So I need your tips/advice/ideas. What have you done at showers and had a great time with? Any websites you like that have planning ideas? Pictures? Suggestions?
I am just so excited for her - I want this to be very special and memorable!
Last year at this time, this is where we were:
Arkansas plays at 6:45 or something late like that this Saturday and I was fearing that B and I were going to have to go. Thankfully my Dad stepped up to the plate and he's going with Chris which means that I don't have to keep B out late, I get to go shopping with my Mom and I don't have to get angry with the people that cannot seem to get out of their own way when leaving the stadium! Yay!
One of my fav games is the diry diaper game...! You take various kinds of candy bars (cut a piece off or use mini ones) melt them in an opened up diaper and then place numbers besides them. Give each guest a paper with those numbers listed and have them write what candy bar is what number! Is it milky way, 3 musketeers, snickers, twix? Oh so fun! Another good game is guess the baby food. You take the labels off baby food jars or put them in other dishes and have each guest guess what kind of baby food it is. Great to do with similar things like Apricots and Peaches, Peas and green beans, Pears, Bananas, know the one ingrdient jars. Also I saw recently on a blog (forget where now) about someone making a diaper cake. You roll of diapers and put them in a circle and then add layers to the cake and decorate it with small baby things. You could probably google it or ask on blogfrog...pretty sure it was some how connected to blog frog when I saw the pics. Although someone did that for me and I loved it! Diapers I could use and it made for a really good center piece.
At my friend's shower I did the Price is Right game. I bought about 10 different baby items. Everyone has to write down what they think the price is for each item without going over. Whoever gets the closest for each item gets the point for that item. The person with the most points wins. I gave all of the items I bought to the mom-to-be after the game.
Another one at a shower I attended was really fun for an interactive game. You string a clothesline across the room and have a basket of baby clothes and clothespins next to it. One at a time the guests see how many clothes they can pin to the line in 30 seconds. But they have to do it while holding a doll and talking on a cordless phone to simulate the multi tasking of motherhood. To make it more fun make them have a conversation with someone while they do it to distract them even more.
We played the "guess what's in the jars" game too and it was a lot of fun. You could also get some plain onesies and supply fabric markers for guests to decorate onesies for the mom-to-be.
I've also been to a shower where a ball of yarn was passed around and each guest cut off the length that they thought was closest to fitting around mom's belly. Then everyone gets a chance to wrap theirs around the mom-to-be's belly and the closest to the correct length (without going over, of course!) gets a prize.
Baby showers are so much fun, whether your the mom, the host, or the guest. Your friend will love it, no matter what. Have fun!
I am SO EXCITED!!!!! You are a great friend.
Most recently the hostess asked the guests to write a blessing for the new mom-a Scripture, a mothering tip, an encouraging word, etc. and then gathered them and put them in a scrapbook for her. I thought that was very special.
I am hosting an online Bible study for MOMS on the book of Ephesians called "High Stepping in High Places. If you are interested in joining in check out my blog. Lots of details are listed. Click below:
Blessings as you train up your little one! jean
one thing my friends did for me at my showers was to buy a pack of diapers and set them out with a sharpie at the entrance. then, as guests come in, they write a note of encouragement or funny saying on the diapers for you to read when you're changing your baby's diaper. I would get small sizes though, otherwise they may have to wait a couple of months before they can use them.
I recently saw a blog post about a Dr. Seuss themed baby shower. It was the cutest and most clever ideas I've ever seen. Check it out here:
I've been to lots of neat showers lately! But the most fun I've had at one was watching everyone try and see who would drink the most out of a baby bottle in X amount of time!! It was soo funny! That and have everyone take a piece of paper and put it on the top of their head and see who draws the closest to perfect baby in X amount of time! haha! Oh the things that come out of that one! hahaha!!!
I gave my best friend a baby shower 2 weeks ago and posted a blog with some pics. It was for a baby boy so we did a green and brown theme. We made a diaper cake for decoration and made pottery (ahead of time) with the baby's name so that everyone at the shower could sign it for his nursery. We ordered the cutest invitations at They were beautiful and everyone LOVED them! We're not into games, so our only "game" was a gift for the person who could come the closest to guessing the number of diapers in the cake. Come on over and check out the pics at my blog!
I am planning a baby shower for my cousin who is like a sister to me. She and I neither one like real "babyish" things, so we are going sophisticated with blue/brown/gold and glass. It is going to be gorgeous! My favorite thing from my shower that I am doing for her was on the invitation you put something at the bottom about bringing a pack of diapers. Everyone who brings diapers gets their name in a drawing for a decent gift. We did a gift card to Red Lobster/Olive Garden. That way the mom gets a lot of diapers and the guests want to participate because the gift is actually worth it! I ended up not having to buy diapers for the first TWO months! It was wonderful! I also went to another shower where they put 15-20 baby items in a basket such as socks, bottle, nose sucker, clippers, etc. All items the mom to be definately needs. You hold the basket up for like 1 minute and then give guests 3 minutes or so to remember everything they can. Winner gets a small prize and mom gets the basket. Or you could sit it by the guest book, and not say anything and see how many items people could guess since they didnt' realize why the basket was there! I am also making a diaper cake, I just googled it and found awesome instructions and some really neat pictures. I have several other games, I just haven't decided between them. I googled baby shower ideas, baby shower games, things like that and just started making lists of everything I like. Good luck and I am SOOO excited! For you as well as myself! HA HA!
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