we're going through, so don't ever feel bad about offering advice!!
I'm so glad you were able to get out and about this weekend! That is so great that you got to take Brayden to church today! I know it was a really special day! That is a great picture of the 3 of you! Oh! And do not feel bad about forgetting to take pictures. I think every new mom needs a personal photographer to follow them around to take pics! Between the baby, diaper bag and all the gear, the camera is the last thing I think about!!:)
Hi there! I have been following your blog, but have not commented in a while! I just have to tell you that he is the cutest thing ever! Y'all are such a cute family and I am glad that you got to make it back to church and get out and about! I am glad that it went so well!
He IS the cutest!
I have been following for some time and just had to take a peek to see how everything was going. Glad to see everything is going great! I am so glad that you were able to get out with precious Brayden! I loved taking my kids to church and showing them off...especially when they are as cute as him!! Don't you love too when they sleep through the night, I wake up excited and oh my goodness are they alright?! Take care and can't wait to see more pics.
Such cute photos!
Is it the yoga for the wii? If so, how it?
Okay, I am jealous about the sleep! My daughter didn't do that until 4 months (5-6 hours). She didn't do it regularly until almost 10 months. And then she had another bad period until about 13 months. Luckily since then (she is now 15 months), she has been sleeping at last 6/6 if not a straight 10-12 hours!
Yay!I'm so glad that you guys got to go to church together.Your litle guy sure is growing.So cute!I also noticed that we have the same car seat as you guys!We love ours.Take care!
I think he's adorable too and so handsome!!!
AWW Jenna! Brayden looks soo cute! I am so glad ya'll got to go to church together today! So precious!
What a great past few days! I'm so glad to hear that Brayden is continuing to do well and that our prayers are being answered!
I just read on your blog about your experiences with your baby's stay in the NICU. It is close to my heart because my husband and I are both Razorbacks, and I am familiar with the area. I didn't read anything on your blog to show that you were induced for medical reasons like a diagnosis of anything other than nearly being term. I am so sorry for all the pain and suffering your baby has endured!! Do you realize you have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit? If your body had been ready for your to go into labor, it would have happened. Your c-section was not necessary, and your baby's medical problems could have been prevented. I am so very sorry, shame on these drs. today for not waiting, the average first time mother goes 10 days beyond her due date and her baby does fine!
Getting cuter every single day!! I think he looks JUST like his daddy :)
What a great weekend!! I am so happy to hear that he is sleeping so well!!!! He is growing up so fast and looks just too cute =)
I have missed reading your blog!! i love all the adorable pictures... thanks for sharing:) u look amazing... soo good!! Go you:) Also, how are the dogs adjusting to brayden?? That is one thing I have worried a bit about... brayden just gets cuter and cuter bye the day.. how are you feeling??
It is so good to see pics of Brayden all dressed up, at church, enjoying stroller rides, etc. I love that you guys are now able to enjoy the little things...even John and Kate!
Haha love those two pictures of Brayden...the little man is as cute as a button!
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