Miracle Blanket - First, thanks to all of you who offered to send me one! Thats very sweet of you. I just checked out their site and I found that the blanket I have that velcros is almost identical to the Miracle Blanket. It goes on the exact same way, the only difference is that it velcros so the loose end doesn't just hang there.
Crying It Out - I just want to clarify that I'm not a fan of this. I am however doing what my doctor recommended and letting him fuss for 5-10 min's before picking him up in order to avoid a pattern of behavior that could continue on into toddlerhood. I think what I wrote could have been misconstrude to read that I let him cry and cry and I just want to clarify that I don't!
Going Out - After Brayden's doctor appointment we learned that it is okay to start taking Brayden out but there are certain places he isn't allowed to go yet, because my doctor doesn't want anyone touching him. So yes, it's okay that we went out! I definitly wouldn't take him out if my doctor would have said not to. Right now we do not have the green light to go to church but once we do we will be there!
Last night actually was an improvement. He slept a little better in his pack and play. I slept on the couch and just got up to feed him, change him, burp him and comfort him when he got too upset.
Adrienne gave me a blog award! Thanks so much Adrienne!!!
The Lemonade Award:
Bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude. What you have to do...upon receiving The Lemonade Award, you pass it on to other bloggers who you think show great attitude and gratitude.

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate 8 other blogs which show great attitude and or gratititude.
3. Link to the nominees.
4. Let them know by leaving them a comment.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your reward.
I nominate:
Emily N
i commend you for getting out and for trying so many things to help him sleep. my kids have all had horrible refulx. the best thing for us was holding them until they were asleep, then covering them tight with a blanket in the carseast. our doc said habits don't form before three months. by then, they were able to sleep on their own but the first few months were rough. hang in there!! you're doing a great job!
Brayden is sooooo beautiful! He looks like the picture of health. Our little nephews slept in their car seats on the floor in their parents' bedroom throughout their reflux problem months. I wish I had thought of that when my baby had reflux issues.
The first months are tough even with a healthy baby. Hang in there, Jenna. Eventually you will all get to sleep through the night!
God bless you all.
I have been reading your blog... glad the baby is doing so well.
Anyway, I will make this short and sweet. I used to put one of my gowns in with my son to help him sleep. Someone told me that he could smell my scent.
It actually worked.
Try it and see.
Good luck
Thanks for sharing!
yeah yeah yeah! Thanks for the award jenna;) I will post about it tomorrow.. I wish I could give the award back to you;) I love all your tips on what has worked and what hasnt worked.. it will be helpful for me in a mere 6 months:) Hope you get a good nights rest tonight;) yeah for moms!
Jenna, I've been lurking on your blog for some time--I'm so glad Brayden is doing well. My son spent a month in the hospital after being born and they gave us these great signs to attach to the carseat/stroller. They worked like a dream and no one ever tried to touch him without my permission. We also attached a small bottle of Purell so I could have people I didn't mind touching him disinfect.
Jenna, I've been following your blog since Brayden was in the hospital. I'm so thankful he's doing so well and you're all home. Please don't feel guilty for going out---some people will try to make you feel guilty for most anything. I know you're a good mother and an even better mother now that you were able to get out of the house for a while. Have you read Growing Kids God's Way? My daughter-in-law used that with her children and those two grandchildren were two of the best sleepers I've ever seen. I'm sure you've had every suggestion in the book but I did want you to know about that book if you don't already. Enjoy your little Brayden!! Linda (lz7780@cox.net)
Oh for sure, you should definitely go out every so often w/ him for dinner. Now is the EASY time to do so! My husband and I went out for dinner ALL the time when our son and they usually come to love it and actually SLEEP thru the noise! The sleep part is SO hard, so don't be too hard on yourself. It is very rough...
Glad last night was a little better!
From one mommy to another...sounds like you have tried many things. I have a 4 month old and remember the first month being the hardest. Since you spent the first month in the hospital, it will most likely take hima bit longer to get acclimated.
