Yesterday, Brody turned 10 months old!

- You weigh about 21lbs, wear a size 5 diaper, size 18mo - 2T clothing and size 4 shoes.
- You are almost walking. You cruise around SO fast!
- You say Mama, Dada, Baba and occasionally Hi.
- You wave and shake your head No-No.
- Your favorite toys are a stuffed bunny that you sleep with and "Tippy" - a stuffed dog you take in the car with you.
- You love to eat - ANYTHING!
- You now drink soy milk instead of formula. Our pediatrician says you get "more than adequate nutrition" which is a nice way to say you're a big boy!!
- You are a total Mama's boy.
- You love getting your nightly hug and kiss from Brayden before bed.
- You sleep from 8 or 8:30pm - 9- 9:30am, and take one nap for 2-4 hours each day, just like Brayden.
- You love Bubble Guppies and Max & Ruby.
- You are very analytical. You study everything and are very, very serious.
- You've started throwing a fit in the church nursery now. Separation anxiety, big time!
You are the sweetest little man and you bring SO much joy to our lives!!! Happy 10 months sweet boy!!!