Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa Baby

Today was my dad's Christmas office party and so we dressed B up and headed down.

Mom and Dad with Santa...I mean Brayden!
Unkie Jeffie:

I've really been looking forward to today because I was a secret judge in the dessert competition that they started this year! I got to sample about 20 different desserts and we picked a winner for best taste and most creative. The one that won most creative was an oreo ball that had chocolate puddled around it and the she painted it like a melting snowman. So cute!
Then it was time for the other Santa to stop by. Mr. B was over an hour late for his scheduled nap and not in the best mood by this point.
Right now, he's okay because he sees his Granddaddy and a camera...

But he just can't handle it.

For all those who think B never cries, well here's your proof!! As I'm sure you guessed, we left almost immediately after this picture was taken!
Merry almost Christmas Eve!


Kelly said...

Brayden was a cute santa!!!

Ashley said...

It was great to see Mr B today and you and Chris of course! I know Jackson really enjoyed the fact that B was dressed as Santa. He just couldn't understand how a baby had clothes like Santa. We talked about it all the way home that Santa's helpers make little suits for babies to wear if their mommy and daddy want them too.

Pam said...

He was the cutest Santa ever!
Merry Christmas

marion said...

I have never seen a santa so cute!!

Merry Christmas and THANKS for being a blog friend and making my year better :)

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable! Merry Christmas Jenna!

Jamie Kubeczka said...

LOVE the Santa outfit, what a cutie he is.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet Santa baby!!!

The Irish Lass said...

That Santa suit is soooooo adorable! Too funny! And can I say that your mom is gorgeous? I hope that I'll look that good when I'm a grandma! But I probably won't! haha


Marianne said...

What a cutie Santie!

Thanks for the chili verde recipe. I am going to make this after the holidays. I believe it will be a great Weight Watchers dish, maybe with a minor adjustment or two.

Lauren said...

How sweet!!! The cutest little Santa I've ever seen!!!!! :)

Jill said...

He's a doll even when he's crying! :)

Merry Christmas, girl!

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