Monday, October 14, 2013

How we told our kids we're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!

First, thank you all so much for the kind words, emails and tweets on my last post. Your support really means a lot to us!

Yesterday was Chris' birthday and more than anything, he wanted to tell the kids we're going to Disney World! I wanted to wait - mostly because they are still so young, and I don't want them to wake up each day thinking this is the day we are going! But, I caved and we told them.

I went to my local party store and spent $30 on Mickey related party supplies. We also changed our minds on Halloween costumes. I had a really cool idea that I might end up using next year that wasn't Disney related. Brayden and Brody LOOOOVE Jake and the Neverland Pirates so we got them Jake and Hook costumes instead. We hung those on their chairs along with a Jake fleece I ordered from

Balloons and streamers were hung from the chandelier: 

Confetti, Mickey cups, plates, tattoos and a Mickey arm bands decorated each place setting:

And last, right before we got them up, I made Mickey pancakes.

And when we woke up, we told them! I filmed the whole thing. First, we blind folded them and brought them downstairs. Then they got to scope out the clues before guessing where we might be headed! 

They are so excited (okay, okay, and so are we!)! My next project is to make a countdown to Disney calendar for them so they can "see" when we will be leaving! 

I am still reading through all of your tips and tricks you left in the comment on my "what to do at Disney" post, so keep them coming! 
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