Somebody is very attached to his Mr. Binks. So much so that if you ask him where Mr. Binks is, that he hunts it down and shoves it in his mouth. This is, of course, assuming that it isn't already in his mouth.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
But, assuming he passes, I am gathering up tips and tricks for how to get him to hand over the bink. So bring on your thoughts, examples and stories!
And as for blankies, we decided to give B a blanket tonight because his room just stays colder. I have the heat on 75 up there and it's still chilly in his room. He wasn't sure about the blankie at first...any thoughts? Is it just something that he will get used to?
I've been a silent follower on your blog for awhile now . . . come to think of it, I don't remember how I found it in the first place! But I did hear of a way to get them to hand over pacifiers by poking a whole in the portion that goes in their mouth. It then doesn't satisfy the sucking satisfaction that they get. Our pediatricians nurse told us about this and then a friend of mine just had success with it. My son only had desires for a pacifier for about 3 months and then gave it up on his own. So may be worth a try. As for the blanket, my sons been using one for quite some time. He is never covered by it as he moves WAY to much when he sleeps, but it's in his crib if he were to want it! BTW - my son is 15 months!
Ok, you are sure to get answers all over the place on this one. I'm interested to read comments. In my opinion 1 isn't too old for a pacifier (or nunny as we call them in our house). I wasn't ready to take the nunny away at a year old. It was a security thing for my kids. My first was about 2 1/2 when he gave his up. At his 2nd b-day (if not sooner, I can't remember) we made him keep it in his room. It was a bedtime thing and that was it. When it came time to get rid of it we went to Build A Bear and he built a new lovey. Since then I have heard of people putting the pacifier in the bear, but we didn't do that. I think it would have been cute though. My 2nd was forced to quit his nunny habit at about 18 months because they stopped making it. He used a Mam and they changed the nipple shape. Anyway, it took him about 3 weeks to be ok w/o it, as opposed to my oldest who only took about 3 days. My daugher never took one, and the baby (3 months) just started taking one. My boys were addicted, I have many pictures of them holding one in each hand and sucking on one at the same time. :) Cute pictures.
Now that I wrote all of that I forget what the question even was. I hope I answered it in all of my rambling. :)
He'll get used to the blanket in his crib, I don't think that is anything to worry about.
As for the binkie weaning, the baby I watch started only getting his at nap time and bed time when he was 12 months. It was a bit weird for him at first, but then he caught on, now when you go in to wake him up he puts his blankie and binkie in his crib.
Though, his big brother didn't give up his until he was 3 years and something months. He was only allowed it at nap and bed time, but he still had it--and loved it!
I've heard sooo many different stories relating to getting rid of the pacifier. One was; cut the nipple part off. Eventually, the child will simply give up on the pacifier all together. Another one; cut back to only naps and or just bed time. Although, that sometimes backfires. Or, if your lucky ~ like we were...he will simply just give it up. Our oldest quite using one at 7 months. Our middle child never would take one. Our youngest, had her pacifier forever. But she had several medical issues and I didn't have the heart to take them away from her. Plus she has never looked her actual age. Anyway, our youngest lost her last one. She very quickly forgot about it. Several months later, she found it. To this day, I have no idea where she found it. We looked EVERYWHERE for it. Thankfully, she had lost interest in it by then!
Good luck. It's not easy to take it away cold to speak!
As for blankets. Our oldest two had theirs whenever they napped and at bedtime. Our youngest, had no desire to have a blankie.
we use the blanket sleepers. very warm!
With the pacifier we started making her leave it in her crib at 2 and then cut the tip off one day at 2 1/2 years. She put it in her mouth, pulled it out and said "This is broken..." She didn't want the broken one and it was the only one we had left so she was out of luck. She pouted about it for a few minutes and then fell asleep. The next day she told everybody about her broken Nuk (she started talking early and had a full vocab at 2) and that was the end of it. She has always been pretty easy to transition so I cant guarantee it will be that easy but its worth a try.
