Friday, December 4, 2009


Today is not my day!

I drove myself to the ER last night and ended up staying until 5:30am. I went to WellQuest a couple of nights ago and they told me I have a viral cold...well, after being sick all night I decided that it wasn't a viral cold and took myself in - I didn't want Chris to have to wake B up.

So for now I'm running a fever, feeling...ICK...and hoping that I get better tomorrow because I've got stuff I need to do!

Oh - And I know I'm still missing some of your links from my sidebar - leave me a comment if you see yourself missing!


Crystal said...

I hope you start feeling better! I think it is everywhere. We have all been sick or ICK feeling in NC too :(

Sherrie said...

Hope you feel better soon. It's no fun being sick, especially if you have lots to do.

The Undomestic Mom said...

Oh no! Feel better! Its so hard being sick and being a mom!

Kendra said...

Ick. I had the "icks" last week...all during Thanksgiving. I hope you're feeling better soon! It's no fun to be sick...but it's really no fun to be sick when you have to take care of a sweetie pie.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!

Heather said...

So sorry you are sick....hope you feel better soon!

Kendra said...

poor thing!! I will be praying you feel better soon =(

Christy said...

Goodness girlie.. I sure hope you feel better soon!!!

Maria said...

Hi Jenna, I read your blog almost daily but have never commented. Love your blog and sense of humor. B is adorable. Thank you for sharing your life in such a great way! So sorry to hear that you are sick.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

How are you feeling? What did the ER say?

tootie said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!!

Christa said...

Hope you feel better soon!!! I am loving your new blog makeover!

Barclay Kathryn said...

Not a good time to get sick with the busyness of the holidays, feel better soon!

Julee said...

I really like your blog makeover! Hope you are feeling better soon! Also I LOVE tollhouse cookies! They are my favs and the only brand I buy! I bought the Christmas swirl ones and they are just simply delicious!!

Lauren said...

Oh, girl... hope you get to feeling better!!!!!

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