I kept trying things until I figured out what worked. It takes time to get to know your little one and what works. I read the "No cry sleep solution." I found out I was naturally trying many of the suggestions anyway. I think most mom's intuition and God guide them to do whats best for their baby. Glad to hear your taking care of yourself. Being a new mom was such an adjustment for me. I can't imagine how much harder it would be given your circumstances. Hang in there, it gets much easier soon. Warm regards,
Anneliese from Chicago
I don't know if you are a fan of Sex and The City, so you might not get this, but your last two posts reminded me of an episode. Charlotte is having trouble getting pregnant and is listening to other women talk about what they used that worked or their friend's friend Mary did such and such and that worked miracles. I just want you to know that you know what's best for your baby. Honest, you do! Take the advice that sounds good to you and mix it with your natural mommy instincts, then do what Charlotte did and tune all of that other stuff out.
I think you are doing wonderfully! That little boy looks incredibly healthy for all that he has been through so you must be doing something right. Just know that it gets better with time. Sleep will come, but in the meantime take advantage of your mom and husband and friends when they offer to help.
Good luck,
PS- I found your blog through A Daily Dose of Davis. I'm not a weird stalker or anything!
I'm so glad you got to go out! I bet you were so excited when you got the go ahead from your doctor. :)
Thanks so much for passing on the award! How sweet! I will put it on my sidebar. Thanks!!
Please don't feel that you have to explain yourself or justify what you do or do not do. Until others have walked in your shoes they can't understand your situation. From your blog it is apparent that you will do whatever it takes for your beautiful boy. Keep doing what you feel is right for your family.
Please don't let anyone make you feel bad for going out. You NEED to get out, you'll go crazy if you're always in the house. You're doing a great job, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise.
Jenna, it's really sad to me to think that your post was referring to people who may be judging you...you have been through so much with Brayden and whatever 'style' you choose is ok with me! And thanks for including my daugher-in-love, Lianna in your nominations! She definitely is a keeper! I will put it on my blog too!
Don't feel like you need to justify anything, Jenna! People will offer unsolicited advice about parenting, well, for the rest of your life! Everyone seems to know the "right" way to raise a child. I've had to bite my tongue on more than one occasion when someone gave unwelcome advice that made me feel like I was doing something wrong. Obviously you're not going to put Brayden in harm's way. If anything, your experience in the NICU has probably made you more vigilant when it comes to keeping him safe and healthy. Don't let anyone on your blog or in real life make you second guess your parenting decisions! You know what's best for Brayden and that's all that matters. I'm so glad to hear that he's sleeping a little better. Hopefully it will continue to get better each night!
Jenna--thank you SO MUCH for the sweet blog award. That was so thoughtful of you to think of me!! I'm glad things are getting a little better with having Brayden home--can't wait to see you out and about!
Praying that Brayden continues to adjust well and you are able to get some much needed rest! Don't ever think that people are judging you..we all know that youre doing what you feel is best for your baby and that's really all that matters!!!!!
Hey I hate when people have all these comments on what to do and what no to do.
Your his Mom that is ALL he needs!
Blessings to you & family. He is SO CUTE
You are doing a wonderful job little mommy...don't worry and stick to what YOU know is good and right..you know best.
Little boy has been through so much and so have you, i will be praying blessings over you and peace for you as well.
A book i swore by was the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg...it is so practical and very balanced. I loved it! You could check it out from the library and then if you liked it, buy it yourself. Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but right now is so hard.
So glad you had a good night and congrats on the blog award :o)
I'm so glad you got to go out and eat! It's so nice to just get out of the house sometimes. I'm praying that you guys have a great night's sleep tonight. I have 4 kids, my youngest being 9 1/2 months. I definately do not do this every night, but there are some nights that I just rock him to sleep. This time goes by so fast-I saw a newborn at church the other day and was sad I didn't have a newborn any more! He was fussy in the beginning and I remember thinking "The days are short, the nights are so long!" It will get better!...Enjoy your sweet little one while he still likes to be cuddled!
-Jen in Indiana
I see someone mentioned this book "The Baby Whisperer".I used it with my very colicky 2nd child...it was awesome. Didn't work so much with the 3rd and 4th, but they were nothing like my 2nd!
I found your blog today and wanted to tell you that your sweet boy is absolutely adorable! Hang in there...My first baby was similar as far as crying and not sleeping and I promise it will get better. We did the sleeping in the car seat too for awhile. Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Jenna - YOU are an awesome mama! I'm glad that you are following your gut and doing what's best for your family. Don't feel like you need to defend your parenting choices! It's the joy of being the mom - you get to do what best for your family! Brayden is so cute and getting cuter at each picture post! I'm praying for sweet dreams for ALL of you tonight.
