Game Day!
Well, game day got off to a bit of a rocky start. You see, we were stuck in lovely Dallas traffic for TWO and a HALF HOURS!!! There was an accident and we literally did not move half a mile for 2 hours. So, to pass the time, I played with my new camera. Chris looks thrilled, huh?!

Here's our view:
Our marching band making out the big A:
I didn't know that The Band Perry would be there to sing the National Anthem. It was so awesome for the girl who has never been to a concert before (unless you count the Gaither Vocal Band which is gospel Christian music).
I started screaming like a teenage girl at a Bieber concert! Ha! I think I freaked the people next to us out.

KSU had one famous supporter in a box seat - Cam from Modern Family!

The KSU fan behind us grudgingly agreed to take our picture. This was after a few failed attempts at doing it ourself and he only really agreed because he was tired of me shoving my mammoth camera into his lap while trying to take this picture myself. Ha!

So, I'm really not a huge sports fan but it is SO much more enjoyable when you are actually there rooting on your team. I actually had a really great time! The only downside was that the game was late and we didn't get back to our room until around 12:30. Chris and I are like two old people and we go to bed at like 9. We had to drag ourselves up to our room, ha!
Maybe next year we'll get to go to that bowl in Orlando and we can hit up Disney Land!