I honestly think you just have to watch your child's cues when it comes to the pacifier. My sweetie will be 3 in March and still uses hers when sleeping...and sometimes when she's just in the mood for it. Around age 2, we had her leave it in her bed. We'd take it with us in the car, but she would have to leave it in the car (we wouldn't want it to get dirty if you dropped it--is what we'd say). Right now it's more of a comfort thing--and who am I to take away something that makes her feel comfortable. Ya know? Her pediatrician has never seemed concerned...Hallie's vocabulary is off the charts and her speech is wonderful, so it didn't really hinder her speech/vocab development. Some days she'll say that she's going to leave it in her bed b/c she's a big girl. And some days she says she's just going to hold it. I figure she won't be starting kindergarten with it, so I'm not worried. :o) They're only little for such a short time...I certainly don't want to rush it! :o)
As far as blankets--we didn't give Hallie a blanket until she was 2. I don't know why...I guess b/c she always slept in footed pajamas, so it didn't seem like she really needed it. Now that she's in her toddler bed, she has a little "comforter". But she's such a wiggler that it doesn't matter! :o)
I should have said that around age two we had her start leaving it in her bed...but now she pretty much does whatever she wants with it. It's just not an issue. Some days she "needs" it and some days she doesn't. I'm just glad she doesn't suck her thumb! :o) I don't think I could cut the end of that off to wean her from it! heehee. :o)
I replied to you about this earlier today on twitter, but let me tell you a little more. My daughter is 15 months old. A little before her first birthday (maybe a few weeks, I don't remember exactly) we started leaving the binkies in the bed in the morning. She only gets it at nap and bed time. She also gets it in the car for my sanity! And I do give in when she's sick and whiney.
Now, it really helps that my daughter is super active. She never stops moving around during the day and she talks a lot.
I just had a nurse at my mops group suggest to limit it as the first step to weaning. That's what we are doing and it's working. Sometimes she gets into her room, sticks her hand inside her crib and takes one, but if we're not upstairs, she doesn't even realize she doesn't have it. Also, in the morning I tell her "throw your binkies in" and she throws them all in the crib and out of the room we go. I don't know how we're gonna take it away from crib time. She sleeps with about 5 (on in mouth, 2 in each hand). It doesn't bother me too much that she uses it to sleep. What I don't like is the kids playing and talking with binkies. But that's just me.
On the blanket. She finally has a blanket in her crib. I was freaking out about giving her one afraid she was going to die. She doesn't use it to cover herself. She sleeps on it sometimes, other times she's not even close to it. Her room is also pretty cold, so we use a space heater in her room and that solves the temperature problem. We also have a cool mist humidifier so it doesn't get extremely dry in there (I live in central CA).
I hope this helps, sorry it's so long.
I didn't stop sucking my pacifier until I was 4! The dentist about died when my mom took me in for the first time! He told my mom that I needed to stop using it immediately or I would end up having to have major surgery!
Brayden is probably too young for this...but my mom tied up all my pacifiers to balloons for me to release into the sky! It worked!
poking a hole in the pacifier is dangerous actually, if you speak to your dentist they will tell you not to do that, ours did cause thats what we were going to do, even cutting the tip off, apparantly they can choke on the pieces that might come off from it.
we just took it away cold turkey and it was a rough few days but after 2-3 days that was it, she didnt even remember having it. it seems really difficult but if you take it away completely and dont make any mention of it then it will get easier. we didnt take it away until just before her 2nd birthday.
oops and i forgot to add about the blanket thing, if you put them in footed pjs they are okay, we do that with ours, even at 3, it keeps her warm because her room always gets cold and the only part of our house that gets warm is the living room and hallway. that way if they kick off the blanket or dont like using one they will stay warm still.
All three of my boys did the pacifier and when it was time we just took them away. They were both two. The asked for it and that's about it. The thing is to not cave. My husband jokes and says its always harder on him when its time to get rid of the (mimi).
