Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa, Here We Come!

Today my parents, Chris and I ventured out to take Brayden to meet Santa!

I was very nervous because in my mind, it was a 50/50 shot that he would either scream and cry, or he'd love him.

And the verdict is...

He liked him! Well, let's be honest. He was actually rather indifferent to Santa because he was tired, but what he did like was Mommy making a fool out of herself by playing peekaboo from behind a giant pillar. That's probably why Santa is laughing too...


kim_brough said...

Wow, that turned out great!

Lianna Knight said...

What a sweetheart!!! Does he always smile with that wide open mouth?? I LOVE it :)

Meg said...

Too cute!

Heather said...

What a GREAT picture! Next year he may not like him....I always take it on a year by year basis!!! :)

Crystal said...

He always has the biggest and cutest smile!!!!

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

Awe! He did good. We went to see Santa today too, and she hated him. Well, I think she was just sort of so-so with Santa but then when the elf tried to make her smile and laugh with some stupid stuffed squirl thing she flew in her face, she was over it. We got one picture, she was looking ok, but did have tears in her eyes, and I was halfway in the picture, too. I'm glad you got a good one of B because the next couple of years he probably won't. I was like you, I wasn't sure what Bailey would do, I've never really seen her be scared of much so I wasn't expecting her reaction, but I told the elf that some strange man and a fake flying squirle was probably a little too much for babies. haha!

Sarah said...

That is so cute! He's looking so much like Chris too! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my that is so precious!!! Love that smile! I'm hoping for the same results and I'll definitely be playing peek-a-boo somewhere behind the camera too. Whatever it takes!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture!! He is too cute!My boys have all been "open mouth smilers" also. I love it!

Todd and Courtney said...

nice! I'll have to post Lauren's....she screamed...Santa laughed :)

Cameron and Rachel said...

I remember our first santa picture. I never thought I would act like a fool to get my kid to smile but I did. The things we do for our babies and a good picture. I am glad he loved Santa.
I love you open mouth smile!!

Barclay Kathryn said...

Wow! I can't believe you were able to get such a great first time with Santa photo. Bella likes him but Brynn won't go near him!

Lauren said...

Sooooooo cute!!!!! :)

Faith said...

AWWW so cute! Merry Christmas!

Megan L Hutchings said...

He id so good!!! It is amazing what tricks a mother can pull out of her hat when needed :)!


Amy said...

Great pic! Let's hope Brayden feels the same way NEXT year. My daughter SCREAMED last year but this year she LOVES him. Last year's picture is great... My son is smiling and my daughter is throwing a fit. LOL

Jenny said...

Hi Jenna, I've just recently discovered your blog and I'm reading some of your older posts and came across this one. I have to say that Brayden is always adorable, and I think he looks a lot like you in this picture, while I normally think he looks like Chris. My eight month old daughter, Addison is the same way. She looks like my husband most of the time but there are a few pics of her that look just like my own baby pictures. It's amazing how much they change from day to day!

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