Friday, October 16, 2009

Crafting and Holiday Tees

Isn't B cute in his Halloween onesie and bib?

He wasn't interested in sitting down very long...

We have a huge arts and crafts festival going on in our area, and people from all over come to it, which makes traffic a NIGHTMARE! But, I got some really cute things for Bman, like this hat:

And for us...this snowman/razorback thing. I ♥ snowmen! (Note - oh, my ♥ worked! yay!)

Don't you just love crafty stuff?!


Courtney said...

He is so cute in his holiday gear. I love all the great craft shows that go on from now until Christmas. The snowman are adorable!

Lauren said...

Seriously, how cute is he and love the christmas razorback decoration!!! Too bad the Gators are going to beat you this weekend, haha!!!! :) :)

Sarah said...

I love his little jeans! He's getting so cute!!!♥

Anonymous said...

Oh what a cutie! I MUST know where you got his jeans! Love the snowmen!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I love the snowmen!!! The big craft fair in our area is going on this weekend and I always find fun decorations there :)!

Jennifer said...

Great finds! I love B's jeans! They are so cute and so is he!

Amanda said...

Adoreable as always! My friend keeps harrassing me about when the hubby and I are going to start procreating so she can buy this cute stuff for our babies :)

Creekmore's said...

The snowmen are so cute! I love coming up for the craft festivals, but we haven't worked it out to come up the last 2 or 3 years on that weekend. Maybe next year!!

Creekmore's said...

Hey - I'm really behind on blog reading b/c I was crazy busy with a craft show I headed up last weekend. So I just saw your post on monogrammed stuff. I have a friend that makes adorable stuff even for boys. Her site is: She does cute shirts and boy boxer shorts (and an AR girl!). Also - here's the craft show's site. You might also see some stuff on their you like :)

WaitingandHoping said...

Those jeans are super cute!

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