The blankets...our kids are blankie babies. Since day one we have let them sleep with them. We keep our house so cold at night (65) that blankies are a must. When Carter was one he use to carry all 7 of his blankies around with him. They were pilled up so high he couldn't even see when he walked. I lost one at Walmart. Not a big deal since he had so many but once again my husband was heart broken. he he he
We've let Dillan keep his paci and he's about to turn two. When he turned one, we only let him have it at naptime and bedtime. He also gets it for special circumstances (ex. long trips in the car). I have a lot of friends with children Dillan's age who are taking pacis away cold turkey but I just can't do it yet...he's so attached to it! I can't wait to read all the other comments. :)
PACIFIERS: All three of mine take a pacifier and now 20 months old, I consulted both our pediatrician and dentist. Each said that it's fine for now, and we should start weaning them at 2 or 2 /12 if the kids haven't done so on their own. Yes, some say it hinders speech development, but my pacifier addict is by far my most verbal - has a vocabulary beyond that of the average two year old. Also, the dentist said that once they give up the paci, their teeth - over the course of a few weeks to few months - will move back into place and not cause orthodontic problems. BLANKETS: Perhaps try a large Taggie. My kids LOVE anything with taggies on them. You can have them made or buy them in the stores/online (I have a FANTASTIC contact for them if you want to have one made for a very reasonable price). Both of my girls have a small "lovie" size that goes everywere with them, and then a larger crib sized one. My son also loves a Taggie but even more so he loves the AllyZabba blankets you can buy online. They don't keep covered with them, though, so like Candi we also use sleepsacks (specifically Halo Sleepsacks which come in a variety of styles). There are several pictures of our kiddos on our blog with all of these belongings Email me if you have any questions Good luck! =) Debbie
I have a 5 year old and I think we did this around 18 months or so. (That seems young now that I think about it., but I can't remember)
Really, I regret doing it so early. It was the last part of her being a "baby" and even I missed it! So, don't rush it unless your family is ready.
But we gathered them in a plastic baggy and told her she was a big girl. She watched us put them in the garbage so she knew where they went. Then in those first few hard nights, we reminded her of where they were. It worked alright. But like I said, please don't rush it.
We used the plastic bag because I thought I'd give in and that way they weren't dirty. (I pulled them out of the trash immediately after she went to bed.)
Warning! If you pull them out of the trash, you will be very very tempted to give in and give it back! =)
Our DR advised to wean the pacifier around 18 months.
I threw away all the pacifiers but one .. and then I cut a tiny hole in the tip of the last one .. and my daughter didn't want it any more.
She was DONE and it was that easy for us.
Thanks for posting about this! i'm curious to hear what everyone says b/c our pediatrician recently told us to take away the paci from our 15 month old. She had no problem with us taking it away just during the day. She just likes it when she's going to bed!
My daughter was around 20 months when we cut the tip of the paci off. She put it in her mouth and then pulled it out and said "broke" and I said yes. She left it on the table and that's where it stayed until she asked for it. After a few days she didn't ask for it anymore.
We always used the footed sleepers with both kids. They never seemed cold in them.
i need all the help i can get! my 2 year old (2 years 7 Months) STILL uses his passy. it's not really a problem because it hasn't messed with his teeeth yet but i do want to take it soon!!! and trust me, we have tried.
I have three daughters and all three used binkies (or Sassy's as our middle child dubbed them). My oldest (5 now) had a sassy until she was 2 1/2. Once she could understand well (between 12-18 months), we told her it was ONLY bed time and she had to keep it in her bed. That worked well. And eventually, she just gave it up on her own. Our middle child was a little easier. She wanted so badly to be a big girl like her sister and so she just gave it up on her own prior to her 2 year birthday.
I know the books say this and that, but most kids will make this transition and others (i.e. potty training) in their own time...when they are ready. I have learned that forcing some of the less important issues just makes the baby and the mommy unhappy! :)
Our youngest is 5 months and we will see if what I have learned makes me a better mommy!