Thank you so much for your blog! You need to do whatever you feel comfortable doing as a mama... don't worry about what others think!
Don't you just love it when people question you?!?! Ahh!! That drives me nuts! Your doing a great job mom!!
It sounds like each day little Brayden is improving :)! I hope that you know there are so many people that are praying for you and your beautiful family!
So glad to hear the Brayden is doing so well. I kept up with him while he was in the hopital via Shannon. Isn't it funny that we our Jack was there our favorite nurses were Sayward and Shannon?? They must be pretty special. :)
I'm having a giveaway on my blog. Come check it out! :)
Brayden is so precious! I have been following your blog since he was in the NICU and am glad that he is doing so well now. God is good! When my grandson was an infant, I discovered that running water was so soothing to him and it instantly put him to sleep. I purchsed a shower CD and the baby's pure white noise CD from purewhitenoise.com. The white noise CD was the best purchase ever. My grandson is 15 months old now and still sleeps with the white noise CD playing all night. Maybe that would work for Brayden as well. Good luck! You are doing a fabulous job.
Just my two cents. As a mother of 4 ( last 2 being twins that are 9 months) I have always picked up my children as babies everytime they fussed. Your pedi might be old fashioned but you can not spoil a baby this young. I am not sure if you have read about failure to thrive syndrome. Your baby needs you that is why he fusses. Especially since he was in the NICU for so long. He needs that comfort and love. Please pick him up when he cries. Babies only cry when they need something. And my babies are so secure and do not expect to be held all of the time.
I'm just a grandmother but my daughter had twins that were in the
NICU for a couple of months. There was constant stimulation so she had the same problems as you. But both hers were on heart monitors for 10 months. we learned there is no solution, just
do whatever works that night. she did find that letting them be in their little seats (not car seats) the bouncy seats, swaddled and her laying on their crib mattress on the floor was the best solution. after a couple of weeks she slowly transitioned them from room to room during the day. finally after about 4 months they were sleeping for 4-6 hours in their seats and her still on the floor.
once the milk was changed (several times) and the reflux meds acted things started getting better. they were born in january, due in april. today they are healthy 5 year olds. they never ever really liked their cribs. her husband is a fireman/medic and she was alone every other night. she used their crib mattress more than they did.
the main thing is limit visitors and dont let him get sick.
Jenna, you are doing a great job! Brayden looks healthy and happy. Hang in there with the sleepless nights and reflux. It only lasts a little while. My second was born screaming - his tummy always hurt! Now he is married...time has flown by and I actually miss those days - well, not always. :) God bless you and your sweet family!
When we first took Sam out, especially to church, I would wear him in the sling or just a front carrier with a blanket over him. People could still peek at him, but they were less likely to touch. I've also been told to keep them in the infant car seat and put a blanket over them to keep people from touching, but it never worked for me. And get out while you can! I remember going through a drive through just to get out of the house! lol
Haha at first I mixed up your comment with the comment I was leaving Harpers mommy.
Anyways, just wanted to let you know I think you are doing great! I have TWO reflux babies and I PROMISE you it does get better! I think different things work for different babies so you do what is working best for little Brayden! It is entirely possible too that you might want to look into REGLAN giving him these problems! If you read up on it, the medicine can make babies extremly aggravated and aggressive! I wouldn't recommend ANYONE taking it. There are other medicines that are more effective with ALOT less side effects! Just some advice, hope it works!
Try a white noise machine and leaving a lamp on. The NICU (as you know) is noisy and never completely dark. Good Luck!
I was also going to tell you about the My Tiny Hands. If you sign up for Synagis information (for RSV season) they send you a free one.
They really do help!! It's amazing how many people walk right up and touch your baby.
Thanks for the award! I feel like such a slowpoke - I'm just getting around to posting about it. Hope you & Brayden are doing great. He's so cute - and that first smile is coming soon - it's going to melt your heart and make up for all the sleepless nights (well, maybe half of them - ha!)
Your an AWESOME new mommy! isnt it fun?
oh wow, he is so precious. No advice as I can see you have plenty of that coming you way!!! LOL. Just wanted to say he is sooo cute and reminds me of my first, which was my tiniest. He didn't sleep for more than 4 hours until he was 9 months and then through the night until he was 18 months!!! The first 2 years of his life are such a blur, I sure do wish blogging was around then!!!!!
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