Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Timeouts & Sharing

The other day, Brayden was in timeout for something...I don't even remember what now. Brody just couldn't stand it - he had to got sit with him! They even posed for pictures! Sweet brothers.

And this is random and off topic but hopefully helpful. My mom wants to read The Hunger Games trilogy and I have it on my kindle. I thought I had heard that there was a way that I could virtually loan it to her but all of the tutorials that I found said that you had to have Amazon Prime (which I don't even know what that is!).

Thanks to some help from Twitter, I figured out how to do it. Here's what you do in case you were wanting to know:

- Log into Amazon.

- Go to Your Account then Manage My Kindle.

- Find the book you want to loan. I think there are some books that you can't loan, but I was able to loan this one.

- Under Actions, click Loan.

- Fill out the recipients email address and it will send them a link to click.

For this particular book, she will have 14 days to read it. That probably varies too!
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