Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sick Mr. B

On our trip, we ended up spending a total of more than 14 hours on a plane. That usually results in a sick Jenna, but this time it was Mr. Man who ended up sick.

I took him in yesterday and the doctor said it was a cold that he probably caught on the plane. Today though, he spiked an almost 103 degree fever and now he's throwing up.

Here he is in a cool bath:

Today is his 9 month birthday and Chris' birthday too. If he's feeling better later, I'll take his pic with his sign and do his birthday post. If not, it will have to wait until he feels better. My poor little man.


Rebekah said...

bless his little heart! sick babies are the sadest things ever!

rae said...

Oh no!! I hope he feels better soon!!

Barclay Kathryn said...

No fun when your sweet little one is sick and there isn't much we can do. : (

Brittney said...

Poor Brayden! I hope he feels better soon.

Today is my husband's birthday too, and he was born on a Friday! He thinks Friday the 13th is the luckiest day of the year!

Kelly’s Korner said...

Sorry he is sick - that is no fun! Hope he gets better soon.
I'm ready to get past this winter - I'm so worried about Harper getting germs and sickness. I'm ready for spring already!
P.S. Happy Birthday Chris!

Unknown said...

He looks pretty happy in his tub. My kids would always scream bloody murder while put in the tub with a fever. Hope he feels better soon. 103 temp is quite high for only a cold. Probably has another viral bug a brewin' Feel better soon little guy.

Brandy said...

Did they swab him for anything? The flu comes on fast... my daughter felt good and then 2 hours later was running 102 and throwing up! The flu has hit fast and hard down here in South Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

Aw, poor baby!!!! I hate that he got sick from all those nasty germs on the plane. I hope he feels better soon! I'm a freak about germs now. I thought I used to be, but now that I have Kaden, I'm a certified freak.

The Scott Family said...

You may want to bring him back in. The swine flu has the throwing up along with it. As a teacher we've had many kids get the swine flu and one of the symptoms besides high fever has been throwing up. Keep a close eye on him and hope he feels better.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Chris! I know B is sick in this picture but he still looks SO cute! I guess it's the baleful expression.

Giggles said...

Love, love, love the picture of him in the tub! Such a cute expression.

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