Friday, February 8, 2013

My life in pictures...AKA, All Things Random.

I have quite the combination of pictures coming your way...basically with no real rhyme or reason. But here was this past week, in iPhone pictures!

My boys were all dressed up for the Superbowl! Brayden, Brody, my parents and I were rooting for our home team, the Niners while Chris, who was a little confused about who was playing was wearing a Cowboys shirt. Just kidding, of course he knew who was playing. He was rooting for the Ravens but doesn't own any of their gear. ;-) Personally, I was really happy for Michael Oher. 

Was it me or were the commercials not up to par this year? That's really the only reason I endure a whole football game...for the commercials. 

We had a family friend who was in town from California over for dinner this week. I made my Orange Chocolate Chunk Cake
I would say it was a hit! ;-)

While I'm being random, here's a question for you. I love these converse. Chris hates them. I want them. He thinks I'm crazy. What do you think? Love them or hate them? I would probably get them in my favorite color if I bought them (gray). 

Here's my newest favorite nail polish. It's called Beyond Cozy by Essie. Also, after years of scrubbing of nail polish with non-acetone nail polish remover, I accidentally bought the real deal, acetone full stuff at the store. Ohmyword. I can take my nail polish off in seconds now. Because of this wonderful, accidental purchase, I've started doing my nails every Friday night. 

Last but not least, to round this random post out, I purchased the 6 hour, BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. I love P&P. It's one of my all time favorite classic novels. I also really love the movie version with Keira Knightly. Everyone I know that's a fan of P&P has told me, "you have to buy the Colin Firth version!" so I did. Hmmm. It's certainly...detailed. The jury is still sort of out for me. Which version do you prefer?

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