Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Balancing Act

Today we had B's neurology appointment. I don't think it could have gone any better! The doctor used two words the entire time (over and over again): Super! and Great! Developmentally he is on track or ahead when he should have a 1.5 month delay (didn't know that). So YAY Brayden!

Yesterday B started doing this:

He's standing without support!

He also sits up like a chipmunk without support:
This one was from today:

Here he's just crawling but it's the cutest thing I've ever seen....he sees the camera and lights up!

Thanks for the well wishes for today's appointment!


Anonymous said...

That is great news Jenna!! What a big boy standing up! He's such a cutie! I just love all the clothes you have for him.

Anonymous said...

Yay Go B man!

Guy and Julie said...

YEA---that's awesome!! I'm so happy!!! That was worth going to the appointment just to hear that from the neuro!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad!! :)

The Coach's Wife said...

So, so, so glad his appointment went well today! answer to your question...I will schedule a trip up there so I can meet you- VERY SOON!!!
Frozen embryo transfer is Friday at 12:45! Pray for those sweet, precious embies to thaw perfectly, attach and implant for 9 sweet months!!! Let it be, Dear Lord, Let it be!!!

Anonymous said...

Go B Man !!!!

Kendra said...

HOORAY!! I am so glad the appt went well!!

Lauren said...

Oh my word, look at him go. He'll be standing and walking in no time. Glad everything went well with the appt. :)

Kirsten said...

So glad his appointment went so well. He is so cute!

Krista said...

woohoo! so glad B is doing so AWESOME! =) ohhhh happy day! =)

blessedmama said...

What a blessing. Elijah is still a little behind but it is because his head is the size of an adult. It is part genetics and part from the hydrocephalus. But, he is getting better all the time! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Praise God~

mrstolli said...

He's so adorable! I love his smile! It lights up the room!

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