Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cookies and Carrots

Yesterday was a better day. My mom was able to get B to take a nap (YAY). Last night he woke up a couple of times "talking" and I just let him talk his little self back to sleep.

During nap time I was able to do my favorite thing...bake! I made chocolate chip cookies and also cooked a pork loin for dinner. So good.

This morning (like 10 mins ago) we decided to try out carrots. B kept making this hilarious face because he apparently hated the carrots but everytime I would take his picture he would smile. What a ham!

It doesn't look so nice outside so I think B and I are going to stay in today. Hopefully I will be able to get him to take a nap!
Edited to add - I keep forgetting to mention this but a couple of weeks ago it seemed like B was suddenly aware that his name was indeed, Brayden. Now every time we say Brayden he looks at us! It's so neat to know that he knows his name!


Amy said...

What a cute picture of that little man! It is so crummy here in NW Arkansas today, isn't it? Yucky!

Anonymous said...

He's hilarious! That is just so cute. Those cookies look delicious!

Mary Kate said...

He is TOO cute!! That face is so funny!!!

The Coach's Wife said...

That is the cutest picture! I love it!!!!! My brother ate so many carrots when he was little that his skin turned orange for a while :-) Hoping that doesn't happen! Ha ha!

CAMoore said...

how funny is that?! He is adorable!

Kelly said...

Those cookies look so good! And Brayden gets cuter every day!

Rachel Dominguez said...

Oh does he look Onry or what? Is that how you spell onry? lol doesnt look right for some reason. Anyway...cute pic!

Meg said...

That is a great pictures and those cookies look amazing. I think it's funny that after feeding them carrots for a few weeks the baby actually turns a tint of orange. :)

Emily said...

ahh so cute! and I want one of those cookies! yummy!

Wunderwoman said...

what a cute little ham!! gosh, he is adorable. the weather here has been awful too, what's up? doesn't the weather guru know it's June? LOL

Kendra said...

Such a ham!!! =)
Those cookies look yummmmmmy!

Amanda said...

He looks so big! And I agree with my sister, those cookies look yummy! Glad he was in a better mood today.

Emily said...

Why don't you bring some of those cookies on over to my house. :)

duchess said...

I love checking up on your little guy. I kind of got attached to him when he was born since he shares his name with my oldest.
I also love that you call him B. That's one of the nicknames for ours as well - especially during baseball season. We also use Bray a lot.
Glad to see he's doing well.

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