You are a great mommy, so don't get hung up on the little stuff! :)
my youngest LOVED his binkie and used it until he was 3. Like alot of the other mommies who have commented we started limiting the times he was allowed to have it at around age 2. Then a few weeks before his 3rd bday party we started talking to him about what a big boy he was getting to be and that he would have to send his binkie to the "binkie fairy" when he turned 3! Then at the party we made a big deal out of what a big boy he was and tied the binkie to balloons and let it go! (to the binkie fairy of course!) ;) he struggled a little the first night but that was it!
i truly believe there is no right or wrong what works for you and your little man!!
My son is 21 months old and stopped taking his paci at 19 months. We tried several different things. We poked a hold it, clipped it and even gave him the baby size one and none of that helped. Our doctor told us you learn to pick your battles and when he is ready he will give it up. The 2 times I tried he had something going on. The first time it was a cold, and then he was getting 4 teeth in. They say not to take it when something stressful to the baby is going on. We started limiting his to only bed/naptime. So when he would get out of his crib he dropped it back in. We didn't let him have it in the car or on the floor. We noticed the more we limited it the less attached he became.One morning he got up and put in the bed and never looked for it again that day for nap or bedtime so we hid and he kept it up and thats how we became paci-less.
As for the blanket mine son will not keep one on him. i cover him every night and every morning it is rolled up in the corner of his bed. I figure he will find it if he gets cold plus he is a very hot natured little boy.
Hope this helps and you have goodluck with weaning Brayden of his paci!
My daughter is almost 7 months old and she loves her blanket. She gets really cold when she sleeps and has since she was born. I have used a blanket for several months now and so does her babysitter. I think that he will get use to it after a while. As for the binkie, my oldest son was very attached to his when he was a baby. When he turned one my dad his papa told him he was a big boy and told him to go find all of his binkies and throw them away. Alex did this and never looked back. This might not work, but it is worth a try.
I did not read all these comments, so this may be a repeat. We took the paci away at 12 months b/c I had read the same thing. To say he was very attached to the thing was an understatement, but if it wasn't there & we didn't mention it - he didn't care. Hope the same happens for B.
I just started using a blanket at night too - he does not like to be under it, but he does want it in his crib. I hope eventually he will get under it b/c I think it's cold!
we tried to take away the binky at our house when my 17 month old turned 1, but that didnt work out so well. he still loves his binky and that is the only thing he is attached to. i have read several articles on different ways to get rid of it. go cold turkey, gradually take away, only give at night, "lose it" or just let nature take its course and let him give it up. our son is 17 months and he still loves his. 1 is not too old to have one he is still a baby. our son loves blankets in the crib. he likes them to touch his face as he falls asleep, its a comfort thing. nothing better than a binky in the mouth and blankie on the face at bedtime. good luck!!
i have also read cut holes in it so the suction is gone or put something bad tasting on it so when he goes to suck on it he does not want anymore. might have to ask doctor whats a good food item to put on it.
We took the bottle away on his first birthday. I wasn't even going to think about taking away the paci at the same time. :) I don't think we will try getting rid of that until he is closer to 2.
My little brother was attached to his binkie. My mom (who works for a dentist) poked a hole in the end and once he got used to that size fo a hole, she cut a slightly larger one, and so on until one day he threw it away himself. She took his away at two and he had dental problems from sucking on it too long (buck teeth, which were fixed with braces). I plan to take my daughter's away (she only uses it at night now) after she is weened from the bottle. I'm going to do that at a year and once we make that transition, then we'll start working on the binkie.
Anniston has used a blanket since day one. Our bedroom is cold and she is a solid sleeper. She does move around much and the blanket has never once gotten tangled or bunched up. We just pull it up close to her shoulders but not over them. She loves them!
