I had originally (like um, before he was even born) planned to do a blue and brown monogrammed party because that's just what I wanted to do. But B seems to have a little more personality for a almost one year old than I've really ever seen before and I don't think he wanted a blue and brown monogrammed party. He's a little bit of a control freak. I have NO IDEA where he gets that from.

So above, is your hint. It's not much to go on, but I think some of you might just guess it. It's not an over the top kind of party because it's just family, so bear that in mind.
Brayden is in toy overload right now, and our house looks like the entire toy section of Wal-Mart! So, we are going to ask all of our family to donate what they would have spent on his birthday to Arkansas Children's Hospital in Brayden's honor. We're really excited about it!
OK, so any guesses?
Can't wait to see pictures and find out!
Hi! We already had it planned to do a donation in honor of Brayden to ACH for/on his 1st birthday! So cool you are going to request that we all do that! We do have a couple of gifts already purchased that we wish to also give him for his 1st birthday! We were going to give them yesterday along with his other gifts at our Christmas Celebration Day together we had but decided that we would wait and give them to him on his 1st birthday instead! We both are looking forward to giving them to him! Thank you both again for the BEST Christmas Celebration spent together! We had a lot of fun! Love you three with ALL my heart, Mom Lori
Circus theme?? I bet it's going to be awesome no matter what it is!
I am going to go with circus too.
I think that's the Carnival cruise lines logo, so I'm guessing Carnival theme?
sock monkey?
I'm thinking circus/carnival too.
I have no idea what your theme for your themey party is. I think it is wonderful that you are planning on having friends and family donate to the hospital in B's name. The hospital will definitely appreciate that!
I think it is fabulous that your home looks like the walmart toy section! That is fun for your little man. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you guys. :)
I'm thinking since I live in little girl land and only know pink, princesses, and baby dolls that I have NO CLUE. But can't wait for you to reveal! I bet it's going to be great whatever it is. And I agree, babies these days are so full of their own personalities, I was just telling my MIL I didn't think babies were supposed to act like Bailey does until they were at least two.
Hurry up already and give us more hints. haha! I think that's so awesome you are requesting donations instead of bday gifts. We should have done that and probably will next year. We have some sort of account, dont' ask me what, my dad is a senior partner in a large CPA firm and he set it up, for Bailey and he plays the stock market with it. We plan to use it for college and things like that, and if all years go like her first year, she should be pretty set once she starts digging into it. But we requested that that money be put into that account instead of gifts for both Christmas and her bday since they fell within 3 days of each other. And let me tell you, this child ain't hurting for toys. haha!
I was thinking it would be monkeys but now I'm thrown for a loop. The circus theme sounds good.
I cant wait to see the pictures
I thought it would be your favourite thing- monkeys, but now seeing that picture I'm thinking Thomas the Tank Engine?
dr. seuss?
I had Kaleb's first birthday with those same colors and we did Dr Seuss.....so that is my guess!!!
I have no idea but I love the Dr. Seuss guesses!
I can only imagine how beautiful the cabin was on Christmas morning!
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