Monday, September 21, 2009

Mr. Mullet Man


My child has a mullet! Well, okay, maybe it's a micro mullet. But it's still a mullet!

Want proof? (FYI, the car was parked and off - we were finishing our Chickfila before heading into Wal-Mart).

This one's not proof, it was just funny:
I think a trim might be in order sooner than later. Maybe next time we see Julie to get Chris' hair cut, she can just take a little off the back for B! A mohawk, I'd be fine with but a mullet's gotta go!


AJU5's Mom said...

My daughter had a mullet of sorts. She was born with "male pattern baldness." Her top hairs are still inches shorter than the back hairs, but I just let it grow out because she is a girl.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Your little "FYI" comment cracked me up. You knew you would be getting a bunch of anonymous comments if you didn't. HA!

Jill said...

My nephew had a mullet for S-I-L couldn't handle it, finally cut it off. It's a good thing you pointed out that your car was in park and off...people would be accusing you of "pullin' a Britney." ;) HA!

Random Musings said...

lol thats too funny!! And my godson has a mowhawk and its awesome!!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Your little one has a mullet and my oldest one has an!!!

Yay for B and his crawling! He is such a big boy!!!

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