I don't plan to get rid of the pappap, that's what we call it, any time soon! You are right, I've read that too, about the aspiration thing. And I've actually seen it work with her. But that isn't the reason why. The main reason is we've been weaning from the bottle the past two weeks, and down to two, but Bailey has been ILL AS A HORNET. I broke down this afternoon and gave her one, it's that bad for us. I haven't had time to read the tips everyone has left but I'm going to later.
Skip on over to my blog and let me know if you've ever heard of that blog book thing before!
My daughter was about 18 months old when I cut off the tip of one of her pacis and gave it to her. I said Uh oh, it's broken. I had her throw it into the garbage can and say bye bye. We had a slightly rough night. Usually if she woke up during the night I just had to go in and find the paci for her, but without it I just rubbed her back until she went back to sleep. It wasn't that hard! Good luck!
Both Lil Man and Lil Bit have blankets and wouldn't sleep without one. They don't necessarily want them as a cover but they want them close by to snuggle with.
Binkies on the other hand have been like their best friends. Lil Man was to the point that he would rather have his binkies than food or a bottle. One evening we had a stray cat show up on the back deck and Lil Man took it upon himself to name the cat GusGus. Overnight the cat disappeared and so did Lil Man's binkies. ALL of them. We told him that GusGus took his binkies and he was fine with that. He asked a couple of times where his binkbink was and we reminded him that GusGus had taken them and ran away. It ended up being one of the easiest things we've experienced with Lil Man. He was about 20 months old when his binkies disappeared.
When Lil Bit was born I was concerned that Lil Man would take the binky and run. He didn't so the worry was for naught.
My son had a NEED to have his paci. We actually got it away from him, but the poor baby mourned for it. He was miserable. So, we used it to bribe him during potty worked, and he eventually completely gave his paci up when HE was ready, not when WE were ready.
Son never entertained a pacifier. Daughter did until she was 3 days old. Son never really had a "pet" or "lovey" until he was 18 months. He's nearly 4 now and he is now attached to a special bear and a blanket. He doesn't take the blanket anywhere and the bear must stay in the car if he goes.
My daughter she is days from turning 2. She got a purple blanket when she was born. Since she was a 2nd child and 21 months after her brother we didn't get a shower or anything so she dealt with handmedowns and such. Anyway, the purple blanket was HERS and her brother knew that. Anyway, she is attached to her "lanket" as she affectionalty calls it.
I believe there is a time and a place. I believe that parents can be the only ones who make the final decision on paci's and blankies. Whether it be 12 months or 36 months or beyond. You are the parent.
Hi Jenna. I've followed your blog for some time, but I don't think I've ever commented. When I read this post I just had to add my "two cents" :) I definitely don't think 1 is too old to still have a "ninny" (that's what we called it). I wanted to start weaning my son when he was two and that's what we did. Come Easter time (a few months after his 2nd birthday) we told him that the Easter Bunny was coming and would be taking his "ninny" but leaving him a basket of goodies (not candy, of course, but fun toys and such). You aren't really sure how much they grasp at 2, but we gave it a try thinking that Manuel was pretty intelligent for his age (don't all moms think that? :) and he grasped the idea. He woke up Easter morning and before church he got his basket. The Easter bunny had left him a note explaining what happened, and that was that. A few times through out that day and night Manuel would ask for his "ninny" but we just reminded him that the Easter bunny had taken it. Voila! No sleepless nights without it (and he was pretty darn attached to it). No 3 hour cry-fests wanting his "ninny" back, NOTHING! Don't get me wrong, not all children will be that easy, but it's worth a shot if you want to wait until he's a little older and can understand the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus took it idea. (Assuming that your family believes in those traditions-not to offend anyone who doesn't have those beliefs :)
Happy 2010 to you and your family! :)
I did not wean my daughter till two and one night she just went to bed with out it and never asked again. My son who is also named Brayden is 2 and 1/2 and still uses one and not giving it up any time soon. It is his security blanket and he isn't ready to give it up. So I will let him keep it. It will all work out in the end. It may be a few tears but B will be fine, bot of them, lol.
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