Saturday, December 5, 2009

A few more reasons...

Being couped up in isolation while Chris takes care of B hasn't been much fun. He brings him to the hallway so that I can wave and tell him hi but that's as close as I can get! It breaks my heart when I hear "Mama!" coming from the other room!

Tonight Chris and B made dinner! Roasted pork loin, prosciutto tortellini and crescents.

And last night, when I saw a Tollhouse commercial and I really wanted some cookies, he made these:

Just a few more reasons I love my husband! I'm one lucky girl!


Kodi said...

We are gonna need some recipes! :)

Anonymous said...

Aw what a sweet hubby! I'm so sorry that you can't be around B. That makes me sad for you!

Laurie said...

Steve made dinner for us tonight! I wanted to tell you that we have the same dishes!

Kendra said...

Yes you are a lucky girl!! Hope you get to feeling better soon =)

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

That dinner looked delicious!

Annsterw said...

Awesome!!!!!!! Looks absolutley delish!!!!!! What a lucky girl you are!!!!!!!!!!

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