Thursday, January 30, 2014

What's your favorite recent read?

You all know how much I love to read. I love keeping track of my books and my reading goals on Goodreads (you click to find my profile). 

So far this month I've read 15 books towards my goals for the year which sounds like a lot but I read really, really fast (like, I can usually finish a book in 1-2 nap times) and I tend to read in spurts. So, yes, I read a lot this month but probably in the next month or so I'll take a break and won't read much for awhile. I'm weird like that.

I wanted to share a couple of my favorite reads from this month. Incidentally, I recently did a post on my favorite books from 2013 (and I also have one from 2012) if you're interested. Just click the year to see those. 

I just finished this one up a couple of nights ago. I was really unsure going into it because Nicholas Sparks books can go either way. I love a good, happy, all loose ends tied up type of ending and you don't always get that with him. I shed some serious tears with this book but they were good tears. 

Oh, and I was also pretty unsure about the character that's a cowboy and into the rodeo since those things do not interest me at all, but it didn't detract from the story for me. It's a great love story, and I highly, highly recommend it. 

My sister in law loaned me this next book when I was recovering from my hysterectomy. I ended up reading it just in the last month and it was so good that I couldn't put it down once I'd started it. As soon as I'd finished it, I immediately got on Goodreads to see if the author had anything else (she doesn't, yet). You can read the book synopsis here.

This next book I haven't read yet but I purchased it yesterday and intend on starting it today. I saw the movie previews for Labor Day and thought it looked like a really great story, and then I heard it was based on a book. I checked Amazon and right now they have the Kindle version discounted to $4 so I thought I'd share it because I saw it on several of my Goodreads friends "to-read" lists!

Books can add up quickly and the best tip I've found is to earn points on Swagbucks. I use it like a search engine and I usually get 10-20 points per day using it that way. Every 450 points I cash out for a free Amazon gift card which I put on my Amazon account and use for my book addiction. If you'd like to learn how to do that I have a whole tutorial HERE.

Also, did you know you can loan some of your books from Amazon? Not all authors allow it, but some do. I wrote a tutorial on how to do that HERE if you'd like to check it out.

What book have you read recently and loved?
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